Jim Morin for June 11, 2015

  1. Missing large
    greyrabbit127  almost 9 years ago

    ISIL seems to know what their strategy is.

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    PainterArt Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    October 24, 2006""We’re on the verge of chaos, and the current plan is not working," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in an Associated Press interview. U.S. and Iraqi officials should be held accountable for the lack of progress, said Graham, a Republican who is a frequent critic of the administration’s policies.Asked who in particular should be held accountable — Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, perhaps, or the generals leading the war, Graham said: “All of them. It’s their job to come up with a game plan” to end the violence.Mr. Bush, in a CNBC interview, said, “Well, I’ve been talking about a change in tactics ever since I — ever since we went in, because the role of the commander in chief is to say to our generals, `You adjust to the enemy on the battlefield.”’http://www.cbsnews.com/news/bush-drops-stay-the-course-phrase/

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    PainterArt Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    3, 550 total “trainers” so far that we know about plus special forces troops.

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    PainterArt Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    and Obama he just fires the generals who want to change tactics to a winning strategyWashington Post Sunday, June 27, 2010Since 2001, a dozen commanders have cycled through the top jobs in Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S. Central Command, which oversees both wars. Three of those commanders — including the recently dismissed Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal — have been fired or resigned under pressure.This Story McChrystal’s major folly: Violating president’s rules on media management In twin wars, fast exits for top generals The making of four-star arrogance

    History has judged many others harshly, and only two, Gen. David H. Petraeus and Gen. Ray Odierno, are widely praised as having mastered the complex mixture of skills that running America’s wars demands.

    For the military, this record of mediocrity raises a vexing question: What is wrong with the system that produces top generals? "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/26/AR2010062604392.htmlWe all know how Gen. David H. Petraeus turned out. History will judge him harshly also. Any thought that Obama is firing military people because they can not come up with a plan?

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  5. Wtp
    superposition  almost 9 years ago

    “After 70 years of broken Western promises regarding Arab independence, it should not be surprising that the West is viewed with suspicion and hostility by the populations (as opposed to some of the political regimes) of the Middle East.”http://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/ancient-history-us-conduct-middle-east-world-war-ii-folly-intervention

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  6. P1030246
    louieglutz  almost 9 years ago

    and so bush changed strategies and the surge was implemented (in spite of objections from a certain senator from illinois) and it was successful. barry was surprised, and left a “sovereign, stable and self-reliant” country in the lurch.

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    PainterArt Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    If only we had stayed with the victory GW Bush secured.Conservatives seem to think that a victory is a lot of US troops staying in Iraq and us pouring money into a black hole.

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