Tom Toles for July 18, 2010

  1. Missing large
    jaxaction  almost 14 years ago

    nailed it.

    but the”punishment” freaks will have their way- sickos attack the poor, the sick and disabled, neo-nazis, wrap themselves, in the flags and religious tracts, as you pimp off the government.

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  2. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

    It’s called “patriotism”.

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    leipsicbob  almost 14 years ago

    “None Dare Call It Treason”

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    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    $1 Tax Cuts = $1.02 Economic activity $1 Unemployment Benefits = $1.63 Economic activity.

    Looks to me like they do add up. If the government is taking in $1 less either due to tax cuts or unemployment, unemployment pays off better in the end because people who aren’t poor do not spend.

    What DOESN’T work is trickle-down economics. We created more jobs under Clinton than we did under Bush.

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  5. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Put the people fattening the bankers and the oil companies while starving ordinary Americans on the unemployment line! Let’s see how they like it.

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  6. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 14 years ago

    This is the newer, more compassionate Republican Party. Make these people get out there and sell drugs to those who have jobs.

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  7. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 14 years ago


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    BurningFeet  almost 14 years ago

    Rebublicans = hippotwits

    We have not forgotten what they did to America.

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    Bilword  almost 14 years ago

    republicans and democrats two sides of the same coin

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    rresnikoff  almost 14 years ago

    The Republicans want the unemployment benefits passed. However, they want to pay for it out of the “stimulus plan” while the Democrats want to borrow the money and put us in deeper debt.

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  11. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 14 years ago

    charlie555,,, Are you saying that welfare is not owed? You have me confused.

    Welfare nor unemployment either is “owed”. It is just that some of our wiser elected officials decided years ago that both were better than having these people starving to death, going homeless, stealing, and prostituting themselves to feed their families.

    I collected unemployment benefits twice. Once, I got $25 for two weeks unemployment when I was released from the U.S. Army. Unemployment was about 9% in 1962. The second time I collected about $300 for 6 weeks unemployment during Bush 1’s reign. Unemployment was pretty high then. Where I lived it was in the double digits and people were collecting cans, begging for scrap metal to sell and working below minimum wage jobs to get by. I met one young man who was working 3 “full time” jobs. I was really getting rich from all of those taxpayer’s dollars.

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  12. Topzdrum 1w
    Hawthorne  almost 14 years ago

    Harleyquinn - you can’t have any growth at all without activity.

    And .. if you want to quibble about money, consider that it is the Republicans who decided that they have a license to print money, and to hell with the gold standard - or any other.

    Yeah, that was a long time ago. But bad decisions have a habit of hanging around, eh?

    Actually, it’s well past the time when any country NEEDS growth. What the world now needs is balance, but I do understand that that is a concept foreign to neo-cons, if not republicans.

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  13. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    where’s bruce ?

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  14. Prr
    Loco80  almost 14 years ago

    The current bill is to end unemployment after 18 months of benefits. I know that times are hard, but if you can’t find a job in 18 months, it is because you are dodging child support. I collected unemployment twice in my adulthood, and both times the maximum was 18 WEEKS. Guess what? I found employment both times in less than 18 weeks. Neither were ideal jobs, but I fed my family, and kept a roof over their heads. Then I moved on.

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  15. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    @HQ -

    His chart says temporary cuts can stimulate the economy $1.29 for every dollar spent. Permanent tax cuts are much less effective in his view – 30 to 48 cents of stimulation for every dollar spent. However, the government spending increases are where Zandi says the effective stimulus comes from: Spending Increases Extending UI benefits 1.64 Temporary increase in food stamps 1.73 General aid to state governments 1.36 Increased infrastructure spending 1.59 Tax cuts, which Republicans are ideologically committed to, they can have a stimulative effect on the economy but not nearly as much, about $1.03

    Off by a cent. I’ve seen it on other places at 1.02

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  16. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ That paragraph basically also says that churches [or any tax-exempt organization] bring down GDP.

    And yes, I read through anything I link, even if it is not a favorable link (I could have gone for the Moody one but was lazy) and determine if there isn’t too much contradictory information in it before posting.

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    It is simple – This is the wrong time to let the GOP back into power – we need to work together, and since we are a Democracy we need to be able to compromise. The current leadership of the GOP has, in the past two years, shown no desire to compromise, and the hard core of the GOP consider compromise as treason.

    If they gain seats in November they will use this extra power to do what they have openly stated: “Obama cannot be allowed to succeed because if he succeeds he will be re-elected and the GOP out of power for another 4 years”

    They have made this clear from the first day he took office!

    We have a deeping recession, we need to create more jobs, we have two wars, we have a failing education system, we need to somehow reduce our dependence on foreign oil, State and Local govenments are in trouble, and racism is once again raising it’s ugly head.

    To solve these problems we need to work together and the current GOP wont do that.

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  18. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ You say “current” as if a future GOP would [want to work together]… .

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  19. New bitmap image
    NoFearPup  almost 14 years ago

    Oh, man! You people are making my head hurt. Just another “political ploy” from the Dems; let’s send a bill out that drastically changes an entitlement program (I know it’s not exactly - but it is ran by the government); let’s not pay for it - and see if the Republicans will look the other way. If they look the other way - the spigot is full on - bleeep the consequences: if they filibuster - it’ll sink ‘em in November. And here’s the kicker: Republicans and Democrats don’t care that much one way or the other…The next two to four years are going to be up for grabs as far as getting anything done - and bitterness and acrimony can only help their side (whichever side) in the long run when you consider the current mess we are in.

