Clay Jones for June 30, 2014

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    This latest comedy is merely another revelation of the contempt most congressmen have for the American people. Especially the Repubs. They have become so brazen that they pull their antics in broad view, secure in the confidence that we can do nothing about it. Republican attempts to gain total control of the government, by smear tactics, obstructionand voter suppression are all the ideas they can come up with. If they actually do get control of the W.H. and both houses, the American people will probably be subjected, among other outrages, to a new Constitution, written by you-know-who!

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  2. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    Mr. Obama is not a King – He is a President that swore to uphold the constitution and enforce the laws of this nation. Instead he has made every attempt to sidestep the constitution and is Brazenly refusing to enforce laws he finds inconvenient or doesn’t like.

    For those of you who think it is OK as long as he means well I ask you what you will say when A President:: Doesn’t enforce tax laws on some of his political supporters, Doesn’t enforce EPA regulations (because he doesn’t like them), Doesn’t prosecute rape because he thinks it’s anti-male or too pro-feminist.

    An Executive branch that can selectively choose which laws they wish to enforce is no more then a tyrrant and a dictator. We elected neither.

    The Executive branch should feel free to lobby congress to make changes to the laws with which they take exception but as long as the law is on the books, and they are aware that it is being violated, they have to enforce it or be recognized as violating their oath and they should then be impeached.

    I know there are liberals out there that cheer and rally every time Mr. Obama flouts his duties because it falls in their favor but there will come a time when they find this cuts both ways.

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    By the way Mangy – What you call obstruction some of us call protection. Those congressmen are representing their constituents as best they know how. Some of us don’t want the President to accomplish anything because all of his initiatives seem focused on taking rights and privileges away from the producers to help his indolent supporters.

    You may not agree with that opinion but apparently sufficient people do to elect the very people that are standing in the way of your great hero.

    If you want to make all those great things happen – Make them happen in your State and stop trying to foist your wants and opinions on the rest of us around the country. That is what the Congress is doing – Protecting us from an overreaching tyrannical government.

    The Republican house is heroic. They are to be applauded for the way they have stood up to the Dictator in Chief (K).

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    ARodney  almost 10 years ago

    What exposes their lies and hypocrisy is that they both want to sue Obama for NOT enforcing immigration law (as they see it, he’s enforced it better than Bush did), but also for ENFORCING environmental laws that the congress passed. They’re basically suing him for running and winning as a Democrat, and then governing as a Democrat.

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  5. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    The country faces numerous important problems. The Congress has been focused on obstructionism. The current Congress has spent the least number of day is session of any Congress, initiated numerous politically motivated investigations that went no where, voted to revoke the ACA over 50 times and have done nothing to solve the problems that affect the majority of Americans. Immigration is stalled, infrastructure is falling apart, the middle class is getting poorer by the day and major corporations pay little or no taxes because of all their special tax loop holes. It is a record they should be ashamed of but apparently they are proud of it. I will be hard pressed to vote for any Republican in the coming elections.

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  6. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    @Crabbyrino – I don’t have a crystal ball but I think you might be disappointed at what is going to happen come fall. I on the other hand may be elated by what may change in November.

    Without the Obstructionist Harry Reid (Yes I use your terms). The congress can send bills to the White house that Mr. Obama will have to Veto or sign. And he might find the senate far less hospitible when it comes to driving his agenda.

    Yes, Yes, let’s just wait for fall and see who is the happy camper.

    In the mean time – I applaud Republican Congressmen who stick to their principles and stymie Mr.Obama’s attempts at illegal acts.

    Eventually he will run out of time and we will get another President. Democrat or Republican and maybe they will have the diplomacy and the common sense to work with the congress rather then against them.

    Soon we will be free of tyranny.

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  7. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    @NeoconMan – Your dry sarcasm aside. There are some Democrats that represent districts that were in favor of the war.But we wouldn’t expect a Dove Congressman to support a war anymore then we should expect a Conservative congressman to support More Socialism.

    The Liberals that cry Obstructivism now will be the ones trying to impede Progress when it is a more conservative minded government. They will be doing the right thing for their district. It will annoy the hell out of me but our Government was designed specifically to NOT whipsaw every time the party in charge changed. The government is supposed to move slowly and deliberately so people who are impacted have time to adjust.

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  8. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    In response to a few commentators above, I still maintain that the Republicans have, and will continue to OBSTRUCT any real initiatives by the President. I have not read any response from Boehner such as “The President is close, but may we suggest….” or “His basic plan is ok, but how about we talk about this part….” All his responses are damning, and show NO INCLINATION for responsible debate, or discussion.Ever since I Emailed a comment to Speaker Boehner’s web site two months ago, I have been on his list for weekly Email updates. In everything I read, that HIS office sends me, there is a poisonous, accusatory mien, yet no real alternative is offered. I maintain that the Republican Party, as presently constituted, is a very dangerous entity, and I dread the possibility of them gaining full government control.

    This does not mean I am a great fan of all Pres. Obama has done, but he has done a far better job of managing our affairs than his greedy, and the incompetent pair of predecessor!

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  9. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    @Mikefive – Well Said!!!!

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