Steve Kelley for February 28, 2013

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    sw10mm  about 11 years ago

    tar and feather the donkey so it looks more like a chicken.

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    zoidknight  about 11 years ago

    Start with congressional pensions and pay, presidential pay and benefits.

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    Dave Ferro  about 11 years ago

    One more day til sequester! Can’t wait to see what happens.

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    Mickey 13  about 11 years ago

    I saw an interesting clip on the “local” L.A. news when a reporter went out and interviewed “the regular folks” outside a shopping mall. The question “what do you think of the sequester,” drew blank looks from a majority of the people. Supposedly they questioned twenty or so people and the ones that did remember what it was had to be coached with “clues” by the reporter. The average man on the street is oblivious. I guess they don’t read GoComics.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 11 years ago has a “Sequestration solution for the Pentagon” today, by Benjamin Friedman….revealing that there are 2 different options for the DOD sequester….for the “share” of CINO (cuts in name only) from the Pentagon, a total in FY2013 of $42.5 Billion.-Legislation can change the method after it begins on the “soft” deadline of 3/1/13, if started before the March 27 funding expiration date. The Pentagon can use other funds to delay the “cuts” until later in the year. -Option One= the arbitrary 2% slash of all accounts.Option Two= Use spending caps, using priority choices, for the next 10 years. The War budget is untouched.-Michelle Malvin has an interesting article at NRO ( 2/27/13 “Sequester Jesters” which i enjoyed reading. She exposes a false claim made by the White House…the “drastic cuts” would lose $2 Million from the $20 million budget of the National Drug Intelligence Center! The problem is, for Obama, that, " as Reason magazine’s Mike Riggs points out, the NDIC shut down June 2012, with some responsibilities absorbec by DEA."-I estimate there is not one ounce of “credibility” left for Obama.

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