Gary Varvel for April 15, 2010

  1. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Suuuure…there was no “Obama as witch doctor” poster…ever…

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  2. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 14 years ago

    The pictures look right….but the captions are wrong

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  3. New bitmap image
    NoFearPup  about 14 years ago

    The November Swell…

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Went to one (party) tonight in our small town, have known most of the people for decades, left photo is closer to the truth, WAY closer! Sorry ‘bout that, just a fact.

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    comYics  about 14 years ago

    Awesome toon.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Well, the second panel has too many people in it – active Tea Partiers are a pretty small group, compared to Fox TV groupies who claim sympathy but have never demonstrated with them or donated to the cause.

    That said, I’m glad Gary’s against unfair stereotypes. Guess we’ll never see liberals depicted as socialists again, and he won’t show anyone on welfare who doesn’t deserve it, nor will the unemployed be shown as lazy …

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  7. Stitch
    dshepard  about 14 years ago

    Looks like a few people actually either buy the lies that they are fed or even add some flair and throw in a few of their own.

    The people that the media like to say are at the heart of the tea party movement are nothing more than a handful of crazies who attached themselves to the movement to try to win some legitimacy. The reality is that those crazies are not the voice of those in the Tea Party Movement.

    However, when crazies are found, the media snaps pictures of their signs and spreads them all over to paint Tea Partiers with this broad brush.

    Of course Liberals don’t want to acknowlege how big this group really is. No wonder they want to paint it as a wagonload of crazies. If the truth were really known it would seriously endanger their agenda.

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  8. Img 1055 1
    halfabug  about 14 years ago

    yep dave i agree.

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  9. Quixote78
    leerab78  about 14 years ago

    Bruce - unfortunately there is nothing reliable about any statistic Rush uses. That’s just common sense. Stats are easy to come by because pollsters can frame the questions in a way that will produce certain results, then give you the results without you seeing the wording of the questions asked. Most polls are far from scientific. As a translator, I see this all the time and my conscience is sometimes torn when my job is to stay faithful to the original version in my translation, but the original is so clearly promoting one answer. Proof? Do you think “liberal” and “libertarian” share similar ideologies?

    I wish I could still affiliate myself with the Tea Party but the honest truth is that what used to be a very intelligent non-partisan effort about contending what the federal government and tax code have become, and the promotion of a much needed simplification of such, has attracted so many Americans angry about pretty much anything that the movement has become rather impotent and without any real direction. If it were just a handful of crazies, that’d be one thing. I’m not saying that there are more than a handful of crazies, but the movement does seem to now be dominated by “angries”, thanks in large part to Rush & Glenn & crew. This is supported by the blind elephant in Nick Anderson’s toon.

    A Tea Partier that supports most of Obama’s (non-fiscal) initiatives is about as common as a kook freak on the fringe, probably less common.

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    Magnaut  about 14 years ago

    “ignorance is bliss”…if you haven’t been to a teaparty personally…then you are being as bigotted as you say they are….go! listen! learn!….form an opinion unfiltered by MSNBC, CNN and the white house

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  11. Quixote78
    leerab78  about 14 years ago

    ^ Who is “you” in “you are being as bigotted as you say they are”? I haven’t even hinted at bigotry. I have been to a few tea parties…and the tone has changed drastically from having specific goals to nothing more than a place to vent anger. I will admit, however, that my opinion is based on my experience here in Colorado, and no where else

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  12. Darkside
    NashvilleMac  about 14 years ago

    leerab78 - that parallels my experience here in Nashville as well.

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    comYics  about 14 years ago

    Obama is a long time supporter of protesting himself.

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  14. Buddy
    lalas  about 14 years ago

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