Chip Bok for November 02, 2012

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    We’re out of Iraq, working hard to pull out of Afghanistan, over 6,000 of our troops, and hundreds of thousands of civilians ARE DEAD, because “W” launched TWO stupid, misplaced, and fraudulent wars, against the law, and U.N. resolutions, and common sense, and “military necessity”!

    Mitt is a return to the same insane, costly policies of “W”, AEI, and the neocon masters he serves. The lies Mitt slathers on the campaign, are nothing compared to the lies of the anonymous donors in his " Super Pacs", who care NOT A WHIT HOW MANY AMERICANS DIE AROUND THE WORLD FOR THEIR INTERESTS!

    Before Bok, or ANY of these morons again bring up “Benghazi”, look at some REAL facts, from the perspective of where we REALLY were, and ARE in the world. Our relationships around the world, and in the Middle East, are much better off than four years ago. That the ultra-right in the Zionist movement, and Netanyahu are unhappy, is TOUGH “T-bumps”!

    Having lost good friends, killed by "W’ and Cheney for no need, and having a now disabled for life son who served his country in dangerous places, doing a dangerous job, that can’t even be “recognized” (or described) in the citations for the medals he received, I am SICK OF MORONS SHOOTING THEIR MOUTHS, AND PENS OFF!!

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    oneoldhat  over 11 years ago

    just a bump in the road

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    the Muslim Brotherhood spawned Global Jihad and Al Qaeda and all other Jihadist groups that all threaten a WORLD WAR based on the CONCEPT found in the Muslim’s Koran.-The WAR began with Khoumeini in Iran in 1979. The only power that can end Global Jihad is God’s direct intervention.But Bush and Blair and 33 allied governments agreed that a military response was needed after 9/11/01, when over 3,000 died, most Americans, but also other nationalities here in the USA also died.-trout and others may be fine with SURRENDER for the Western World. But I think that opinion is in a definite minority.A majority, at least in the USA, still have loyalty to our form of government as written FOR THE AGES (timeless, not needing to be replaced with lesser concepts) for Freedoms and Liberty and self-rule in a representative by election 3-part federal government= Congress to write laws, Judicial to enforce laws and Executive to act as MANAGER AND OPERATOR of supporting constitutional laws. Period.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    ^Yes dt, a majority DO still want a republic under the Constitution, they just don’t happen to be the people supporting Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, or Boehner or McConnell. BTW: Netanyahu is NOT the President of the United States, and Israel is NOT a part of the United States relevant to protecting our REAL interests. The Bible is a hoax, as is the evangelical lies against Islam AND Judaism (who they see as either converts, or going to Hell if they refuse Jesus)

    “God” has nothing at all to do with it, as he doesn’t exist. It is just the crazies who invented him, and “his laws” whether Jew, Christian, or Muslim, that are the problem.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Does Rupert Murdoch draw the cartoons for you, or just provide the ideas?

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 11 years ago

    Monty and Dr Canuck, you are very observant and have a good grasp of history. If we had the people in power who really knows history and the wisdom to not fight the wars against terror, drugs, poverty, then we might still have a chance. The war on the poor is doing fine thanks to all the propaganda about the 47% and the lies about people who would rather live in poverty and live off the government (they are the same people) you can’t live on just social security and /or SSR and/or disability and all and NOT be poor. Even the ones just over poverty line seem to gripe the most about people who “live off the government” ( this group is made up of children, the mentally ill, the blind-deaf-crippled, and people who have survived, barely, a calamity in their lives)Meanwhile the ones who really “live off the government” are the wealthy with the tax evading loopholes and buying politicians to do what they want. Most of the people just want the standard of living they grew up with or slightly better, than would want to live like , the 1% or royalty. That is for me,that is , I grew up in an average middle class home, now I’m below poverty line.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    Radish the self marginalized said, about 20 hours ago@disgustedtaxpayer We have the biggest military in the world, we are not surrendering….(end quote)-Radish, you must not be keeping up with the Pentagon’s policies……the White House and the Brass at the Pentagon control what our military can do and can’t do. The Obama regime has turned our top leadership into a gagged bunch that dare not tell the truth about Islamic Jihadists and maybe you ignore that when terrorists succeed in attacks such as in Arkansas and Fort Hood, it is labelled as “workplace violence” instead of the terrorism it actually is.-the biggest military in the world is useless if we cannot even name and identify the real enemy! Obama has gagged even the MSM…..and they all use self-made BLINDERS to keep from seeing the truth that most violent attacks around the world this century are done by Jihadists.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Dude. Either break the pills in half or try doubling the dosage.

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