Tom Toles for September 24, 2013

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    Don Winchester Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I guess Toles and the rest of the Dems haven’t been paying attention. Republicans don’t want to shut down the government, only Obamacare. If the government is shut down now it will be because of Reid and/or Obama wants it all or nothing. We’re compromising, they’re NOT!

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    ^Well, the Republicans only want half. . . wits.

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  3. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    The 2010 House promised to make Obama a one term president. They failed, but they’re not quitters, they know they just have to try, try again, and try harder.I believe Rep. Steve King just proposed a bill to send a ‘Presidenterminator’ back to 2012.

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    Doughfoot  over 10 years ago

    The GOP of course forget that the ACA, a law designed by the Heritage Foundation, was itself a compromise, and far too conservative for anyone who called himself liberal, and just about correct for anyone who is genuinely moderate. Nobody thinks it is perfect, and there are without doubt numerous ways it could be improved. But the “status quo ante” is never coming back. Eliminating the ACA, without replacing it with something better, will literally kill thousands of people, and in the end save a great deal of money. People without health insurance are a greater burden on society than those with it, even when society has to subsidize their coverage. Just as malnourished children are. The GOP, in their attempt to make the individual the be-all and end-all, always show themselves penny wise and a pound foolish. In the modern world we are infinitely more interconnected and interdependent than we were as “sturdy yeoman farmers” in the sort of patriarchal pre-industrial agrarian society that our Founding Fathers knew in which a free adult white man could expect to rule more-or-less absolutely over his empire of wife, children, and slaves. In 1787 there were maybe 4 million Americans, and few than 800,000 of them votes. Now we approach 320 million Americans, 250 million of them qualified to vote. Only a tiny fraction of them are or can be entrepreneurs and independent business operators. The 21st century requires something other than the horse-and-buggy government that seems to be the idea of much of the GOP who want to wipe away everything done since the time of Theodore Roosevelt. If anybody other than the GOP threatened to do what the GOP has been threatening to do, force the nation to default on its obligations, prevent the implementation of a law they did not like by blackmail, or compel the shutting down of the government, no one, including the GOP would call it politics or diplomacy: they would call it by much harsher names.

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    Doughfoot  over 10 years ago

    One does grow weary of the whines that the ACA or some other thing is unconstitutional. As the right is very fond of pointing out, the US is not a pure democracy, but a representative republic, in which the Constitution limits the powers of both the people and the government. And by the very terms of that Constitution, it is neither the majority of the people nor any administration who get to decide whether this, that, or the other is constitutional. That power is vested in the Supreme Court. Period. The Constitution means what they say it means. According to the Constitution. So you can oppose their rulings AND oppose the Constitution, but you cannot defend the one and oppose the other. I am not saying the court is infallible. I am saying the Constitution treats the court as infallible. It provides no remedy but a later court. The justices determine the meaning of the Constitution, even when they change their minds! If that doesn’t appeal to you, Thomas Jefferson and others of the Founding Fathers would agree. So whatever else it is, the ACA is constitutional, as are most current gun control laws, and all the rest of it.

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    This is George Washington’s Farewll Address – A letter from the “Father of Our Country”. Dad has a message for us.^^Respectfully,C.

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  7. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  over 10 years ago

    The Republicans know that there is no way the ACA will be defunded, so they’re trying to play a game of “look what you made me do”. They may as well pass a bill that says “we won’t shut down the government if the President resigns”. In general, the Republicans are behaving like a bunch of children. They would take their ball and go home, if they had a ball.

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  8. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    And over on the Democrat’s shoulders their devils are yelling “Tax and spend!”

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  9. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    America must deal with its spending problem or it will become a third worldThere’s no evidence of that whatsoever. Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain & in fact pretty much every large First World nation have higher levels of debt than we do. Greece’s woes have a lot more to do with being in the Eurozone than anything else. Besides which- defunding the ACA does nothing to reduce our long term debt. The facts point in the opposite direction.

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    frodo1008  over 10 years ago

    I see at a site where the US Military owns and operates some 240 golf courses throughout the world, I am equally sure that as an ultra conservative shill you support the military, so just what are you complaining about anyway?

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    frodo1008  over 10 years ago

    I remember, how about you remembering that was under the presidency of Bill Clinton, who fully supports the actions of the current administration. And if you are brave enough, there are plenty of sites (even some relative conservative ones) that have charts showing that the deficits always go up under Republican presidents, and down under Democrat presidents, and that is a truth I do not think that you are willing to accept under any circumstances!!

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  12. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    With that many people who they are hating, there are fewer people who will want to be their friends or will like them.They have hated Obama from the 1st day he got elected and have indeed painted themselves into a small corner.Most who vote GOP are the people who either don’t know or care about how very many are deserving needy.That is a hard, cold hearted stand.2/3 are kids, old,disabled (not everyone who is really disabled Look disabled) and veterans.1/3 are the working poor, a group that is growing fast. The top 1% gained 31%in income while the lowest 40% have lost income by 6%.

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    oneoldhat  over 10 years ago

    the gop passed C R to keep gov running now the question is does reid and bho want it to keep running?

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    frodo1008  over 10 years ago

    I originally thought somewhat in the negative myself about Michel WME (I wonder just what the WME stands for?), but have since come to realize the truth than much of what he posts is indeed satire of a very subtle kind (similar to the not so subtle neoCON man). And I also have come to believe that like RT and some others, he is a moderate that happens to lean in the liberal direction, and that like those moderate conservatives on here (that I also respect, and even like) is very fine with me!!!

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  15. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 10 years ago

    They must figure it’s too late to stop digging the hole they find themselves in.

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    parkerfields  over 10 years ago

    I guess I shouldn’t expect the liberals to use their brains (or maybe they do use their brains but they are just that dishonest). What do I mean? The Republicans voted on a bill to keep the government operating. If the government shuts down, it is the fault of Obama and the Democrats. When people like Tom Toles draws a cartoon like his, he is showing his wicked lying heart, or he is showing his stupidity.

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