Bob Gorrell for August 09, 2013

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    randolini Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    @MortyForTyrant. You sir have not educated yourself about either the phony war on drugs or the drugs we pretend to be fighting against. Many European countries have sites where heroin addicts are allowed to use the drug and it is given to them for that purpose. Without the worry about where the money for their next fix will come from, these people do indeed live normal and productive lives. Heroin is a pain killer and not a hallucinogenic and it is cheap and plentiful because the USA is protecting the growers in Afghanistan and no doubt the CIA is still using drug money to fund their illegal covert operations.

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    moderateisntleft  over 10 years ago

    No. He’s saying that his religious views should be imposed upon everyone else.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago


    Heroin is making a resurgence, and that’s not good. It’s time to stop focusing on marijuana, and focus on real hard narcotics, and eliminating dealers, especially those at the TOP of the distribution chain, who have long been above prosecution due to their wealth, and position.

    I favor giving an OD to all DEALERS, which would eliminate those selling such as heroin, meth, cocaine, but wouldn’t do anything to those selling marijuana (unless they choke on a brick!).

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  4. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 10 years ago

    Morty, a couple of posters have brought up the European experiences. I suggest you move there! [!!!!!] :-|

    No, wait. I meant to say to those posters: "If you don’t like it [t]here, move [t]here! "scratch whichever is not applicable.

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  5. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 10 years ago

    I watched a doccie a few years back which showed Tasmania in Australia is the largest supplier of legal heroin, and I think Spain is a major grower as well. But poppies are legally grown here in the UK, too. They supply the NHS with enough heroin for diamorphine, which is used for palliative care, not just for addiction treatment. My brother’s mother-in-law was prescribed some when she was terminally ill. It isn’t unique, I think Canada has a similar programme and a few other European countries, including Morty’s home country.

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