Bob Gorrell for May 11, 2016

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Put the gun to your head and call me after you have pulled the trigger.

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    starcandles Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Sorry. I do not want them in my bathroom. I don’t want my own husband in my bathroom when I am using it. Stop pushing your sick social agenda down our throats. They can use the family bathroom. That is what it is for, since Dad’s can’t go into the ladies’ room with their 5 year old daughter, & Mom’s can’t accompany their young sons into the Mens’ room.. For a reason. And a Trans person should be no different. Their are plenty of family bathrooms available. This is a privacy & safety issue.

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 8 years ago

    This is sideshow stuff to distract the voters from the real ills that the country is currently enduring under the failed leadership of President Obama.

    I hear what you are saying Starcandles and I think you offer a compelling argument in many public places. But School Lockerrooms are another matter entirely.

    Perhaps we can force the schools to have “Family” locker rooms I don’t know but imagine how hard it would be for a transgendered boy to be forced to use the boy’s lockerroom.

    I guess what I’m saying is that I see both sides of this and it is such a small portion of the population that would be availing themselves of this permission that you might not run into a transgendered person in your restroom – EVER.

    I take more exception with your other point. The Federal Government continues to push THEIR agenda down on everyone everywhere in the United States and more and more of us are resenting it.

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  4. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    I’m all for equality but if it has a penis it’s a MAN and if it has a vagina it’s a WOMAN so use the correct bathroom for each even if penis has a dress on or vag has on a suit and tie.

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  5. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 8 years ago

    IT IS NOT ABOUT BATHROOMS! It is about discrimination – they ENABLED discrimination state-wide, and took away the rights of communities to set their own LESS discriminatory standards, as Charlotte did. They took away the right to sue the state for discrimination, forcing people to go to more difficult federal court. They removed ANY protections for LGBTQ — not just transgender.And under the guise of protecting bathrooms, they ignore the fact that there is NOT ONE SINGLE CASE of a transgender person assaulting someone in a bathroom. It’s a solution with no problem, which causes more problems along the way.And Governor McCrory is trying to blame ANYONE but himself, and begging for more time to respond, when he and the legislature convened a special session (at taxpayer expense) and ram-rodded through the legislation in hours, without reading it.Don’t be fooled by the nonsense McCrory and his cronies are spitting out.And in case you are wondering, yes, I do follow this quite closely; I grew up in NC, and have many friends there in many different places.

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  6. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  almost 8 years ago

    North Carolina’s law should have required a “Men’s room” for Men, a “Women’s room” for Women, and a “Weirdo’s room” for Weirdos that like to assume different genders and dress accordingly…

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    Sorry. I do not want them in my bathroom. I don’t want my own gun in my bathroom when I am using it. Stop pushing your sick social agenda down our throats. They can use the NRA bathroom. That is what it is for, since toddlers shoot more Americans than terrorists, we should have a toddler gun room for shooting their feet. And a Gun nut person should be no different. Their are plenty of gun-friendly bathrooms available. This is a privacy & safety issue.Keep guns out of the bathroom, they have no place in there where I’m jut trying to do my business and not get felt up by some weirdo Republican who wants to check my stuff.

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  8. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  almost 8 years ago

    And the rest of the world are shaking their heads and try to stop laughing.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    These legislators need their own bathroom, limited to paranoid morons. Hastert is a real illustration of the problem along with Paterno’s assistant (going back to 78 it now turns out!), all that tight Licra tempting closet queens to attack athletes with those georgeous bodies! My, my, let’s worry about transgender folks instead?

    BTW it’s about TOILETS, not showers or locker rooms. Close the door on the stall, or have single user facilities.

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  10. Bg joshua chamberlain
    russellc64  almost 8 years ago

    What you don’t understand is this law will make that worse, not better. A transgender male, because he was born a female, is now required to use the ladies room. The law requires transgender males with masculine features to use the ladies room because they don’t have a Johnson. A cismale predator no longer has to sneak in or dress up.

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    kline0800  almost 8 years ago

    All this destruction of moral standards for .3% of 01% of the US population! No even one per cent of We The People!-Satan’s Agenda bulldozes onward. Legalizing every sin named in the Holy Bible, not by constitutional laws passed by Congress, but by a Tyrant in the Oval Office with the top District Attorney of the USA! Edicts and lawsuits. -Scripture promised a Day of Accounting for mankind’s misrule of earth, to Reap the Whirlwind of God’s wrath.And sooner than most people estimate, surely. Fulfilled prophecies signal the nearness of Payday for unrepentance for our sins. Restored Israel is one key sign and they are celebrating the 68th Anniversary of Independence Day this month.

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    Rosemary Williams  almost 8 years ago

    What is it with the Republicans and their obsessions with other people’s intimate functions? Jeb gets the Florida legislature to make that poor woman Schiavo a ward of the state in order to prolong her body functions longer because her parents, who had repeatedly lost in every court, were campaign donors and it got attention in the media. Then Rick Snyder and others decide to save a few bucks by diverting a water source and end up costing the taxpayers millions in forthcoming damage awards – but refuse to resign because they’ll lose the protection of “public” office. The governor of North Carolina, using the arguments in favor of segregation, attacks people with unclear sexual identities because, in his mind at least, it’s a hot-button issue and he can use it to generate political support against the consequences of destroying his state’s economy. And one could just go on and on.

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    pcolli  almost 8 years ago

    It’s a simple solution….. just have a mixed facility featuring only lockable cubicles.

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    lazycomics  almost 8 years ago

    Can you give me the name of your employer? I’m willing to spend two minutes editing pictures for half whatever they’re paying you.

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