Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 04, 2016

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    legaleagle48  about 8 years ago
    I hate to say it, but she has a point.
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    summerdog86  about 8 years ago

    I love clean and tidy. It can be a burden, though.

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  3. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 8 years ago

    I would do the same thing but then I clean before anyone comes over and whenever I get a chance

    Hello and Happy Humpday Cathy friends! Any special plans for Mother’s Day?

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    O-Kay  about 8 years ago

    I love a spic and span house. Having said that, my house gets cleaned maybe every two weeks. Enough to keep the Board of Health away, but impressing no one. :)

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  5. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I’m in support of cleaning up the house and getting rid of clutter before putting it up for sale. But inside the cupboards? Most buyers are not going to look inside those and judge you. Most people can see how much space you have in your kitchen/bathroom/closets based on how many cabinets you have and the size. No need to open them up. I have probably only looked inside walk-in closets because you can’t tell much from a standard size door..Hello Cathy friends! Another day of messing up my car… ugh. This time I was in a parking garage and did not see a metal box that was mounted on the wall, so I backed into it and shattered my rear window. Soo upset about this!! :-(

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    phoenixnyc  about 8 years ago

    They’re not complete strangers, Irving. They’re complete strangers that you and Cathy want to pay a lot of money for her house.

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    jbarnes  about 8 years ago

    If you are trying to sell a house, everything needs to look spic and span. Leave just enough stuff to give the impression of the way everyone wishes their house would look, so it appears as if there is a ton of storage. It doesn’t have to be organized, but it does need to look as if it were. The real estate agent should be having both of them stage their houses. Cathy’s will be the easy one, as no one is actually living there.

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    Gretchen's Mom  about 8 years ago

    Cathy’s right on two counts: First, to get all this done now before her house goes on the market. Second, since she’s more likely to sell her house to a total stranger than she is to a friend or relative then, yes, she’s completely right to care what they think of her AND her house so getting it all straightened up especially for them is an absolute MUST! It’s a well-known fact that clean, well-organized homes sell faster and for more money than housesthat look like slobs and their pet pigs live there.


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)


    gothic_beauty: Yummmmmmmm . . . Maple Muffins! Be sure to let us know how she likes them (and if she does and it’s a recipe you found online, be sure to share the website’s address for them with us!). :-)


    QuietStorm27: My mother is coming over to our house for a cook-out. She loves my husband’s grilled hamburgers so that’s probably what we’ll do and, of course, there’ll be something sweet later for dessert. How about you?


    lightenup: So sorry to hear about that, Sis! I’m afraid I don’t have another bad-luck story of my own to top that but . . . 2 or 3 years ago, my husband hit my mother’s car backing out of our garage even though he knew it was parked on the opposite side of our driveway and scraped up her passenger side a little bit. Luckily it wasn’t too bad and mostly buffed out but ours came out a little more worse for wear than hers did and still bears the ugly scarsof what his inattentiveness did to it that day. I know that’s not as bad as busting out a car window but hopefully it makes you feelat least a little bit better anyhow! ;-)


    Hello and Happy Wednesday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope every-one had a really nice day today! :-)


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  9. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  about 8 years ago

    I’d say they both kinda have a point, so to be safe, I’ll direct my [eye-roll] to both of ’em …

    @lightenupSorry to hear about the car incident. Hope the window can be fixed.

    HI, MOM. Greetings, “Cathy” Clan.

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