Bob Gorrell for March 13, 2014

  1. Barnette
    Enoki  about 10 years ago

    Abolish Medicare and Medicade. Fine with me. Reduce regulation and while we’re at it abolish several cabinet positions and departments of the federal government like HUD, Education, Energy… among others. There might be a few agencies in those that can survive but the bulk? Gone..More government and particularly an activist social welfare state government with high taxes and lots of regulation are a fail. California, Detroit, Washington DC, Europe, all show the trainwreck that Big Government brings.That isn’t some ivory tower academic nonsense like Michael wme tries to slather on us made by an academic like Krugman but rather historical experiance and example in the real world.

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  2. Missing large
    evodevo Premium Member about 10 years ago

    And, Bob, the exception of cutting the DOD …

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  3. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 10 years ago

    But wages will not necessarily increase, and it is spending money by the middle-working-class that support many businesses. No state or federal agency knows how many long-term unemployed, and under-employed are out there. For every job listed, there are hundreds of applicants. And, Human Resource people don’t like older workers, and those who have been out of work for more than a year, thinking there must be some reason that they have not been hired. It is weary always reading some drivel by right-wing pundits that the long-term unemployed are “milking it”, that we really don’t want to work, and would rather have the wealthy support us. As Colonel Potter used to say, “HORSEHOCKEY!”. We want to work, and keep hustling every day!

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Or cut corporate welfare and make the plutocrats pay their fair share.

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  about 10 years ago

    “…….Normal thinking people understand that cutting taxes on business will increase profits, which will be plowed back into the business for expansion and upgrades, which results in the need to hire more employees and contractors, which compounds because those employees and contractors have more money to spend, which increases demand and businesses expand to meet the demand, which results in more taxes being paid by more people, even if the tax rate is lower…..”.So based on that simplistic reasoning, the economy should have been blooming in 2008 after the Bush tax cuts. But rather it was the most disastrous financial crisis since the Great Depression.

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