Lisa Benson for October 26, 2016

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    Comicsfan222  over 7 years ago

    Hm, perhaps if the Republicans had let Obama have single payer and the ability to negotiate prices of drugs this wouldn’t be happening.

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    billsarar  over 7 years ago

    Obamacare is half a loaf. As long as it tries to function in the present system and uses For Profit Insurance Companies, it’s going to have problems. Single payer is the only way this will function properly. Here’s the problem: most folk don’t realize they ALREADY pay taxes for this- they imagine they will pay more in taxes. FOr profit insurance take their top sellers to Cancun as a reward, Single payer have just the paperwork jockeys that work their 9 to 5 and don’t get huge perks. This is an oversimplification of course but do the math yourself. One company has huge overhead from profit and perks; the other has basic employee benefits and no stockholders. It’s not that hard. (Except denying the Lobbyists for Big Insurance) No perks for the Senators!

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    DaBoogadie  over 7 years ago

    Can someone please tell me which government entity raised insurance rates?

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    ed27  over 7 years ago

    No government entity; lack of competition in the states that didn’t support the creation of open market places caused it and it’s only those states then went up more than the norm.

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 7 years ago

    The for-profit insurance approach has given the U.S. at least double the health care costs of other nations and a plethora of rules, regulations, and restrictions. The high cost will continue so long as health care is a profit center. More competition is not the solution. After you’ve been hit by a bus, it’s such a bother to have to shop for health care. Other nations have either gone to single-payer government sponsored care or highly regulated not-for-profit insurance models. Most single-payers are a mix of public, private, and community participation – private health care practitioners, community hospitals, and government regulated and funded. One of the most popular programs is Great Britain’s, which also has the most government participation. The Brit’s like their health care. Even Maggie Thatcher wasn’t going to tamper with it. One of the most efficient (low cost and effective) is Taiwan’s, which is modelled after Canada’s national health care system with parts borrowed from some European countries. Taiwan instigated health care reform in 1994, the year Republicans were shooting down Hillarycare. Taiwan now has a great system that has saved the lives of tens of thousands of their citizens. The U.S. continues to have a costly system that results in tens of thousands of their citizens needlessly dying because they can’t afford health care, and tens of thousands of others going into bankruptcy and financial tragedy in order to save loved ones. Those that think universal health care is unaffordable should look to Cuba, a poor country that has universal health care and a life expectancy only slightly less than the U.S.. They also provide health care for people in other nations (including the U.S.) looking for affordable and relatively good health care.

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    ARodney  over 7 years ago

    None of the conservatives posting here understand Obamacare, which is why their posts make so little sense. These are PRIVATE COMPANIES raising prices, not the government. And only on people in certain states (Red states hit the hardest, naturally, because their governments are opposed to helping citizens get health insurance). Obamacare is NOT a government take-over of health care. It’s private insurance competing in a public market.

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    See that Hope poster? He asked everyone to help pitch in to make this work. To help pull us out of preemptive wars for personal vendettas and the recession he was handed.Unfortunately the Republicans decided to stop showing up because they weren’t going to accept a black man for president. Maybe when we have Republicans who will work with other politicians, or sweep them, we’ll have a legislative body who can fix this and help the little guy. Until then, everyone calm down, the people at the top are still making a boat load of money off of this, just as the GOP asked for.

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    Old Girl  over 7 years ago
    Well, all these comments are really interesting; but you all must think you’re preaching to your own choir.Some think Canada’s cool; but compare your insurance cost to 10.5% of your gross income … that’s their tax rate for health care out of the 25% flat tax with essentially no deductions. Good deal for some; but it’s really expensive for others.The real cause of people not having health care insurance has been the cost for low income people. We should agree on that or get out of the discussion. Most people with real jobs got insurance within a GROUP that was a really low rate compared to an individual policy. All the government needed to do was to form a GROUP and let the industry bid on that contract.
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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Thanks to Republican committee efforts, my mom’s prescription drugs purchased by Medicaid cost at least 5 times as much as my same drugs purchased at the pharmacy, and 50 times more than VA pays for the same medication! THAT was the hidden cost typical of corporate control of Republicans, and yes, some Democrats too, in Congress.

    BTW: single payer works VERY WELL for my daughter (an RN) and son-in-law who now live in New Zealand. Total out of pocket for all costs related to the prenatal, and other costs for their daughter: $40, and the New Zealand cost controls kept excellent care to less than 1/50th the cost in US.

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    lesmcf  over 7 years ago

    In all fairness, the so called “Obama Care” failed for two reasons, first, the younger, healthier people did NOT subscribe as hoped, and second, the greedy health industry that includes. hospitals, drugs, and physicians) continuously raise prices

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