Tom Toles for February 21, 2010

  1. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Depends on the chefs that are elected. If the republicans get in there they will be more than happy to sprinkle a bit of arsenic to you plate, free of charge.

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  2. Missing large
    rekam Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Oh, just realized you must mean “breadth of it. Check it out in the dictionary.

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Actual performance against all 503 campaign promises, thanks to PolitiFact: Promise Kept: 96 Compromise: 33 Promise Broken: 16 Stalled: 84 In the Works: 272 2 not yet rated.

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    MOTIVE - Thanks for the breakdown that’s more promises kept they I would have thought, which caused me to realize a very important point.

    What the Republicans are doing is working. By blocking Obama, and attacking all of the time, they have created the impression that he has accomplished very little.

    If you look at most of comments at these sites, we Libs alway end on the defensive, trying to provide facts or information to disprove charges, so we forget that we are the ones who should be angry, and the ones on the attack.

    Obama has been President for a little over a year, the GOP have kept their promise that Obama must fail, and are doing their best to keep us from noticing his successes.

    People are tired and angry, and the GOP has used this to stir things up so all anyone notices is the anger.

    Take the Tea Bagger (please) – what are their main complaints? Well taxes (TEA is Taxed Enought Already) well Obama hasn’t raised their taxes – in fact he has lowered them from the bottom 4 tax-brackets! The Tea Baggers are also upset over health care plans that were never in Obama’s plan. They are unpset over the National Debt, which Obama greatly added too, but did not create.

    The GOP screams about the National Debt as if it was all Obama’s doing, they scream about taxes which haven’t been raised, and scream about bank bail-outs that they started.

    The fall elections will be a mess, but the DEMS and we Libs, must stop ducking, and start standing up and making it clear that most of the troubles we have right now were created by the GOP, who still have not offered any ideas on how they will fix things if they get back into power.

    HOPE may have been stomped on and shouted down, but we all still have (and need) hope. We must remind people that all the GOP offers is fear, anger, and more recession.

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  5. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    HQ, your reaction is starting to get predictable - and is beside the point. The point is that a lot of what Obama is blamed for is a)not quite true (higher taxes, at least for most people), or b)nothing that Obama actually started (deficits) .

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