Gary Markstein for May 26, 2016

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    One day I wake up and feel like woman. I can now use the women’s restroom. But what if I wake up another day and feel like a man? Can I go back to the men’s restroom?

    What if I wake up and don’t feel like a man or woman? Can you create a special bathroom for me?

    What are the qualifications to enter a restroom contrary to the sex I was born with?

    Must I dress like the opposite sex or…do I just have to say I feel opposite? Can I have a beard or is that against the transgender law?

    What about dressing rooms? Why are you limiting me to restrooms? Hello???

    What about hospital rooms?? Why can’t I room with a patient that is not the same sex as me? Why not????

    Here is a solution: remove all MEN and WOMAN signs…tadahh! Problem solved!!!

    Now you don’t have to ponder the above questions.

    Can anyone tell me WHY they even made those signs in the first place?? Silly silly rules.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    Our natural born virtues are being assaulted by things that go against nature.

    In real life I’m not really so angry. it’s called irony and humor. With a funny twist on things we can see how silly this whole thing really is.

    The illogical idea of allowing men to go into woman’s restrooms violated everything that makes us decent humans. What is next? Allowing men in dressing rooms? Hospital rooms…the list goes on and on.

    The comics (and the media) are portraying those who understand dignity, decency and propriety as being on the ‘wrong side’.

    For many centuries, in civilized societies, women have always been afforded their dignity. To break down these social barriers for the sake of a few transgenders is to break down a wall that has always protected us from violating social mores.

    But people, in general, are losing their social mores.

    Transgenders who are TRULY transgenders ARE NOT GOING into restrooms to sexually exploit women. I GET IT.

    They need help! Not access to restrooms.

    The funny thing is that I completely understand why this is happening.

    This homosexual agenda is a small part of what is going around the world. Wars, world pollution, failed governments, social unrest, crushing poverty. It was written thousands a years ago by sages greater than us.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    Question: Why do we have signs (MEN/WOMEN) on bathrooms, dressing rooms and other places to separate genders?

    Answer: To protect women.

    In the past: A man walks into a women’s restroom, the conversation goes like this:

    Woman: “Excuse me, but this is the women’s restroom.”Man: “Oh, I’m sorry…” (he walks out).

    If he doesn’t walk out she has a right to scream, or call the manager. In other words…she’s protected by the sign that says: WOMEN.

    Present Day: A man walks into a women’s restroom, the conversation goes like this:Woman: “Excuse me, but this is the women’s restroom.”Man: “I’m transgender.”

    But how can the women tell he isn’t a heterosexual predator? She can’t scream, she can’t call the manager…she is denied her protection.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    Nobody has answered my question….why do we have bathroom signs?

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Unisex bathrooms with locks, simplest answer. Dennis Hastert and Larry Craig both represented greater threats to folks.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    Unisex bathrooms will work…but can you imagine the infrastructure to build…oh well….

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 8 years ago

    Pretty sure a lot of people are forced to do stuff they aren´t comfortable with during their lives – but you know what happens, they find out they still live afterwards, and it doesn´t matter so much in the long run. Also that kids in general doesn´t think that way – it is the adults having issues on behalf of children …

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    TUE ELANG-JENSON: Yes because the adults are supposed to protect children.

    But this isn’t about sex-molesting-transgenders because I have not heard of any transgenders molesting children.

    It’s about dignity, decency and propriety…for women in the bathroom.

    It’s about pushing the homosexual agenda blurring the difference between men and women.

    It’s about making normal things look abnormal and abnormal things look normal.

    People who have DNA born sexual issues need help, mercy and assistance… not access to opposite sex bathrooms.


    Because how can you tell the difference between a man and a woman if the transgender is not dressed as a woman?

    How will the woman in the bathroom know if it is a real transgender or a man just coming in?

    She can;t yell for help because the WOMEN sign means nothing anymore.

    Break down social mores and you break down society.

    Don;t worry…more stuff like this coming down the line…just wait and see.

    Oh and no self respecting woman would want to enter a Men’s restroom, trust me gals, it’s not a pretty sight in there!!!

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Alexazabala: started putting in Unisex bathrooms 40 years ago, saving thousands on each installation, millions of dollars over the years. When one client was told meeting ADA standards would cost over $60,000, showed him how to do it for under $600!! It was to upgrade his building and meet the law, with yes, a unisex toilet.

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    alexzabala  almost 8 years ago

    dtroutma: That may work…oh and unisex dressing’s coming

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  11. Frank
    Frankfreak  almost 8 years ago

    “One day I wake up and feel like woman. I can now use the women’s restroom. But what if I wake up another day and feel like a man? Can I go back to the men’s restroom?”If you have that problem, you probably have Multiple Personality Disorder and which restroom you use is not the problem.

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