Tom Toles for February 05, 2010

  1. Soldier  edit
    Kosher71  over 14 years ago

    Necessity is the mother of invention .

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    True, but the problem is that Necessity usually doesn’t come into play until things are very, very dire.

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    donbeco  over 14 years ago

    Us “climate change” pushers digest the data rather than put our collective heads in the sand. And yes the data is reliable not the bs “non believers” claim it to be.

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    woodwork  over 14 years ago

    “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson, circa 1962 or so

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    leipsicbob  over 14 years ago

    So, Scott, why do YOU use a computer?

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    agent.007  over 14 years ago

    O’Don, you mean digesting the data like the con artists of Climategate did, or the Himalayan glacier crooks? And, Rachel Carson yet! That scoundrel’s invented “data” led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in tropical countries. The people who talk most incessantly of their devotion to science are typically the last ones to trust.

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    Antidote  over 14 years ago

    Wow, Scott mentions dinosaurs and no one does a double-take…

    As a species, we can act pretty recklessly and selfishly sometimes. We’re built that way so I think it’s a sign of maturity and responsability to question our impact on the environment. If serving the greater good means scaling back from my very comfortable north-american lifestyle, changing my ways and exploring alternatives, so be it.

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    lalas  over 14 years ago

    Yup Scoofy… there is ABSOLUTELY no need for us to even try to become less dirty. No need at all. Thanks for clearing that up for us.

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    agent.007  over 14 years ago

    Antidote, nobody’s keeping you from scaling back your comfortable life style, so by all means do that. Just don’t be so arrogant as to dictate to me what I must do to be a good citizen, given the inferior quality of your scientific analysis of things.

    And, lalas, no need for US to even try to become less dirty? The voice of authority. No, I mean authoritarianism.

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    bradwilliams  over 14 years ago


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    Antidote  over 14 years ago


    I’m not a scientist, don’t claim to be. But if a panel of experts told me that driving at 150 in a school zone is hazardous..I’d believe them. That’s why we have laws and…well, speed limits. Are you saying that the governments should stop passing laws? That you wouldn’t respect caps on pollution?

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    donbeco  over 14 years ago

    Overwhelming scientific data is not something you excuse away by attaching a “gate” to the end of it. We broaden our horizons by opening our eyes and exercising our mind.

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  13. Buddy
    lalas  over 14 years ago

    007 What?!? You think we shouldn’t make any effort to clean up our act?

    Should we start putting lead in our gas again.. in paint? She we start killing all the birds and animals with DDT again?

    I can’t believe that you nutballs think we shouldn’t even try to move toward a cleaner, more sustainable way of living. Just boggles the mind. Comes off as a bunch of toddlers refusing to do it precisely because it is the logical thing to do.

    Wingnuts are the same group of folks who gripe about foreign oil and being beholden to foreign powers….. wouldn’t alt energy be the answer to that? Meanwhile the Chinese and the EU will make all the advancements in renewable energy and we’ll still be broke and dumb. It all fits together and it all fits together in a way that you seem to patently refuse to accept or understand.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Petroleum is mostly PLANT material, not “dinosaurs”. Natural gas is being touted as “cleaner” than coal, well it sorta’ is, but rock fracturing to get it out of the ground is poisoning water sources all over the place, killing cows, grass, and people. There is frankly no such thing as “clean coal”. Cars were on the market in 1977 that got over 50 mpg, and now we’re getting near that with hybrids.

    The population of the planet is at 6.8 billion or so, and everyone wants a car- even those admitting we’re looking at over 9 billion folks on the planet soon. The simple fact is that anyone who thinks we can keep screwing ourselves into an overpopulation nightmare- of people and “products” and “lifestyle” is totally nuts.

    Ignoring climate change, which we can’t, we’re totally blowing it, and dreaming of a brave new world where everyone has the U.S. lifestyle, is an idiot, unless you see the future U.S. looking like Haiti today.

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    agent.007  over 14 years ago

    Oh, how could I have forgotten “killing all the birds and animals” nonsense? Yes, I remember well hearing about how robins were an endangered species because of DDT. Total B.S.! It’s a pity Carson wasn’t indicted for murder.

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    Tolestoy  over 14 years ago

    At least scotfreitas waited until the end of his/her post before the majority of the name calling began.

    Of course I brought it upon myself.

    I was just stupid, or crazy, or nihilistic to have read that far.

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    Antidote  over 14 years ago


    heh, if there weren’t heavy fines, I’m sure some “danger” deniers would drive that fast in a school zone…. It’s an example. We need to agree on rules of good behaviour and, sometimes, set rules and pass laws that everyone will respect. Same goes with environmental protection. Do you deny that pesticides/chemicals in water are deforming and killing wildlife? Should that go unchecked?

    People are going to get rich no matter which way we go. Funny how fossil fuel companies are the ones funding climate-skeptic campaigns. You have stocks in Exxon Mobil you’re counting on?

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    agent.007  over 14 years ago

    The monied interests like the oil companies are behind the skepticism about warming? Gee, every oil company ad on TV I’ve seen lately has been going along with the hoax, piously telling us how they’re in the fight to combat greenhouse gases. And, GE with its TV networks has an obvious motive to promote the hysteria, given that the corporation is the world’s biggest maker of wind turbines. All this sermonizing about corporate greed and the “deniers” is pure garbage.

    Simple, cheap effective answers, presumably to the ghastly threats to our imperiled planet, have been available for years? Well, you’d better believe there’s nothing cheap or effective about cap and trade. All the woods and fields you once played in are gone? I suppose people have built houses and streets on them, but why they are less entitled to live there than you were entitled to live where you grew up is not easy to see. Okay, overpopulation is not a frivolous worry, but that is not the same issue as climate change. Or maybe you’re on the verge of telling us that humans are a cancerous growth deserving drastic culling. That nutcase argument is not unusual in this day and age.

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    Antidote  over 14 years ago

    Yeah, too bad cultivation isn’t legal yet in the states (or is it?) as it is here up north in Canuckistan.

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  20. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    It’s really interesting that Exxon/Mobil and Chevron- who first paid for the ads denying climate change, are now 180 out in their ads, and are the “good guys”.

    DDT btw didn’t endanger mammals, or so much low on the food chain critters, but raptors and those higher in the chain. It was banned in the U.S., but not elsewhere- mostly to combat malaria, where better, but more costly, solutions exist. Just a few years ago, the introduction of Peregrine falcons was not completed near where I live because the ducks that migrated in from “down south” STILL had to high a level of DDT. This meant that peregrines eating these ducks would have the “thin shell problem” and likely NOT be able to reproduce. The problem is NOT gone!

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