Agnes by Tony Cochran for November 17, 2013

  1. Chai
    Perkycat  over 10 years ago

    Too many of them don’t want ‘help’. They want drug money. There are plenty of shelters and places they can go for food and all kinds of help. I saw a sign once where the guy just said he wanted beer money. Saw another lady and her little daughter panhandling in a parking lot. When they were done, they got into a Mercedes. If you give them money, you are just enabling.

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    macky87  over 10 years ago

    One time in Portland Oregon, they had an undercover officer pose as a homeless person begging for money with a sign at a street corner. The local police department wanted to get an idea of how much money some of the beggars were taking in during the course of a day. He averaged about $20 an hour. “give a man a handout and you feed him for a day, teach a man to beg with a sign and you feed him for a lifetime”

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    David Huie Green LosersBlameOthers&It'sYOURfault  over 10 years ago

    “The trouble is, how do you fill out an application – especially if it is on-line, which is how both Target and Wal-Mart do it – if you have no home address, email, or phone?”-That was the concept behind the Obamaphone. A federal give-away of phones so people can contact those seeking work. The problem is that they only have a few minutes per month and I have known a number of people who only have service the first three days of the month. And, no, this is not what I heard from others, it is what I experienced myself.-The best way to help people would be basic food, clothing and shelter available to all. But truly basic, not something most would want to spend a lifetime on. Recipients would not risk losing the benefit if they got a job. Fools would not think the people would starve if they didn’t give them money. College students could get by while attending college.-Nobody will do it because they wouldn’t want to live that way and can’t imagine it as a transitional aid.-Meanwhile, my nephew who has been homeless ever since 18 despite many relatives (incluidng me), friends, neighbors and simply decent people taking him in over and over just had his tent burn down a day or so back. His mind isn’t right and nobody has been able to get him to want to correct it. Under law he is free to remain homeless as long as he is no danger to others. -So other than having a state or two where he is forbidden to return, he is happy in his misery.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Sorry, but it’s smug, if not completely arrogant, in my opinion, to point out to a homeless person a sign saying someplace is hiring.

    If that person is desirous and capable of getting a job, usually he or she has already seen those placards… and possibly has already applied…or applied for a dozen others and become disheartened.

    Anyone who can’t read them, probably wouldn’t be hired.

    YES, there are some cheaters and well-paid beggars…plenty of people who are there because they abuse alcohol or drugs… (which is, BTW, actually a hard life too)but there are lots of panhandlers who really need help….sometimes you can tell the difference…and if not, which side would your conscience rather you err on?

    How about those who lost their jobs in the downturn, and now are simply unqualified to beat out the 20 or 100 people applying for every job, or who can’t find shelter, so they smell and look bedraggled, or who are mentally incompetent?

    Many have unsuccessfully tried to find work, or aid programs, and become depressed and beaten down…My own area, with its mild winters,attracts far more people needing help than we have shelter beds or slots in programs.

    I’m not saying you’re horrible if you don’t give everybody money….I’m just saying please, treat everybody with the dignity YOU would expect, if your job went away, your house burned down, an illness took all your money…many things can happen…and you wouldn’t want everyone assuming you were an idiot or a cheat.

    Just be kind….Remember the Golden Rule.

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