Ted Rall for July 05, 2023

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Oh this is where he belongs…

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    ElEfJay  12 months ago

    As much as I want to believe this isn’t a possibility, the fact that it is frightens me.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago
    Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. If you do not use the intelligence with which God endowed your mind to resist believing impossibilities, you will not be able to use the sense of injustice which God planted in your heart to resist a command to do evil. Once a single faculty of your soul has been tyrannized, all the other faculties will submit to the same fate. This has been the cause of all the religious crimes that have flooded the earth.’


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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  12 months ago

    No perfect phone call for you

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    knutdl  12 months ago

    Trump can run for president from jail https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/06/trump-running-for-president-prison-00090931

    Snoopy for president!

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  6. Freeradical
    Free Radical  12 months ago

    That orange over blue is very slimming, barely recognized him

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  7. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  12 months ago

    If the Trumpster got put into general population I doubt if he would last as long as Whitey Bulger did after being transferred to Hazelton. The wise guys there got to Bulger within 24 hours of his transfer.

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    braindead Premium Member 12 months ago

    At least he’s already used to using an unsecured phone.

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  9. Wtp
    superposition  12 months ago

    “Dark Empaths” is being used to describe the persons the are characterized by the “dark triad*” of personality traits. We see these negative traits in some business leaders and, unfortunately, some politicians.

    * Psychopathy is characterized by a superficial charm and callousness. People high in such traits often show an erratic lifestyle and antisocial behavior.

    * Machiavellianism derives from the writings of Niccolò Machiavelli, a Renaissance author, historian and philosopher. He described power games involving deception, treachery and crime. Thus, machiavellianism refers to an exploitative, cynical and manipulative nature.

    * Narcissism is characterized by an exaggerated sense of entitlement, superiority and grandiose thinking, while sadism denotes a drive to inflict and enjoy pain in others.

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    Zebrastripes  12 months ago

    It sickens me to the point of vomiting, to think he’s the front runner in GOP lineup.

    What kind of country allows a demented, indicted fascist criminal to even campaign?

    Somehow, July 4th wasn’t the same this year….with freedoms being taken away, we’re regressing to the 17 th century.

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    old1953  12 months ago

    While possible, I actually doubt he’d get more than 38% of the vote if he was actually serving a sentence.

    Resentment and grievance can only carry you so far.

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    piper_gilbert  12 months ago

    His phone calls are the best phone calls. Just ask him.

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  13. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 12 months ago

    ? We have sworn testimony from multiple witnesses, most of them appointed by Trump’s administration, that the Trump administration and Trump himself spread the lie that the 2020 election wasn’t legitimate, starting even before the election, raised money with a campaign based on the idea that he was going to prove it, filed about 60 lawsuits to prove it, all of which were dismissed for lack of evidence, sent multiple tweets to his followers urging them to fight the “steal”, then called on his followers to come to “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Once they were there, he instructed the secret service to allow those with automatic weapons to come to the rally he was holding because “They’re not here to hurt ME”. Then he instructed people he knew to be heavily armed to march on the Capitol building to “fight”. He only called off the mob after three hours when it became evident that they were not going to be able to overthrow our democracy? And, pretty much all of this is supported by videotape. If this isn’t treason, what could possibly be considered treason?

    Possibly stealing top secret documents, then refusing to turn them over to authorities?

    If we are supposed to have any faith in the DOJ at all, they should quit waiting around for an old fat man to die and do their job.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Trump treats ‘embarrassing ’ Lindsey Graham ’like a piece of dirt under his shoe’: Morning Joe guest

    Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) on Wednesday heaped scorn upon former colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for his slavish obedience to former President Donald Trump despite being subjected to nonstop humiliation.After watching video of Graham getting booed by his own constituents at a recent South Carolina Trump rally, McCaskill noted that Trump would go on to mock Graham as a “liberal” while addressing his supporters, despite the fact that Graham has been one of Trump’s most tireless defenders.

    Trump predicts ‘potential doom of America’ in furious all-caps Truth Social rant

    Former President Donald Trump began his Wednesday morning with a furious rant on Truth Social in which he predicted “the potential doom of the United States of America.”In the all-caps post, the former president railed against special counsel Jack Smith, who indicted him earlier this year for illegally retaining national defense information and who could indict him again in the near future for his efforts to illegally remain in power after losing the 2020 election to President Joe Biden.

    In the case of Lying Traitor Trump vs the USA, I’m betting on the USA.

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    ncorgbl  12 months ago

    tRump just wants to make another one.

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  16. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  12 months ago

    When you have the power to pardon yourself, you don’t have to conduct business from inside the prison. Ask Nelson Mandela.

