Lisa Benson for January 15, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    She just gets dumber every day.

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  2. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    Oh here’s an idea from the loony left that controls California….Free health insurance to ILLEGALS! Why not give them new cars too if they can successfully break our laws?

    SACRAMENTO — Immigrants who are in California illegally should have access to health insurance through a state version of the Affordable Care Act, the head of the Legislature’s Latino caucus said Friday.State Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) said immigration status should be irrelevant if the goal of the federal law is to provide coverage to the uninsured, so he will introduce legislation to involve the state in providing coverage to those in the country illegally.“Immigration status shouldn’t bar individuals from health coverage, especially since their taxes contribute to the growth of our economy,” Lara said.The federal law bars those in the country illegally from obtaining coverage through Covered California, the state health insurance exchange.,0,7582750.story#ixzz2qS5DwCQX

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  3. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 10 years ago

    I saw nothing wrong with healthcare as it was. Of course, I’m just some stupid conservative who is a strict constitutionalist, right commie libs?

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  4. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    California is just the latest state that Democrats and the Progressive Left have turned into a Third World country…

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  5. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  over 10 years ago

    Thank you, Mr. Creosote.Know what else is funny?Over 2 million people signing up. Over 9 million people insured that weren’t before.Hil-larious!

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  6. Missing large
    Mneedle  over 10 years ago

    The 51st state will be Old Mexico

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  7. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    FB post from a friend of mine:- “I read a lot of negative posts about the Affordable Care Act…..or obamacare as it is commonly called… experience is this…..we have affordable insurance for the both of us….both self employed….starting February 1st. This would not have been possible with a diagnosis of cancer before the ACA. Having already seen our hospital bills for my treatment so far exceed $160,000.00, it is nice to know that as I start this next very expensive phase in my fight for survival, we will at least have insurance coverage.™ and I have both worked really hard for years…..paying taxes, donating to charitable causes….thousands of dollars per year in donations of cash or my work most years….thousands of dollars per year in taxes….we are not lazy, nor have we taken anything from the system in the form of any type of governmental aid…..and there have been some occasions as we transitioned into our current work situations when we probably could have qualified…..I even at one point was a “job creator” when my woodworking business was going full tilt before the housing crash……I sat down on my iPad and spent about 20 minutes filling out the application..I needed some basic financial info…..and the process was straightforward and simple….we qualified for a tax rebate to be used for paying a large chunk of the premium… less than the time it takes to eat lunch, we were signed up and confirmed with a silver ppo plan that as I said starts in a couple of weeks. It’s not free….there is a tax subsidy of course, but we have to pay a premium every month…..but we are insured……are there issues that need to be worked out with the ACA…..of course… every new program of course there are….but let me tell you this…..emergency room care is not available for cancer…..I have a friend who has basically the same thing I do…and just got his feeding tube put in yesterday…..6 weeks into his radiation and chemo treatments…..after losing 24 pounds……if he had insurance it would have been placed before his treatments began…..but he couldn’t find anyone to do it without cash up front….one of the factors in not just recovery time, but survival itself, is weight loss……he lost 24 pounds before even having the tube placed……unacceptable….. It is also a fact that both he and I would most likely have sought treatment much earlier, and ended up with a much better prognosis than stage 4 cancer if we had insurance previously…..ACA is a start in the right direction to make things like this a thing of the past……I always welcome intelligent informed discussion over any subject…..but …..uninformed responses, and parroting of the deliberate misinformation spread by those who are seeking political gain by sinking a necessary program are unacceptable also…..research before you form and spread your opinions….what if I were your son….or husband….or father…..or you, yourself……how would you feel about it then?"-And PH said:-“Well put (RC). I am grateful that I have excellent insurance coverage through my husband, but in the past have been self-employed and know what it is to have minimal coverage to be able to afford the premium. No alternative is perfect by no means, but this is a start towards our society having appropriate healthcare alternatives. I teach full-time and continue to work in nursing on a PRN basis. I have worked in nursing administration and know the loss that hospitals face from self-pay vs. insured patients. With our growing populations HC organizations cannot afford to write off losses created by non-payment…you are right this is a start in the right direction. Every citizen has the right yo appropriate medical care, but with that being said, organizations should have the right to expect payment for services rendered. Good luck my friend, Tracy & you remain in my prayers.”-And DH said:-“My wife and I have affordable, effective insurance for the first time through the ACA. Haters are just that, haters. Good health to you and yours, (RC)”-

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  8. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    Just thought some testimonials from people who actually have experience with the ACA might be apropo.

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  9. Tile comics logo
    TileComics  over 10 years ago

    @TheTrustedMechanicWhy hasn’t decades of “democrat” policy in Chicago, Detroit, et al, ended up like the utopia that is the California you describe?

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  10. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    “More folks have lost their plans then have signed up for Obamacare.”-This is the second time today where you used ‘then’ where I think you meant ‘than’. It appears that your knowledge of grammar is as lacking as your knowledge of policy/politics.

