Gary Varvel for May 23, 2014

  1. Picture 1
    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 10 years ago

    It is more fun and far easier to bash the president than to admit the VA was underfunded even though the number of returning vets were skyrocketing. Now the conservatives need to have a half a dozen investigations that they can hold between now and the next election. Anybody notice the Benghazi and IRS investigations continue to drag on with little or no results. It’s Washington’s way of doing nothing.

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    ARodney  about 10 years ago

    The senate Republicans filibustered Veteran’s benefits. They didn’t lift a finger when Bush overloaded the system with new wounded people. There’s plenty of blame to go around, and the cartoonist is showing considerable partisan bias on this one. The Congress should be there blocking progress.

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  3. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  about 10 years ago

    Going to war in the Middle East, we were told that it would take 6 months, and cost $2 billion, tops. When it was determined that it would cost $2 trillion for VA care for our veterans, those same optimists dismissed the cost estimate as being ridiculous.

    And, remember, the only money we can spend is money to buy the ability to kill. If there is any other need, we don’t have the money.

    Who couldn’t see this happening?

    This problem, as well as almost all of our problems, is due to inadequate planning, inadequate oversight, and inadequate responsibility. Lack of money is one thing; having the money and spending it in the wrong places is another. We have both of those problems. It is the job of Congress to straighten that out.

    I have every confidence that when we finish having hearings on Benghazi, Internal Revenue, and we finish our lawsuit against Obamacare, Congress will get right on it.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    Old men dying of terminal illnesses they didn’t go in to get diagnosed on their own until it was too late, aren’t exactly VA’s or Obama’s fault.

    Like my mother-in-law who didn’t go in early with her cancer symptoms because of the cost for medical care after she found her “employer provided” wasn’t sufficient to cover costs, and she didn’t have it. Plus, there was that typical procrastination factor Doctors will tell you almost all patients display. That 40+ years of smoking of course had nothing to do with the cancer.

    Yep, no point in funding the VA or the ACA at levels, and STAFFING required to keep up with the job.

    Tell Congress to get out of the agencies hair, like writing LAW to micro-manage within agencies, instead of following the Constitution, and let the Executive branch do the managing through regulations reviewed and commented on by the PUBLIC!

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    Jon Stewart’s rant on the VA "scandal’ last night, was perfect!

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    Like starting TWO senseless wars on the WRONG COUNTRIES through phony lies and political blackmail, to get over 4,000 killed and thousands more crippled for life? You mean hiding their scorn for those who they deserted from, or never joined due to “better things to do”?

    Right, indeed.

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