Steve Benson for May 24, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Now able to tie the knot in several states.

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  2. Mroh
    Back_phil  almost 9 years ago

    But they can have water balloon fights as long as the balloons are no larger than a ping pong ball.

    Water gun fights are out, but you can shoot at targets.

    Both water balloon and water gun activities require wearing of eye protection.

    Wait until ISIS learns of the sissy boys American is raising now.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Looks like he needs a shot of some Irish?

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    ConserveGov  almost 9 years ago

    Well let’s actually think about it.Your 13 year old daughter is in the Girl Scouts, she and 15 of her friends are going on an overnight camping trip, would you be comfortable with 4 men being the only Scoutmasters on the trip?Be honest to yourself……It’s easy to say “Yeah gays should be Scoutmasters”, but when it’s your son sleeping by himself in the same tent as that gay guy for a few nights, most responsible parents wouldn’t let that happen.Its the same thing. Sorry.Now let the fake “gay acceptance”, “you’re a homophobe” comments come in…….

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    frodo1008  almost 9 years ago

    As CG’s question was not legitimate, Nobody needs to answer it. It is not legitimate as the GIRL scouts would not allow that situation anyway, as they are GIRL scouts and would not have only men lead such overnight expiditions anyway! And the ONLY situation where a scout master would sleep in a tent with only one boy scout would be if that boy was the son of that scout master. Those are the rules as I remember them when I and my sister were boy and girl scouts, and I see no reason why those rules should change, or be challenged by anyone, gay or not!

    So, CG’s point was not legitimate anyway, whether or not is was homophobic or not. IF and when CG ever learns to debate from any position other that an extreme ultra conervative one, perhaps he will learn to phrase his questions in a manner in which they could be legitimately answered, even if disagreed with!!

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    ConserveGov  almost 9 years ago

    As Churchill said: You Libs avoid the actual issue.I didn’t ask some outrageous question. Funny when you libs can’t answer, you just deflect.I just asked would you as a caring parent be comfortable with your 13 year old daughter and her girlfriends going on an overnight Girl Scout camping trip and sleeping with a group of only MEN Scoutmasters.I’m betting 90 percent of mothers and fathers would say Hell No!Now, would you want your 13 year old son and his friends to spend the night with a homosexual man in a motel room(or tent, cabin)? If you say yes, please give your kid up for adoption.Sorry Becca, this time you are Wrong!WiseBabble: You’re always wrong.

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  7. 200
    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I was about to comment that the proposal got a solid round of applause and that only a minority of really backwards, uninformed boneheaded sexually-repressed jackasses oppose this move..But, yes, it’s more convincing to “show” and not “tell.”

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  8. Missing large  almost 9 years ago

    No, CG, you’ve got it all wrong. As Churchillwasright pointed out, there is NO connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, they are entirely different things. This false and constant conflation of the two is used by conservatives because they have no legitimate excuses for their hate. If straight pedophiles are desperate enough, they will attack children of their own gender, as has been proved conclusively. There is no legitimate reason not to allow gay troop leaders, so those who hate must create false ones. Sadly, it really is that simple, and that obvious.

    All that being said, yes, as the mother of a former Girl Scout, I would be comfortable with one or more straight men sleeping in the same cabin with several Girl Scouts. Unless I knew the leader VERY well, I would not be comfortable with only one leader of either gender or orientation together with only one girl. There are other forms of abuse besides just sexual abuse. There is safety in numbers, so I’d be fine with straight men sleeping with the girlSSSS.

    Please note, Conservative Guy, that the conflation of homosexuality with pedophilia destroys your argument completely, since most people now know that they are not related in anyway.

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  9. Santabutcherpin
    ishannon5289  almost 9 years ago

    Look, the important thing is that no sane responsible adult would allow their children outside without a hazmat suite and an armed guard anyway.

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    echoraven  almost 9 years ago

    Nailed it. Like a boss.

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