Ted Rall for August 07, 2013

  1. Image001
    dogday Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I get it!! THIS is what’s going to be in the Obama Presidential Library!!!

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  2. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    When the “War on Terror” was first being sold to the public, we learned that we had hours of chatter from suspected sources, but didn’t have the Arabic translators to know what information we had. (This was before we fired 1/3 of them for being gay.)

    When they started this nonsense, I made the connection that if they can’t go through information that is most likely to help, there was no way we could go through literally tons more. “Hide in plain sight” was, and still is, my strategy. (Apologies to ReasonsVentriloquist for appearing to steal the philosophy.)

    The important nugget of truth that we seek is like a dime dropped into the universe. How likely are we to find the dime? And how likely will the rest of the universe be used for non-defense purposes?

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  3. Bill   don
    derlehrer  over 10 years ago

    Is this “Edward” the “Snowden”? Is his assassination being scheduled by the Obama Administration? Only “The Shadow” knows!

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Prince of the Marshes was a GREAT book. Really shows, from someone who WANTED to help, how badly we misunderstood the culture. Fiasco is another great take on the whole Iraq debacle!

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  5. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “I’m not for any of this, its just a part of our modern world.”I’m not willing to throw my hands up in the air on this. Bad enough our government is weak on protecting us from corporate data hoarders. I refuse to sit by while the NSA expands it’s collection. Sooner or later, someone will decide to use it for other things… if they aren’t already. Oh… wait:IRS manual detailed DEA’s use of hidden intel evidence

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