Tom Toles for March 03, 2010

  1. Missing large
    jaxaction  about 14 years ago

    this IS “class warfare”, typical republican, HE gets free medical and $180,000 a year, plus a pension.

    He doan care about working people, if he did he want the wars to be paid for( instead of borrowing from the red chinese).

    Remember THIS come election day, THIS republican class warfare. THEY STARTED IT.

    I was denied my unemployment after 14 YEARS of paying in–u can not MOVE out of IA, and if you quit to do so…no claims allowed. * I had thot only red russia restricted moving state to state, NOT so, stay out of Iowa, they too hate the working man, and are full of punishment-you pay they take away rights, benefits

    Bunning was a lousy pitcher as well, he is just “showing” his love of class war-fare, kick ‘em when they are down, would he give back the $$ he has gotten, and gets as a U.S, Senator?

    he’s a republican liberal: 10 degrees right of center for “others” and ten degrees to the left of center concerning his self.

    GOD have mercy on his greed-head soul.

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  2. Dsc 0519
    srauland  about 14 years ago

    Disagree, he doesn’t deserve any mercy whatsoever …

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 14 years ago

    Go Bunning!!!

    He’s a patriot! You claim he doesn’t deserve mercy and yet you don’t hold any Democrats responsible for this as well.

    Bunning’s position is that we shouldn’t have another extension of unemployment benefits unless they are paid for with cuts in spending elsewhere. I think he’s taking a heroic and sensible position.

    This can be moved along quickly if the leadership is willing to start acting responsibly with Taxpayer dollars.

    And I’m a firm believer that as long as unemployment is available there will be people like JaxAction that have obviously been unemployed for a long time that won’t go looking for a new job because it’s a sweeter deal to sit on the couch and lament how hard they have it.

    We as a country have to start cutting costs. Bunning doesn’t want us to cut Unemployment. He wants us to cut costs and this is the only mechanism he has to keep us from ratcheting up the debt. Write to your congressmen and tell them that the out of control spending has to stop!

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  4. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 14 years ago

    Kevin sounds like he’s never faced hard times. Fortunately, neither have I, but I work with a lot of people, and many of them have. Try telling the 55 year old journalist whose newspaper let him go last year that he is lazy and doesn’t deserve an extension. He worked hard all his professional life. He’s been looking for any sort of work, but even the retail places won’t hire him because they have their choice of much younger, equally desperate people, so why bother with an overqualified writer?

    Having said that, I DO believe we should not add costs without paying for them. It’s just that I believe the answer is in taxing our richest citizens a bit more. Of all countries (other than 3rd world), our rich folks pay the least in taxes and take the most from our government. They take far more than the unemployed who are working very hard at getting nonexistent jobs. Our rich are simply greedier than most.

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  5. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 14 years ago

    So cdward, Are you saying that I am only allowed to speak of moderation, self discipline, living within your means, and self reliance if I can prove that I have overcome a certain number of hardships? How many obstacles do I have to overcome before I meet your threshold of qualified.

    My words speak to what is good for the country and what has made this country great. The last time I checked in our local help wanted adds there were pages and pages of jobs available. They probably don’t pay as well as the last writing gig your friend the journalist had but they are paying jobs. But I suppose, if I’m you, I should just have the government pay his way for the rest of his life because he worked from 22 - 55. And the way I can do that is by taking capital away from those evil rich.

    Rich is not a pjorative and shouldn’t be used as an excuse to steal. If you weren’t taking their wealth for your redistribution scheme they would be taking that capital (that is rightfully theirs) and investing it in businesses that will benefit all of us.

    But I guess your way is better. Let’s take it from them and give it to people who now aren’t content to wait until they are 65 to live off social security. They should be able to live off it from 55 on.

    The old days are over. We are in a global economy where investers can take their capital else where and they will as long as looters think they are entitled to the wealth of others.

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  6. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “Bunning’s position is that we shouldn’t have another extension of unemployment benefits unless they are paid for with cuts in spending elsewhere.”

    Bunning voted against PAYGO. Bunning voted for the Bush Tax cuts and medicare spending. Neither were paid for. Why did someone so worried about “fiscal responsibility” do those things?
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  7. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “And I’m a firm believer that as long as unemployment is available there will be people like JaxAction that have obviously been unemployed for a long time that won’t go looking for a new job because it’s a sweeter deal to sit on the couch and lament how hard they have it.”

