Ted Rall for May 25, 2015

  1. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 9 years ago

    There are approximately twelve or thirteen candidates for Republican nomination so JEB Bush (like “ATM machine”) will rise. There is basically Hillary for the Dem nomination so she will rise. Each side is rigged in a different fashion.

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    Hilla-lie is the big-money Hollywood Liberals, Soros-backed Socialists favorite. They ignore all the lies and deception.Even Ted will admit he’s gonna vote for her since his comrad, Lizzy “Castro” Warrenn, isn’t going to be able to match the Shrillary shady war chest.No principles.

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    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    The difference is that Hillary will not nominate someone like Scalia and his pet thug to the supreme court.

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    douthett72  about 9 years ago

    This is Memorial Day, do you think Rall could actual do something to honor those who died in defense of this nation?

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    @twclixWell said!! I’m a Vietnam Era vet (I was stationed in Germany) and I know very well what the war did to the survivors. In a sense, Memorial Day sickens me. Politicians pay lip service to the sacrifices our vets have made to preserve the overseas assets of the rich and powerful while they plot to cut the VA’s budget. No vet has died in defense of our country since the War of 1812.

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    Anarcissie  about 9 years ago

    Sanders doesn’t need the corporate media. In fact, it’s better if they don’t notice him at first.

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    King_Shark  about 9 years ago

    @ packratjohn You mean how Bush’s opponents called him the Shrub?

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    Jason Allen  about 9 years ago

    According to Ted Rall, conservatives are bad mouthing Hillary to liberals by telling them the same thing I’ve been saying about her. She’s too conservative, she’s about as decisive as a weather vane, she’s in the pocket of corporate America, and she’s sleazy.Come on Democrats, Hillary is NOT the best you have to offer. She wouldn’t have even been considered a Democrat 40 years ago. Give us a liberal candidate with a spine and sense of propriety, and I’ll give you my vote.

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    6.6TA  about 9 years ago

    @ConserveGov: So, who do you like in the Republican Race, so far? Why?

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    @Night-Gaunt49Unfortunately, Warren has forcefully stated that she will not run.@jrmermLefties do not consider Clinton to be on the left. How is it that conservatives define who is conservative and also define who is liberal? Is it because most of you are so arrogant as to consider your ideology supreme? Giuliani is non-ideological? Please! He’s a right-wing crank and a particularly nasty one.

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    SABRSteve  about 9 years ago

    As a vet, I am greatly saddened by some of the above remarks.

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    @jrmermWhat? Isn’t Rooty pure enough? The litmus test requires 100% adherence? Ridiculous. Clinton being a tool of the rich and powerful makes her conservative in my eyes. She may only be slightly right of center but she sure ain’t left of center. I’m talking about the generally accepted center, not what far right wingers consider the center.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 9 years ago

    ‘Conservatives: “Hillary is the most radical left wing candidate ever….”’It’s amazing to me that anyone thinks Obama or Hillary are anywhere near the left of the Democratic Party. Even Warren is not as left as Ted Kennedy.I don’t see anyone suggesting that Jeb Bush is more Conservative than Ted Cruz. It’s pretty obvious that most of the conservatives here are repeating what they hear from the usual conservative sources that state opinions as if they were facts.

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    ^^ And they would kick JFK to the curb.“Self-reliance? Lower taxes? Strong military?Get this Kennedy guy outta here!!!”

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    ConserveGov  about 9 years ago

    -“Elizabeth Warren the Con’s worst nightmare—-in both parties”.She is AMERICA’S worst nightmare. I think the Dems just use her to say “Hey at least Hillary isnt as scary as Elizabeth!”

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    lonecat  about 9 years ago

    Why is Mrs. Clinton not on the left? There’s too much to discuss in this kind of forum, but I will try to hit a few important points. First, the Democratic party has never been a party of the left. A few leftists have worked with the party (mostly for strategic reasons) but the party has never been on the left. One good indication is welfare. The left does not believe that lots of people should be on welfare for long periods. The left does not believe that there should be a welfare class. The left believes that everyone should work and that there should be an economic system which provides decent jobs for everyone. The Democrats have recognized that capitalism creates poverty, and they also believe that its wrong to leave people in poverty. But they reject the leftist solution, which is to create an economic system which doesn’t need to keep people in poverty, so they are left with welfare, which from a left perspective is not a solution. In addition, the left is anti-imperialist. The Democrats have never been anti-imperialists. They (sometimes) disagree with the Republicans about how to manage the empire, but they have never been anti-imperialists. The left in general does not believe that public goods (such as natural resources) should be a source of private profit. The Democrats have never advocated any kind of socialization of resources (or other big capitalist institutions, such as banks). I can go on, but that’s perhaps enough to show why Mrs. Clinton is not on the left.

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    Tarredandfeathered  about 9 years ago

    Actually, the Democratic party hasn’t “Moved” much at all since Roosevelt..It’s the contrast with how FAR the Republican Party has moved since Eisenhower that makes it LOOK as if the Democrats are “more Left”..In truth, today’s Republicans would whip Eisenhower out of the party if he were still alive.Why, just that “Military Industrial Complex” speech alone would disqualify him from Today’s Party.

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    mattro65  about 9 years ago

    @JDave48I’ll break it down for you. The last existential enemy this country had was Great Britain in the War Of 1812. We fought Japan to avenge Pearl Harbor and maintain dominance of the Pacific, not because they were an actual threat to our existence. We fight Al Queda to avenge 9/11 and maintain dominance of the Middle East. Anyone who thinks a few thousand fanatics mostly armed with outmoded rifles is a threat to our existence is delusional. jrmerm you chastise me and others for not being intellectually honest, yet you say Rooty is not conservative. Enough said.

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    SABRSteve  about 9 years ago

    Hitler declared war on the USA four days after Japan declared war on our nation by annihilating a good portion of our Pacific fleet. What were we supposed to do, hide under our desks?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Gee, I’d be tempted to say I agree that some of those words apply to HRC, but then we’d have to talk about how most of them apply to pretty much all the aspiring Presidents.

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