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    preacherman Premium Member 12 months ago

    I wonder if Dump should get a sentence for one of his crimes, he might get house arrest. And house arrest in Mar-a-lago would be nice. Though that might slow down his campaigns a bit.

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    StackableContainers  12 months ago

    I can’t imagine Trump actually trying to carry out the actual job of President under any circumstances…location being irrelevant. He would just be posting on social media all the time.

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    Raging Moderate  12 months ago

    Take your time. There is no crisis so severe that Cheetoh PInochet can’t make worse.

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    ChristopherBurns  12 months ago

    It’s funny imagining how this would go down. And then, it isn’t so funny.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Trump Ramps Up Calls for Americans to Hit the Streets on His Behalf: Do People ‘EVEN HAVE A CHOICE BUT TO PROTEST?’

    The lying republican traitor wants you to overthrow the USA for him.

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  22. Lifi
    rossevrymn  12 months ago

    On the Ted Rall/Scott Stantis podcast front, Jan-Mar 2022 releases, I simply cannot count without giving up too much of my life, on how many matters these guys are dead wrong, to include points on which Scott is stating, “Ted, you were right, again.” According to these guys Biden was not running for re-election…………“nuh uh, no way, he ain’t doin’ it” type of not running. (Ted would retort that he just would never have imagined that Biden was doing so., which, to some degree, I agree with him.) The Democrats were going to get destroyed in the 2022 mid-terms, per Rall, “It’s bleeping impossible,” for them to perform well. Technically, they lost the House. They were not destroyed. The Russians would not be going into Ukraine, as putzin was way too smart to do something like that……………………There’s much more guys. I just actually have a life to sit down and put that much energy into this project. I hope you are gitting the gist…………………….and Ted, you owe your podcast a take on the Russian insurrection……………of 2023. Before it’s all said and done, we might be calling it the Russian insurrection of 2023 of June. You know, to delineate, you know, from all the other insurrections.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    ‘He looks like a crackhead to me!’: Trump implies ‘deranged Jack Smith’ is behind cocaine at White House

    Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested special counsel Jack Smith, the man prosecuting him for allegedly mishandling classified documents, is behind the cocaine that was recently discovered at the White House.The origin of the cocaine is being investigated by Secret Service, but Trump suggests he already knows all the answers about the scandal.

    Lying traitor Trump the mentally deranged just makes stuff up and spews it, he is not fit for any office.

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Here’s the other would be right wing dictator.

    ‘Never seen anything like it’: Watchdogs consider DeSantis Florida’s ‘least transparent’ governor ever

    During a Twitter event on Sunday night, July 2, Republican strategist and Ron DeSantis ally Steve Cortes acknowledged that the Florida governor is seriously underperforming against former President Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP presidential primary. Cortes acknowledged that “clear underdog” DeSantis is “way behind” the “runaway frontrunner” Trump but predicted that he will “outperform expectations” in the months ahead.A poll released by Fox News in late June found DeSantis trailing Trump by 34 percent among Republican primary voters.

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    egadi'mnotclad  12 months ago

    The joke is that Trump is delusional. Trump alone in prison would need to be kept in either solitary for his own protection, or be housed in one of those soft prisons for sex offenders and dishonest accountants. He’ll fit in great there.

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    Arghhgarrr Premium Member 12 months ago

    Given what many jails charge for phone calls this could bankrupt the government? (Just imagine whatbthat means for impoverished prisoners and their families)

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    Rich Douglas  12 months ago

    I would not put it past America. After all, I couldn’t believe it in 2016; that wasn’t supposed to happen, either.

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  28. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  12 months ago

    Trump will never see a day, not an hour, in prison. Even if the impossible happens and he gets convicted of one of the dozens of charges against him he will be given a suspended sentence. The law against convicted felons serving as president will be ignored when the republican voter fraud makes it appear he won and he will pardon himself on day one of his new term.

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    patrickab7  12 months ago

    And still better than Biden to…“some”.

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  30. Catinnabag2 50pct
    Màiri  12 months ago

    Somewhat O/T

    A Meijer supermarket, not unlike Walmart in scope but with much higher quality goods, just opened near me.

    I decided to look up the founder, and discovered that his parents, Hendrik and Gezina, were both small-d democrats (aka anarchists), followers of the Cloggie ex-Lutheran minister and later social anarchist Ferdinand Jacobus Domela Nieuwenhuis. Their commitment to democracy was strong enough that after emigrating to the US they married in 1912 on the anniversary of the unlawful state lynching of anarchists after Haymarket.

    The Mondragon-like (in scope, not in any other major way) conglomerate still seems today to have at least faint echos of its small-d origins, which is interesting.

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    egadi'mnotclad  12 months ago

    Like the classic movie Idiocracy, only scarier.

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