    Yes, unemployment is available. It’s available for about 10% of the country, whether they want it or not.

    The question is, is employment available? When there are more jobs out there looking for people than people looking for jobs, then maybe I’ll start worrying that some of the unemployed are enjoying their cushy lifestyles too much.

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  8. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  about 14 years ago

    Bunning is also retiring at the end of his term.

    He has nothing to lose by “standing his ground.”

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  9. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    @Bruce - WHY did he vote against PAYGO? And WHY did he vote for previous unemployment benefits?

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  10. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 14 years ago

    Billdog would now bleeep me to Hell because I don’t want the government racking up more bills for my Children (yes I have them) and my Grandchildren to pay.

    In his world it is a sin to celebrate a slowdown in profligate spending.

    We wouldn’t even be having this discussion if the Democratic leadership had been willing to reduce spending elsewhere to balance this load. But no, they were quite happy (as the Bush administration was also) to spend away and rack up debt as if it doesn’t matter.

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  11. Missing large
    jaxaction  about 14 years ago

    Fairportfan2, there is NO “Gay Conspiracy’s plan to feminise all ” but i dare you to google intersex fish in DC, entire east coast, or intersex fish, (above boulder creek) below boulder creek, CO. It’s a mis delivery of birth control hormones. keep drinking the water, watch yr tits grow during a crying jag…over sensitive men, (check der arnold of CA).

    MANDATED water treatment plants do NOT filter out any added hormones in the water. somethings got to be done to reverse this…. as yr mother grows a ‘tash, yr wife and msandre becomes the “norm”, what maybe 30 million women peeing hormones daily? got to be another way other than abortion….(last/worst case) option be4 you call me names(im no john birtcher-fluoride etc), search out inter-sex fish, and the eco “marker fish-white fish in boulder creek..coming to you, if not already.

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  12. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    @jaxaction - They’re parodying scottfreitas’ constant spiel about “girl government” and how gays are out to gay everything up as though we are out to convert everyone over to some kind of “gayism” religion.

    Your talk about “hormones” implies some kind of biological factor. Biological factors imply that there must be something natural. If you therefore assert that there’s something natural about being gay, that’s you being part of the gay agenda preaching your lies. You see, facts and science are lies. The dinosaur bones were put here to test our faith. That sort of thing.

    Our new resident crazy is “johnmcfarm.”

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Charlotte’s relatives are building webs in most of our “domestic” factories as we’ve shipped jobs overseas, while CEOs and that top 1% of income receivers (not “earners”) feast on Wilbur and squeal like Piglet that the Big Bad Wolf is a lib, while even Richard Simmons can’t work the blubber off their buns.

    Where exactly were all those “anti-pork”, “conservative spending” folks when the debt went from one to nearly 13 Trillion dollars under Republican administrations and one hardly “liberal” Democratic administration that Newtie proudly proclaimed a contract on to deny any rational reduction in spending?

    “Parliamentary procedure”, and logic, should have allowed for a “no confidence” vote to replace the out of control administration- in February 2002.

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  14. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 14 years ago

    Dr Canuck saying he’s going to “live off the state”…Jim Bunning is a former professional baseball player of about twenty years, doubt he needs to “live off the state”…he’s just the opposite, a guy who had no need to go into politics whatsoever other than to try to do what he thinks is right. Making the Fed be responsible and follow through on what it said it would do is right in the eyes of most Americans!

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  15. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 14 years ago

    Having been out of work for five years (and in CA, only got six months of UI), and now finally eligible for Medicare, I’d like to see:

    1) Us all have the medical plan my Congress-critter has. And

    2) Him required to have the one we get!

    By the way, taking out insurance policies on your neighbor’s house without his knowledge just might create an incentive to light it off.

    Or what Walmart calls ‘peasant insurance’ on their employees.

    Or Credit Default Swaps, insurance on a company failing, in which you have no other stake - of which there are trillions of dollars out there, but make billions for those selling them; ‘twill end in tears.

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  16. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “Making the Fed be responsible and follow through on what it said it would do is right in the eyes of most Americans!”

    For the umptinth time I ask… will someone on the Right PLEASE tell me why he voted AGAINST PAYGO?
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  17. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “What is PAYGO? Sounds like they should be doing that already.”

    Pay as you go. They should have, but that didn’t stop legislation like tax cuts for the rich, either. But every Republican voted against PayGo, I want to know why (other than the obvious reasons, I want to see a Right-winger spin it).
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