Tom Toles for December 30, 2013

  1. Crab hat rear
    Crabbyrino Premium Member over 10 years ago

    COMPROMISE is not a dirty word.

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  2. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    The real dirty word is Progressive. That wing of Leftist nutjobs that now dominate the Democrat party.

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  3. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Sure I want to move the country forward. That isn’t going to happen with a Progressive Leftist agenda. Their agenda is one of the Industrial Revolution and mid-20th Century. It relies on Big Government, Socialist-like policy, and central planning..In terms of where they want to go, they want Sweden in 1970 or Britain or France of the same period. That is they want taxes on anyone productive at 80%+ of their income (Sweden in that period actually exceeded 100% on some people!), want the government to subsidize and plan the economy (eg., Statist Capitalism), want a centralized government run health, retirement, and social services system. Those are just a few examples of how Progressives are backwards thinking..We are no longer in the Industrial Revolution. We have entered the Electronics Revolution. Decentralization is the future. Getting rid of big cities and dense urban landscape is the future. Removing Big Government and the central planning it brings is the future.Progressives are everything they say they are NOT. They are actually regressive in thinking. Their myopia is drowning the economy and prosperity of people.

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  4. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  over 10 years ago

    Conservatism these days is a parasitic growth that eventually kills the host, and short-sightedly believes it won’t be affected when the host dies.

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  5. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    I’m not thrilled with Big Business, but Walmart can’t force you to buy their crappola and can’t throw you in prison for not doing it; Big Government can and will.

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  6. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    Is it Oscar? Are YOU required to have health insurance by government fiat? Remember that “little” law Obamacare? Hint, hint?.What happens if you don’t buy a policy? The government penalizes you with a tax. If you refuse to pay you can expect the IRS to knock on your door and arrest you for it..Walmart can’t do that. Boeing can’t do that. Microsoft can’t do that. Government can. It is government that should scare you…

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  7. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 10 years ago

    Very ironic toon from Tom Toles who daily pushes his ultra-leftwing agenda.

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  8. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    So, are you saying TTM that all of these orgainzations that self identify as Progressive Leftist are lying?!. put nothing but Progressive Leftist sites and you claim they are lying about their own stuff?! Incredible!They, Progressive Leftists, are the ones that cite wanting Big Government, socialist-LIKE (not Socialism but similar to socialism) policies, and central planning of the economy. These are sites run by Progressives..What is your response to that? You make unsupported claims using a string of ad hominems and insults that I’m wrong even as I cite the Progressive Left’s OWN stuff!Refute the claims with some facts please. If you cannot don’t insult yourself by baselessly insulting me.

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  9. Missing large
    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    hippogriff said, less than a minute ago

    TheTrustedMechanic: Good, but your numbering system is out of date. First world: Originally NATO plus Japan; now all controlled by the US military-industrial junta. Second world: Originally Warsaw Pact; now Russia, China, and the old Indo-China. Third world: Originally victims of 19th and 20th century colonialism trying to make it as independent countries; now same thing only facing civil war supported by military-industrial arms manufacturers.New additions: Fourth world: Excluded middle with massive poverty and a few massively rich dictators supported by the military-industrial junta in the form of CIA etc. US headed that way. Fifth world: Those with supermajority middle class, under attack for having high standards of living. Once a US goal.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Sorry, I’m still ROFL about Enoki’s “left wing nut jobs” and thinking about women’s bodies being able to shut down pregnancy in a rape, and a Republican “doctor” who claims science is a lie and fraud, and another Republican DOCTOR who inserted a rider to allow loaded weapons in our National Parks because guns after all can’t harm wildlife, humans, or other living things. NUT JOBS? Are you serious? Oh, right, anyone left of Hitler is an obvious socialist who wants to dig Marx from his grave, reanimate him, and make him the President in 2016!

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  11. Missing large
    Doughfoot  over 10 years ago

    We all want to support our country, we all want to pay our debts, and we all want justice. We all accept the necessity for taxation, and we all accept the necessity for government. We all want government to be efficient, and we all abhor waste. We differ on what tasks the government should be performing, and what tasks they should not. We differ on what constitutes a just tax code, but we all find some aspects of the present one unjust. We all agree that government should stay out of the personal affairs of its citizens, but we differ on the line between what is private merely and what should be a public concern. There are real differences between those of us who call ourselves conservative and those who call ourselves liberal, but leaving out the worst 10% on each end of the spectrum, we agree on a lot more than we disagree about. Unfortunately, fear and hate mongers for their own reasons do their best to convince us that half of our fellow Americans are our enemies, and too often they succeed: and we project horrible faults onto those on the other side. To me, an attack on ALL Democrats or ALL Republicans, on every conservative or on every liberal, calling them hard names, impuning their motives, etc., is an attack on America itself. I don’t think you can attack half a country and say that you are not the enemy of that country. Some folks have ideas I disagree with, and promote policies that I think unwise, but that doesn’t make them bad people. Even some of those who do attack this country by attacking half its people are good people, but I don’t think they understand what they are doing, or the harm that it does.

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  12. Sunset on fire
    Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I suggest that the Posters here take another look at the TOON- it is ‘extremists’ that are being hi-lited. When the implication of the word ‘all’ is used in a comment, I get uncomfortable. .The general goals (that I am aware of) for many Conservatives and Progressive Liberals appear to be incompatible. Some objectives, are based on a Hypothesis (not Theory) of cause and effect. The only way to verify it is to try. If the believers are wrong, there will be significant damage done to America. And, we have situations right now where the people invested in an experiment deny the failure (2 examples: ‘Unions in Detroit’ and ‘Trickle Down Economics’)..I suggest keeping experiments at the State Level and let other States adopt successful policies when they want to. Don’t go to the Federal Level. The Feds are INCOMPETENT and EXPENSIVE at most of what they do.

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