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  11. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    “I have debunked that over and over. "-I didn’t see that. Could you provide it again please?

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  12. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    California is turning into a Third World country. Today, there are two Californias:.The first is that of weath in enclaves along the Pacific coast where those living there produce little but have the wealth to live nicely supported by an economy that largely caters to them..The second is the rest of the state collapsing into a cesspool of economic dispair.California is hemorraging businesses. In the past 5 years over 1000 have left the state and that pace is accelerating. California ranks dead last for being business friendly..California also has one of the highest costs of living, the higest state taxes, the most onerous enviromental regulations, and generally has a glut of government regulatory oversight..That you choose to focus on what that state’s government is doing shows you don’t get it. Government is the problem in California, not the solution..California is also for the first time in its history losing population. People are fleeing the state. The aerospace industry, which in the 40’s to 70’s was dominant to that industry in California, has all left the state. There is no more aerospace manufacturing worth mentioning in California (note how Boeing now wants to abandon the nearly as badly managed state of Washington…).... you probably won’t like the article, it is accurate. California is becoming a Third World nation.

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  13. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    “Harley’s idea of debunking is to call people liars and say they are delusional..”-I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and read/listen to what she has to say.

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  14. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    “…Obamacare won’t pay the doctor.”-The first thing you’ve said that’s actually correct. Of course the ACA won’t pay, that isn’t it’s purpose. It’s the insurance companies that pay. Congratulations blind squirrel, you’ve found your first nut.

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    “Overtaxed” : When my son was in Panama and Colombia, the locals were most impressed by the fact he spoke unaccented Castilian, not “Mexican”, it opened many doors where Americans trying to fit in, didn’t. (He also speaks German, and can “get by” in Russian, Mandarin, Serbo-Croatian, and a little Arabic.) Yes, most Americans ARE taught “Mexican” in schools, not pure “Spanish”.

    That the ACA does need to be improved, like “single payer”, is true, but so is the fact that in coming months more, millions more, Americans will finally have health coverage, is hardly reason to bash one’s head against the wall. It is the “loyal opposition” in Congress, and the “media” who might be more “adjusted to propriety” if THEIR heads were bashed against that wall, but not as firmly as Lisa suggests.

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  16. Missing large
    nate9279  over 10 years ago

    this cartoon is gratuitous and gross

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  17. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    “When they get Obamacare, no self respecting real doctor is going to see them because Obamacare won’t pay the doctor.”

    As a doctor, I have to respond. First: insurance won’t pay me now; hasn’t paid me what I’m worth for years. I make less per exam today (forgetting the change in the value of the dollar, just talking dollars themselves) than I did thirty years ago. Would you be willing to take on far greater legal responsibility and far greater costs of doing business for less income? Thank your doctor(s) for caring more for you than for insurance dollars. This is the reason that there is a shortage of doctors. Those of us who can afford to get out, will, and as soon as possible. This trend started way before Mr. Obama was a Senator.

    And even though the insurance industry will go out of their way to reduce our reimbursements even further using “Obamacare” as an excuse, remember that they are being forced to take more and more premium dollars because people are forced to buy their product. If you really think that Obamacare will bankrupt the health care system, pay attention to the pay and bennies that go to Insurance company CEOs, directors, and other assorted paper-pushers. There is money to be made, but not if you are the one keeping the patient healthy. As much as I dislike aspects of Obamacare, I have to be truthful: the problem is the insurance companies, plain and simple.

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  18. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    TTM, I think you are making a serious mistake dismissing that article without reading it. As surprising as you might find this I regularly read the Progressive Leftist “The Nation” magazine taking the articles printed there seriously. Of course, I disagree with much of what is written, but I never simply dismiss them as “delusion(al).”They warrant my time because I think it is far more important that I know what those that disagree with me are thinking that what those who agree completely are.

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  19. Missing large
    Don Winchester Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “How about WE ……. ALL of us…..learn to argue properly …and work together…and respect each other….and be tolerant…rather than being so extreme and hateful…???”.You said 5 hours ago, and not TWO comments down you replied to TheTrustedMechanic:,“The truth is the last thing that the conservatives wish to hear.”.Why would anyone listen to you when you don’t even follow your OWN advice for 2 minutes?

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  20. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 10 years ago

    This is clever and accurate..,34957/

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  21. Cb1
    CasualBrowser  over 10 years ago

    “Good for you, but I am a guy, who has stuck with the old handle of his dead bird named after jokers side kick, which is named after the jesters of old. the jesters of old were as legion has the only ones allowed to say the absolute truth to the king. the Goofy is also a truth teller and I just like the idea of Super Goof. It fits me.”-Now that I know, I’ll refer to you with the proper pronoun. Be careful though, using Disney imagry can get you attention you don’t want.

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  22. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Who’s been banging their heads?Oh, right… the Tea Party!

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