Lisa Benson for February 12, 2014

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    If he could run again, this disaster would definetly be delayed until 2017.Funny how he keeps delaying such a “great” bill. Even he’s not dumb enough to not realize that a flood of layoffs and cut hours will happen immediately when the employer mandate is enforced.So let’s wait until after this years mid-term elections and then nobody has to pay the price.Hopefully, there are enough informed voters this time around.

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  2. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 10 years ago

    How about the flood of experienced doctors that leave the profession, and lack of new doctors going into the profession, and less R&D for new drugs an cures. I can’t wait to see how you blame that on Bush.

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  3. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Hillary had the chance to get it right in 93, she screwed it up.

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  4. Missing large
    nanellen  over 10 years ago

    overtaxed, I could not have said it better.

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  5. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  over 10 years ago

    Republican plan: “We’re sorry. You have reached a number that is no longer in service. Please check the number and dial again.”

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  6. Missing large
    oneoldhat  over 10 years ago

    dear neoconman you are 90 year behind it is now gov in control

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  7. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Nantucket, your definition of socialism is dated. There are a number of variants that are just as incidious as the original. In the case of the US government and Obama administration is a variant called “Statist Capitalism” or Statism.Here, the government effectively is Socialist by controlling economic policy while allowing Big Corporations to remain in private hands.. end effect it amounts to the same thing. This is why the Obama administration can dictate to GM to build the Chevy Volt that nobody buys for example. It is why “Green / Renewable” energy can be forced on the nation regardless of its cost or ineffectiveness..Obama isn’t the first administration to practice it, but rather just the latest and one that is doing more of it than previous administrations..Statism favors The Rich and Big Corporations and hurts the Middle Class and Poor. Hence why The Rich and Big Corporations are getting richer and doing well while the Middle Class and Poor are getting kicked to the curb.

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  8. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    “At least under that system they actually get care immediately, instead of being forcibly denied until some bureaucrat deigns to grant permission.”

    True, but only to a point. When you have a heart attack, the emergency room personnel will fix you up and put you back on the street in a hurry. But they won’t work with you on controlling your diet and other health choices to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. They do not follow diabetics to ensure that they are choosing healthy habits or intervening with the patient who do not. When you eliminate all but emergency room care, you get expensive cure and no prevention. Not ideal.

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  9. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    No, insurance companies, hospitals, drug companies, etc., have been taken over by government to the extent that the government sets the regulations, policies, fees, payment schedules, etc., of those corporations.Drug manufacturers have to follow government proceedures and regulations to put a product on the market. Even the container and labeling is largely determined by the government.Hospitals have to meet government standards and in many cases can only charge government mandated fees. Insurance compaines now have to offer policies that meed Obamacare and can only offer alternatives at substancially greater cost by government made rules..In effect, the government runs those companies through those rules, regulations, laws, and enforcement mechanizms. So, while they may be privately owned and funded they are in effect part and parcel controlled in operation by the government..That makes them statist and in effect socialist as the government defacto controls their operations through those same regulations.

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  10. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “Spicynacho criticizes the government”That’s all you got? Yes, I criticize Democrats and Republicans. Always have and always will when they deserve it.-Don’t worry, you will do it again once a Republican is in charge at the Whitehouse.

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  11. Tigerfarts
    SpicyNacho Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I didn’t take offense to your post, I just didn’t see how it related to the other examples you were giving when I read it. I was just being tongue in cheek as to the fact that the others were more harsh criticisms. In fact, I went back to re-read your post but I don’t see it there.-We do disagree on quite a bit here and what we need to do to fix problems our country has, but I do read your posts. I realize most people don’t read mine, but I don’t really post that much or spend that much time on the site. It seems like a forum to argue and insult others more than anything. I don’t see too many minds being changed one way or the other or much consideration of other’s views when I do read the comments.-I am right leaning and fairly conservative in how I live my life. I believe nearly all of our politicians are just playing us to keep their good thing going as long as possible (the public be damned). The democrats play games and blame Republicans. Harry Reid won’t bring bills to a vote because he doesn’t want his people to be on the record. Republicans vote party line as well and blame democrats whenever possible. They almost all hide behind the “party” and do nothing other than feel good legislation to just get by to the next election. Every one of them is afraid of offending some segment of their voting block and have no interest in solving problems.-Something needed to be done, but the ACA was not it. It has so many flaws and problems, and Obama won’t really fix the problems he just keeps making unconstitutional changes to push it down the road to be someone elses problem.

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