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    NO FEAR - There is a difference, one group is trying to get us out of mess the other group has put us in.

    One group was in power for 8 years and, among other things, lost millions (I’m not making that figure up) of jobs, allowed hundreds of thousands of small business to die, and allowed banks to fail.

    The other group, has been in power for two years, has created jobs, is working to get small business back on their feet, and not just given banks money, but set up programs to help them and to require that the money be paid back.

    Which group are you going to trust to try to fix our problems?

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  21. New bitmap image
    NoFearPup  almost 14 years ago

    The Republicans ruled during the 9/11 aftermath, they kept unemployment down to the statistically non-existent level. But, yes, they did aid and abet their greed and the Democrats greed at the expense of the soundness of the free market system.

    I haven’t seen the Dems do anything in the last 3.5 years but penalize businesses, the rich, and the middle-class in order to reward their own constituent base and attempt to overturn the disposition of the prevailing “Winners and Losers” list. They have pursued policies strictly based on helping their backers; like George Souros, the Universities, the unions , and - of course- themselves (the Dems are the richest block in the Congress).

    So six years (Eight minus the two owned by the Dem Congress) minus the next 3 or 4 years lost to fighting an expensive war on Terror; leaves not too much time for them to really be the Fiscal and Liberty Destroyers you seem to credit them as…(And not nearly as ambitious as the several trillion dollar deficits the Libs are currently responsible for after just eighteen months).

    It was , though , time that we didn’t have to waste. And although the Republicans weren’t actively destroying this Republic like Obasma and the Lib-Congress are doing now - they did sit on their hands and enrich themselves at the expense - as I said above- of the soundness of the Economy and our Society. They are a real bunch of blow-holes, I would say - but that still doesn’t put ‘em below Little Barry Obama and the Home Guard. Barry could have went a long way with me if he came in where Bill C. left off…But that doesn’t win you points with the Hate-America Crowd.

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  22. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “And not nearly as ambitious as the several trillion dollar deficits the Libs are currently responsible for after just eighteen months”

    Democrats are ambitious spenders, but at least they’re face-value spenders. Republicans did that spending, and hid it under the table / off of their budget. We had a budget spike when Obama took office, because for the first time those wars were actually put IN the budget. Those lovely tax cuts, Medicare Part D… none of it saw the light of day in budget. So yes, Democrats: ambitious spenders, Republicans: just as ambitious, they just hide the spending. As for greed, let’s get rid of it. You do like to cite Biblical text a lot, Pup, sweetie, so surely you’re all for outlawing greed, too.
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  23. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  almost 14 years ago

    “Trickle-down” consists on the über-wealthy pi$$ing on everyone else.

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  24. Marineiv
    MasterofSergeants  almost 14 years ago

    “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”

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    Ronald Johnson  almost 14 years ago

    There are eight to ten millions of people currently totally unemployed in this the greatest and longest Great Recession since the 1930’s Great Depression and none of the blame belongs to President Obama or the Democrats for causing it, or prolonging it. They are doing everything in their arsenal of tools to shorten it and bring it to an end. The Republicans who caused it by allowing controls in place to be laxly regulated or not properly regulated are thus now obstructing the Democrats efforts to aid the jobless and help promote jobs-creation. If those individuals who are without unemployment benefits do not receive them, will jobs suddenly appear to be handed to them to take the place of unemployment benefits or welfare benefits. The absolute answer is NO ! ! ! Republicans, and their apologists, need to get a grip on reality and help the helpless and the job-less, regardless of the cost. Or, voters this November will remember who did not help the helpless and job-less, and who supported the Wall Stree fat cats and the bankers and mortgage-holders against Congress’s attempt to financially regulate the ones who got us into this mess ! ! ! You might ask the simple other question: if Republicans take back the Senate or the House as they did in 1994, will the American people as a whole be any better off than the last 4 years ? ? ? The answer is no, only more prolonged recession, maybe even a “double-dip recession” worse than when this started. Maybe, even a Japanese-style recession like they had from 1987 thru 2007. That’s 20 years.

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    Ronald Johnson  almost 14 years ago

    There are eight to ten millions of people currently totally unemployed in this the greatest and longest Great Recession since the 1930’s Great Depression and none of the blame belongs to President Obama or the Democrats for causing it, or prolonging it. They are doing everything in their arsenal of tools to shorten it and bring it to an end. The Republicans who caused it by allowing controls in place to be laxly regulated or not properly regulated are thus now obstructing the Democrats efforts to aid the jobless and help promote jobs-creation. If those individuals who are without unemployment benefits do not receive them, will jobs suddenly appear to be handed to them to take the place of unemployment benefits or welfare benefits. The absolute answer is NO ! ! ! Republicans, and their apologists, need to get a grip on reality and help the helpless and the job-less, regardless of the cost. Or, voters this November will remember who did not help the helpless and job-less, and who supported the Wall Stree fat cats and the bankers and mortgage-holders against Congress’s attempt to financially regulate the ones who got us into this mess ! ! ! You might ask the simple other question: if Republicans take back the Senate or the House as they did in 1994, will the American people as a whole be any better off than the last 4 years ? ? ? The answer is no, only more prolonged recession, maybe even a “double-dip recession” worse than when this started. Maybe, even a Japanese-style recession like they had from 1987 thru 2007. That’s 20 years.

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  27. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago

    Just say “NO” to the GOP.

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  28. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

    $35 true religion

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  29. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago

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