Tom Toles for April 15, 2015

  1. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  about 9 years ago

    They’re still out there. A fellow at work just the other day got into a rant about how he didn’t want no bureaucrat on no government “death-panel” (his words!) deciding on his what his health care should be. When I pointed out to him that I’d much rather some bureaucrat who didn’t care a fig deciding on my health care instead of some for-profit insurance company flunky whose only concern was saving as much money as possible, he got all confused.

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    What happened to…….“I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”“Under my plan, if you like your doctor, you will keep your doctor”.Suckers.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Still no explanation why Republicans/Fox “news” viewers hate the idea of people getting health care.

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  4. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 9 years ago

    It is scary for people to think they can loose their coverage at any time. home-done stitches are coming back if the republicans have their way.

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  5. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Obama care is a success by any measure. Millions of people now have decent health care, Clearly it works and helped a lot of people. The main losers are the insurance companies who used to sell lousy policies that collected premiums and then didn’t pay off when needed.

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    Odon Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I just spent 3 weeks getting a Rx accepted by my insurance carrier. Actually they accepted it after ten days then spent another ten continuing to deny it even thought they approved it. Multiple calls from me, the doc and the pharmacist and they finally released the inexpensive drug I was to take for four weeks. That is not Obamacare, but it is typical of what insurance companies have been doing for years.

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  7. Horsehead aldohubble 960
    krisjackson01  about 9 years ago

    Any political point in this country has to fit on a bumper sticker. Saying that the ACA has covered millions of previously uninsured Americans, improved coverage and is controlling health costs doesn’t fit. Saying OBAMACARE BAD does. The Republicans will never accept it. If a Republican is elected president, we will be back in the health care death spiral.

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    echoraven  about 9 years ago

    Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps the massive regulatory juggernaut that is Obamacare just MIGHT be a WEE BIT responsible for the most anemic economic recovery in history? Because potential employers used resources that could have been dedicated for new employees towards compliance with the ACA?

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  9. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @braindead08 – I’ve answered your non-sequitur on several occasions. But let’s try it again because your tiresome refrain does nothing to advance the discussion.

    I don’t doubt there are a small group of individuals who object to others getting healthcare for idiotic reasons: It’s against god’s will, it’s voodoo, etc. People who, for the most part, are irrelevant to this discussion.

    Beyond those – I think everyone likes to see people get health care. They do, however, object to being expected to pay for somebody else’s health care.

    Our government has become fundamentally unfair in the way it treats it’s citizens in a foolish and misguided attempt to soften the effects of capitalism. Obama care is just one more way for the indolent and the stupid to reach into the pockets of the productive class and give themselves another boon from the voting booth.

    Many of us who have to pay the bills through taxes are tired of covering a fast growing group of people who feel they should be cared for by the government because they refuse to be adults and support themselves. Too many expect free food, free health care, free housing, free community services, etc. etc. The money that is used to keep them satisfied is the money that could be used to build better roads, better airports, better communications systems, keep parks open, improve schools, etc. etc.

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  10. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @WiseOrator – So how do we fix that?

    One way is to rob the producers and hand out the money to the indolent with the assumption that they will spend it on bread and circuses and immediately pump up the economy.

    Perhaps a better way is to use the tax dollars, that are currently handed out as largess, to improve America’s ability to compete: Improve schools, improve infrastructure, pay down debt and demand the current crop of freeloaders learn to care for themselves.

    I would much rather my tax dollars be used to buy textbooks for school then F15s. But I would rather we purchased F15s then hand out money to the lazy and the undisciplined. At least when we are building F15s we are keeping businesses running which pay taxes and improve lives. I wonder how much welfare ends up in the shadow economy (untaxed) as it is handed over to drug dealers and other purveyors of vice.

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  11. Missing large
    oneoldhat  about 9 years ago

    wiseorator yes demand will drive employers to hirer but if you drive up the price of new hirer it will drive employers to hirer else where

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  12. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 9 years ago

    If they would quit talking about Obamacare just long enough to talk the “job creators” into actually creating more jobs in this country it would help.

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  13. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @OldCoal – When you refer to Welfare for the Rich I’m assuming you are pointing to legal deductions for business lunches.

    The reason they have those deductions isn’t welfare – It’s because we, as a country, decided, foolishly, that we wanted to tax income rather then transactions.

    You may pay sales tax locally but you pay Income tax to the Federal Government. Income is, by definition, Revenue less expenses. If you need to have those lunches to encourage clients to buy your product it is a necessary expense and thereby deductable.

    Welfare IMHO is where the government takes in tax dollars and then doles it out to those who can’t or won’t support themselves. There are some who need Welfare because they are unable to care for themselves: Those who mentally or physically can’t hold down a job and manage their finances like the average adult. And then there are those who can take care of themselves but choose not to out of laziness or stupidity.

    If you want to discuss changing the tax system to VAT or sales tax I’ll be the first to agree with you BUT as long as you like the Income tax because you think it’s great to soak the rich you will always be frustrated by every tax deduction that someone else gets. Remember – A tax deduction is a tax break that you get from the government and a loop hole is a tax deduction another guy gets from the government.

    We need to get away from: Taxing to make things more fair for those who feel cheated by capitalism, Forcing people to do charitable work through their tax dollars, waste and fraud. Today there is far too much of all 4.

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  14. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @Night-gaunt – I shouldn’t be so fond of painting groups as facists (Reich as in Reich stag) given the current mind set of the progressives.

    Every conservative I know encourages Freedom of conscience and Freedom from unnecessary regulations. It is the progressives (like you) that want to use the Federal government to force free men and women to act and think the way YOU want them too.

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