Steve Benson for October 14, 2018

  1. Missing large
    gammaguy  over 5 years ago

    Head should be brown, not white, i.e., a female… a Dow-wager.

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  2. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 5 years ago

    It had to happen.. that growth could not be maintained for ever given the irresponsibility of the trump financial and trade policy.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Stock markets went up far faster under Obama; they continued to rise during the first year of the Trump era (operating under the last Obama Fiscal Year budget), and have leveled off after Trump budgets kicked in, sustained primarily buy stock buybacks and corporations hoard the tax giveaways and corporate welfare instead of it “trickling down” to salaries of actual working people, and now beginning a downturn as those efforts run out of steam.

    Companies that were supposed to invest their corporate tax giveaways in more jobs are adding low-wage jobs in China and closing American factories (Harley-Davidson, GE Waukesha plant, Carrier, Caterpillar and others). Real wages for working people are declining.

    Trump is reversing and repealing the financial reforms that got us out of the Bush recession, setting up next Republican recession

    Interest rates are going up.

    Healthcare premiums going up (and people losing their coverage)

    Gas prices are skyrocketing (glad to plug our two electric cars into our solar panels). No infrastructure plan, and roads/bridges crumbling

    Retaliations for Trump tariffs are beginning to hit farms and factories in Middle America despite efforts at handouts from Trump to corporate and industrial agribusinesses.

    Obama cut the deficits he inherited by TWO THIRDS OFF. Under Trump, deficits and debts are exploding to unprecedented levels that will surpass even Bush. Oh yeah, the fake “fiscal CONservatives” understand nothing about deficits.

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    Ally2005  over 5 years ago

    Trump will blame Fed, Hillary, Obama and angry “Mob” Dem’s. That should cover it.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 5 years ago

    The DOW is more like a yo-yo than a bird, and the length of string on the cycles is getting longer. AS to birds, Franklin famously said the national bird should be the WILD turkey, instead of the bald eagle. The wild turkey is very intelligent and a benefit to the environment, balances it’s diet to survive, being omnivore. The bald eagle, though beautiful and a fair fisherman, is also even more so a scavenger, bigger than others and often a bit of a thief. Hmm, politics and financial markets, turkeys and eagles? Make you think about November mid terms??

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