Mike Luckovich for June 13, 2014

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Ahhhhh, Dick and Bush. The gift that just keeps on giving.

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    Vermont Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    The Bush-Cheney legacy posted for all to read. The answer to the question “Why should we not trust the GOP to head the executive branch?” Two men who destroyed everything they touched, except for their own bank accounts.

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    jonpeterson001  almost 10 years ago

    Harley, so many things wrong w/ what you wrote. The group isn’t Al Quaeda, its a another group called ISIS that has come in from Syria. Also, nobody is going to keep that country under control but another crazy dictator. Too many people there have no love of their country and are unwilling to fight for it, as evidenced by their armed forces who just dropped their guns and uniforms when the fighting got hot. (They’re not cowards, they just aren’t willing to die FOR THEIR COUNTRY…for Allah, sure) So unless you are saying we should have continued to lose American $$ and lives in a FRUITLESS effort in that war ravaged land, you should admit that we NEVER SHOULD HAVE GONE IN IN THE FIRST PLACE. Even Papa Bush said so.

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    spiderlegs54  almost 10 years ago

    The basic that’s missing here is, simply, that few, if any, in the Middle East even have any sense of “Country”, or “Nation”, or much else other than a fanaticism concerning THEIR OWN brand of Mohammedism. Even Afghanistanis are far, Far, FAR more clan-tribal oriented than “nationalist.

    I would submit, very many in the US have a tribal, clan mentality. When they start talking of government intervention and Nimby type protests, I get the feeling they are supporting and “protecting” ME and MY group. In my mind, nationalism is about celebrating the whole country and all its differences and gifts.

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  5. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 10 years ago

    News flash: Bush left the building FIVE years ago!

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Bush/Cheney et al set the deadline for invasion (several months before they occupied the White House), and yes BUSH and IRAQ set the date for withdrawal, set for 2010!!

    We told Iraq to sink or swim, which reminded me of when my brother threw me in the deep end of the pool, I almost drowned. The best of thinking processes would have been NOT to throw me in the pool in the first place! OR, alternatively, given lessons first in the shallow end, and actually leaving some water in the pool would also have made swimming easier!

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    ^Mike’s artistry merely depicts the totally accurate picture.

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  8. Barnette
    Enoki  almost 10 years ago

    More like Obama kicked the bucket over and then as he is leaving gets stopped and he says “I didn’t do that, it was Bush’s fault!”.I guess that saying about telling a lie often enough and loud enough people start believing it is true because the MSM has certainly swallowed Obama’s line of drivel.

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    SlightlySlow  almost 10 years ago

    Mike Luckovich, Über Liberal par excellence. What a funny guy. His material may be a little dated, hey, he writes a great strip….brings the old crazies right outa the wood work. But…I wonder why he stirs the pot? History has proven “W” correct in deposing Sadam and his two certifiable sons, their insanity makes Stalin and Pol Pot look benevolent…and he acted on the best advice from every intelligence agency in the “free world”. That would include our own CIA’s, who’s head, George Tenet, a Clinton appointee and holdover, so famously adivsed Bush that Sadam had WMD and would use them, “a slam dunk”. A listing of Sadam’ atrocities’ track record is overwhelming: an ongoing war with Iran, rape of Kuwait, genicide of the southern Shites, thousands in mass graves, gassing of the Kurds, villages bulldozed, daily threats to Israel, thief of the national treasury, violation of UN sanctions…and a scary thought, the third largest standing army in the world. When do you say, enough is enough. Bush tipping point may have been 9/11, we had troops in the field, boom, bang, Sadam is gone and 40 million people are free. So far, so good. So…how did we come to this. Headlines: Iraq Implodes? Kinda makes you wonder who pulled the plug.

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    SlightlySlow  almost 10 years ago

    I’m thinking, oil makes the wheels go round. Try doing without it for awhile…then talk stupid and motivation. See if anybody listens.

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  11. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    Harley, those two U-tube videos you advised me to view had nothing to do with my comments. On the first one, the Pres was speaking about the economy, about what might have happened if the govt didn’t bail out Wall Street. (of which I am still not in total agreement)The second video was about rising prices of gas & oil during the Cheney/Bush years. The pres noted that Cheney, as the head of our energy “policies” met with a green energy group once during those eight years, while he met with the big oil company groups over 40 times?

    Thank you for this additional information!

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    This outcome of “success” in Iraq was predicted in 2002 before we invaded under false pretense, and again when al Maliki was “blessed” by Bush/Cheney et al, just like Karzai in Afghanistan. When we push crooks and idiots to the top in other countries, it’s well, just like pushing Cheney and Bush to the top here at home.

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    goweeder  almost 10 years ago

    “….idiot Republicans are going to blame Obama for Bush’s disastrous foreign policy.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All too true — and so typical.

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    goweeder  almost 10 years ago

    “….. Watching Fox News has made you stupid.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Does watching Fox News make people stupid?Or do only stupid people watch Fox News?

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    goweeder  almost 10 years ago

    “….” Oh wait you loony liberals said GW was just over there for the oil, like duuuh at 2$ a gallon I will take him back"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I sincerely hope that many of us are hoping that you are in a tiny minority.

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    BoxCar66  almost 10 years ago

    You seem to be the only one that has the facts correct. Thank You.

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