Gary Varvel for October 24, 2014

  1. Crab hat rear
    Crabbyrino Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Choice: keep your home-grown terrorist ot let them go to Syria. A whacko released in another country or a whacko using a gun or hatchet at home.

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  2. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  over 9 years ago

    The same country that has one political party the says drug use is OK."Republicans on Tobacco and Alcohol.“Or late night car wrecks.”Alcohol or reaching for a lite for a cigarette.“There are shootings,burglaries,carjackings and robberies around there all the time.Those kind of things never happened until those places were built.”That never happen before in history, ever.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    A nut in NY attacks four cops with a hatchet, gets himself shot and killed

    You want the REAL terror? Another mass shooting at a school, this time in Washington state, but the NRA is there to make sure the terror ends, right, give more guns to the unstable that even a mental health records check wouldn’t stop, just more guns, means more safety, right, tell it to those kids.

    BTW, the guy in Canada had a lever-action hunting rifle, not a semi-combat semi-auto with a monster magazine, and gee, what difference was there in casualties?

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  4. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 9 years ago

    How many political parties tell you that drinking alcohol is okay? Alcohol is a drug.

    So is Ritalin. So is caffeine. Sorry, I do not follow your logic.

    I am sure that crime happens in public housing. Give people nothing to do and money to do it with, and bad things will happen. This has nothing to do (directly) with drug use.

    You want to talk drug use? What about the Department of the Interior representatives in the last administration who had cocaine parties with the people they were supposed to be regulating? Not all drug use and heinous behavior is confined to the inner cities.

    And what party is willing to tackle meaningful welfare reform, including corporate welfare reform? Please don’t tell me the party that SAYS it will tackle it….

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    To the ‘toon he’s actually just embarrased for his neighbors to the south and their constant panic over what is in effect; nothings.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^When you’ve dug a hole too deep, like “W” did, it was time to stop digging.

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