Mike Luckovich for December 24, 2013

  1. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    It’s Christmas there Mr. Luckovich. Don’t be a Scrooge today.

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  2. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    There are goal posts?!

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  3. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  over 10 years ago

    “ML needs to learn a little history before making idiotic cartoons.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And you need to learn to be not not so disrespectful of those with whom you disagree.______________________________

    *"Luckovich is an idiot!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It takes one to know one.

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  4. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  over 10 years ago

    “Luckobitch is a left-wing loon, just like most of the characters who work for the liberal latrine-paper that he works for…”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TROLL ALERT!

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  5. Missing large
    hippogriff  over 10 years ago

    goweeder : There are liberal papers? Where? Blogs, newsletters, yeah, but newspapers are all corporate and spend their time cutting staff and cultivating their Koch addiction.

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 10 years ago

    John Adams was considered middle-class. He did not have a large estate to give to his children; he saved his pennies. And he was an active farmer as well as a lawyer to make those pennies.When he was representing Massachusetts in the Continental Congress his farm was failing and his law career was in a shambles, because he was a patriot first, and he believed in dedicating, if necessary, his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor.And in any case the disparity between rich and poor today is far, far worse than it was then. The richest 1 percent of Americans own 38 percent of the nation’s wealth.The bottom EIGHTY percent share among them a mere 7% of the nation’s wealth. Where are they going to be able to work hard and get ahead, when most of what they hope to gain is already owned by the wealthy, who get special tax breaks?No one said you had to be created equal financially. But getting equal financial treatment is a whole different matter. The rich pay FAR less than the rest of us.http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/10/03/334156/top-five-wealthiest-one-percent/#

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Turning the playing field on end is a very accurate metaphor. We don’t need to go back to the 92% top tax of the growing economy “Ike years”, but going back to the growing economy of the Clinton years is valid. Be it noted that serving the 1% is what led (under Republican administrations) to the “Great Depression”, and also the crash of 2008. (and the “dot com” crash caused by irrational greed, which makes the current DOW a little creepy, actually.)

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  8. Missing large
    UM5  over 10 years ago

    While there might be merit in the opinion expressed the inconvenient truth is that this depiction of "the playing field’ is plum not level.

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  9. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  over 10 years ago

    You listed the wrong items. All yours were “earned” and paid for by “contributions” that were earmarked for Social Security and Medicare. Get a clue!

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  10. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  over 10 years ago

    One problem with your plan. Obama has killed job creation with his policies. How about a large tax on congress and the president. They created the debt.

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  11. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 10 years ago

    "The stop 20% pay 106% of the taxesThat made absolutely no sense. How can any percentage of the population pay more taxes than is actually collected?

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  12. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  over 10 years ago

    “Progressives: what’s yours is mine. And what’s mine is mine. And if you disagree , we’ll take it by force.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~progressive

    progressive (pre-grès´îv) adjectiveMoving forward; advancing.Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments: progressive change.Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.

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  13. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  over 10 years ago

    said: "There is no such thing as a set in stone 1%. The stop 20% pay 106% of the taxes. "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~???? How can there be 106% of ANYTHING?"

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  14. Sun moon stars
    alise.duhon  over 10 years ago

    After reading mdavis’ comments for a while, it’s apparent that he/she either makes them up out of thin air or simply regurgitates Fox “news” or Red State.com talking points. Critical thinking is not their cup of tea.

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  15. Missing large
    exploguy  over 10 years ago

    Luke must be on vacation, I enjoy a rest from his ultra liberal cartoons, stay away for at least 6 months!!!


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  16. Missing large
    bernardgarner  over 10 years ago

    Considering that America now has about the same Gini Coefficient as Uruguay this is not too far off the mark.

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