Joe Heller for July 22, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Well, it is a mess, but the recorders apparently finally got turned over. There’s no excusing the action, but there’s also no excuse to be so down on Russia when we did the same thing in Afghanistan they did.

    Loving your country, like your kids, means praising them when they do right, and being critical when they do wrong. Blind nationalism isn’t love, it’s either purest ignorance, or just stupidity.

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    Cinci Steve  almost 10 years ago

    ^^ You’ve been bashing America for going into Afghanistan and taking out Al Qaeda for 10 years now.

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    The tweets and tapes between separatists and their readers/listeners confirm the missile was fired by Russian loyalists if not Russians themselves. It is most likely the missile was fired by a separatist and not a Russian trained soldier. The soldiers rarely act without orders from above.Satellites know the exact location of the launch, and Ukranian loyalists have pictures of a mobile Surface to Air missile launcher leaving that location with only three of its four missiles. The only thing we really don’t know is the name of the person who pushed the button and/or the person who gave the order. The tweets and tapes have been removed and the separatists, along with Russia, are claiming Ukraine shot down the aircraft and manufactured the tweets and tapes.“Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?” asks Putin.China is backing Russia. Had the west not been willing to accept Ukraine into the EU and treat them as a friend and ally, then Russia would have never had to encourage separatists to take Crimea and Eastern Ukraine; and if Kiev had not sent soldiers to prevent gov’t offices and gov’t workers from being beaten and killed, Russia wouldn’t have had to send soldiers to protect the Russian speaking population doing the beatings and killings. China is still upset about people remember the anniversary of Tiananmen SquarePutin misses the good old days before the wall came down and Russian ‘properties’ split off from the motherland. It was so much more profitable for the Mob economy to profit and keep tenured leaders in power. When people care more about power than people, they become very dangerous. Just look at Reid, McConnall, Pelosi, Boehnor, and most of the people considering a run for the White House, and be afraid…. be very very afraid.Respectfully,C.

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  4. Manachan
    rpmurray  almost 10 years ago

    What’s all this talk about “Russian separatists”? Back when all this was starting the news was showing that most of these so-called separatists were wearing Russian special forces badges, and that they were actually Russian military.

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    Taste the air Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Michael wme, I’m unclear about what your saying. I did not know that Iraqi’s had anything to do with 9/11 and if you’re talking about Russia’s attack on the US having something to do with shooting down a plane that wasn’t American and may have had 1 American aboard as an attack on the US, I think you are mistaken.

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    You are a paradox to me, Tigger. You so often present a lucid reasoned comment and then one that is not so reasoned, however…in this case I will first give you a link to an incident in 1988 that took place off of the coast of Iran.**I think Trout is talking about the many Stinger missiles we sold to Afghani rebels during the Soviet occupation of that nation. I’ve seen images of Afghani hand made carpets with images of helicopters and airplanes dropping out of the sky in flames.*If the Malaysian airliner was shot down by a missile whose system was set on “automatic”, there is still a person who pushed the buttons that enabled the launch, and probably a person who gave the order to do so. If anything, your hypothesis makes the actions taken by the eastern factions more dangerous and worthy of punishment. Respectfully,C.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    The first “tweet” out from Ukraine WAS from a “separatist” stating they’d shot down a Ukrainian military aircraft. Follow up were talks and tweets of "OH SH*T!!) They knew it was a big screwup, and yes, began a coverup.

    BTW; in the Vincennes incident, several false claims WERE filed initially, but when the evidence was overwhelming, Reagan’s people did release the truth.

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  8. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  almost 10 years ago

    Brought to you by Vladimir Putin! And by Smart Power™.

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