Bob Gorrell for May 03, 2010

  1. Greek
    greekhoplite  about 14 years ago

    Was this supposed to attack Obama?!?! Because he isn’t that bad.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Where is the CEO of BP? HE is the one who should be on the spot, under the regulations and laws, that Obama has said they will enforce, and BP will pay. How long before the Repbubs start work on a bailout?

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  3. Creepygoof
    fallacyside  about 14 years ago

    Depends…the Dems will get a bailout done quicker if they get more contributions from BP than the Repubs get…

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  4. Snowleopard
    GJ_Jehosaphat  about 14 years ago

    Do U really think BP is going to pay the estimated 3B$ to clean up the spill? Seems the price of fuel will be spiking real soon… and not just because it’s the Summer travel season.

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  5. Doofenshmirtz
    bobpeters61  about 14 years ago

    While you’re worrying about the price of gasoline, you might also consider the affect on the price of seafood by the poisoned supply.

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  6. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    It’s around him because he proposed lifting the moratorium on offshore drilling.

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  7. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    Remember that if the GOP was still in charge you would’t have heard a word about this spill – probably because that by now there would have been so many spills that a new spill wasn’t news anymore.

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  8. Creepygoof
    fallacyside  about 14 years ago

    ^No, if the GOP had been in charge…There would have been a fire crane in the Gulf and they could have burned the slick from day 1; consuming 95% of the crude before it became a problem.*

    *as per the ‘94 Emergency Oil Accident Plan. (From the Mark Levin Show).

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  9. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    THE - Then why didn’t they do that with the spills that had while Bush was in charge?

    There were 170 of them between 2000 and 2008.

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  10. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  about 14 years ago

    While per rule of agency, BP bears the brunt of responsibility, the fact is that there were several large contractors working for BM on the rig, each of them and BP itself, well insured …

    One thing for sure, the only winners will be the lawyers that will be employed to sort the culpability …

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  11. Shrek front
    attyush  about 14 years ago

    Ken Warren said, about 8 hours ago

    “THE - Then why didn’t they do that with the spills that had while Bush was in charge?

    There were 170 of them between 2000 and 2008.”

    Ken, maybe you are right. However, I could only find 59 incidents from the NOAA site during the period mentioned in your comment. NOAA, however, reports 58 incidents between 2009 and 2010.

    Please let me know the source of your information. I would love to have a look at it.

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  12. Shrek front
    attyush  about 14 years ago

    Jade said, about 12 hours ago

    “It’s around him because he proposed lifting the moratorium on offshore drilling.”

    I think it’s around him because he was trading funny lines with Jay in the WHCD and this incident didn’t seem very high on his list of priorities.

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  13. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “Obama will enforce laws against BP, but not laws against illegal “immigrants.” But yes he is doing the best he is capable of.”

    Could it be because the law in question threatens to be wielded against legal citizens of similar ethnic origin? Conservatives seem to completely avoid this. They attack Liberals, they point fingers, but they refuse to acknowledge that “you know what, the way this is worded, with Arizona’s own governor having no idea what the actual “criteria” are, that law-abiding citizens could be subject to this scrutiny and harassment.” But it’s Okay, because we’re not them. I don’t have to fear anything from this law. I’m black, no one’s targeting illegal black immigrants. No one is targeting Cuban immigrants. No one is targeting European or Asian immigrants. This affects those legal citizens of Mexican descent. But “if they have their papers it’s no problem,” Conservatives say. Just like it’s Okay to look with suspicion at every Muslim they come across. “If they’re not doing anything wrong then they have nothing to fear,” right? For the safety of everyone, right? Wasn’t there something about giving up out freedoms means we’re not free? If some minority has to lose their freedoms “for the majority” are we all truly free? Well then maybe we should make it so that EVERY citizen, white, black, or otherwise, has to carry their papers, and the citizens will check everybody. Since it’s no problem to carry your citizenship papers on you. I don’t carry mine. When I go out for a jog I don’t carry any. Let’s mandate it. I’ll put my documentation in a ziplock bag in my bra. >.>
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  14. Shrek front
    attyush  about 14 years ago

    Jade says: Let’s mandate it. I’ll put my documentation in a ziplock bag in my bra

    I would recommed you to wear a shoe tag, a wrist or ankle band with your name, phone number and ICE contacts. To carry a driver’s license, use zippered pockets, an arm band with a zipper or fanny pack or shoe wallet with a zipper to keep stuff with you. It’s comfortable that way.

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    No illegal immigrants entered the U.S. under Bush. The “fence” totally stopped illegals and only cost $3.50! NO oil leaks under Bush! NO wars under Bush! NO terrorist attacks under Bush! NO connection between Bush/Cheney and the oil industry- they all just raised dachshunds!

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  16. Shrek front
    attyush  about 14 years ago

    @dtroutma: I am sure you are making a point through your post which is relevant to the current situation.

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  17. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    I would recommed you to wear a shoe tag, a wrist or ankle band with your name, phone number and ICE contacts. To carry a driver’s license, use zippered pockets, an arm band with a zipper or fanny pack or shoe wallet with a zipper to keep stuff with you. It’s comfortable that way.

    My jogging shorts don’t have pockets. They don’t have much of anything, as a matter of fact.
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  18. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    MMS, not NOAA keep rather detailed, however “proprietary” records of lots of spills/accidents that never see the light of day. The mineral industry gets a LOT of “passes” because of that little world “proprietary” that keeps their “trade secrets” and trade gouging and stupidity, quite secret from the public, and even Congressional investigators. (or even EPA investigators)

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