Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 17, 2009

  1. Trop light
    JonD17  over 14 years ago

    Hey baslim, as an alumnus of Walden, I resemble that remark!

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  2. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 14 years ago

    Bob, Garry took a little shot at Cash for Clunkers yesterday - the first strip EVER that zinged the Dems all year - which evolved into a comparision with government-run healthcare. After that, I’m thinking he’ll stay with safer topics for a while, such as todays, as the Independents are making a 180-degree turn towards the right.

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    JonD17  over 14 years ago

    Interesting; here is our lesson for the day; how to do a 3 step political injection. Hey, it don’t matter if it ain’t political or racial. We can make it that way in 3 easy comments!

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    jpozenel  over 14 years ago

    Looks like we’re getting a breather from politics today.

    He’ll probably give it to us again with both barrels when we’re not expecting it.

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  5. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 14 years ago

    BobMcK: “[W]hy doesn’t he have the cajones to go after Obama.”

    I thought yesterday’s strip undermined ObamaCare - a government that mucks up auto sales wooudl do even worse to something far more complex.

    Trudeau could have had fun with Obama undermining his own health by touting the superiority of UPS/Fed Ex over the USPO. Or the proliferation of tax cheats in the administration - even SNL went after Tim Geithner. Or the proliferation of unaccountable czars. Or the multitrillion spending promises.

    During the election Trudeau could have gotten mileage out of the “57 states” gaffe, or Rev. Wright (keep in mind that it was Hillary who brought that issue to the fore), or the Annenberg Challenge scandals (the attempted coverup of its records, the fact that the portion of the AC-funded school programs that were drafted in-house were drafted by a confessed terrorist).

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  6. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 14 years ago

    if i remember correctly, Walden’s football team was bad even when BD and Zonker were playing for them back at the beginning of the strip. i don’t think they’ve ever been good (or even competitive).

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    rtacsk  over 14 years ago

    I believe that Obama isn’t eligible to be President…. I believe that Obamacare will euthanize the elderly and the disabled…. I believe that Obama is the source of all of our economic ills… I believe that Sotomayer will vote to rescind the Bill of Rights…. I believe that Bush 42 should be added to Mt. Rushmore…. I believe all of this because I am a proud, flag waving Republican and a Great American!…. and you’re not!!!!

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    Sternvogel  over 14 years ago

    rtacsk said, 34 minutes ago

    “I believe that Bush 42 should be added to Mt. Rushmore…”

    Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States. Do you mean Bush 43 (G.W. Bush)?

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    KenyarJad  over 14 years ago

    THERE WERE 42 BUSHES INVOLVED IN POLITICAL LIFE? Somebody add them to the Darwin Awards straight away, because seriously - we don’t need any more.

    But anyway, in relation to the strip - amusing how Toggle can speak eloquently enough when around his girl, but while around a football coach, he reverts back to single-word sentences.

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    rtacsk  over 14 years ago

    opps… that would be Bush 43. The irony is that I’ve been able to recite the Presidents in order and the years they served since the 2nd grade….. George W. Bush fully elected POTUS in 2004 and served legitimately 2005-2009. We do have a tendency to try to forget our worst nightmares.

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  11. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 14 years ago

    Decades ago, newspapers here and there were moving the Doonesbury comic strip from the comics pages to the editorials page. That was just as funny as anything that ever happened in the strip itself.

    What was not funny was the time they decided a series of strips was offensive, and censored it from the newspapers entirely. (If you remember this, you’re showing your age.) It was about a friend of Joany’s who had AIDS, and was dying in a hospital bed, and he kept cracking jokes. The newpapers said this was disrespectful. People in my city who had AIDS said it wasn’t disrespectful, what they were offended by was the newspaper’s attitude, and what Trudeau was talking about was the courage that the dying man was showing. The local free weekly paper published all the strips at the end of the week. I doubt if the daily paper learned anything from this experience.

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  12. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 14 years ago

    What’s so bad about socialism? I often wonder if people use these words as denotations (having meanings) or as connotations (generating emotions). The word “communist” always has been synonymous with “bad”, as far as I could tell. Most people who used it didn’t know, didn’t care to know, and felt they didn’t need to know, anything more than that.

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  13. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 14 years ago

    I was taking @rtacsk’s criticism of obama seriously, until he(she?) went too far and said, “I believe that obama is the source of all our economic ills”, which was too much. surely he wasn’t responsible for things that happened before he was elected? Before he even was officially a candidate?

    well, I guess you can’t blame him for swine flu, no that’s not true, i heard a joke about that: people said that before obama could ever be elected, pigs would have to be able to fly, and he was elected, and guess what: “swine flew!”

    But what’s so terrible about having a president who tells it like it is, and tries to fix what’s wrong? There’s a lot of people the world over who really admire obama, and are waiting to see what he will do next.

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    PSUnderwood  over 14 years ago

    “But what’s so terrible about having a president who tells it like it is, and tries to fix what’s wrong?”

    Nothing. I wish we had one.

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    rtacsk  over 14 years ago

    We do have one, PS. You’re just a bit too blinded by your partisanship to see Obama as he really is……. But then partisanship has become a blood sport in this country… both sides. I believe we are in a state of cold civil war, both culturally and politically. I hope it doesn’t turn hot anytime soon… or at least til I can move to state bluer than KY.

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  16. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 14 years ago

    We did. And he was smart enough to refuse reelection.

    Guy name of George Washington.

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    ChiehHsia  over 14 years ago

    JAD - and naturally, what the Tulsa World does should be regarded as sacred and appropriate for the rest of us. Oh wait… the Oklahoma Gazette did the same thing. Never mind. ;-)

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