Rob Rogers for June 16, 2023

  1. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  almost 1 year ago

    She’s made her first bench communication, asking that lawyers for both sides get certified to deal with state secrets.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  almost 1 year ago

    Judge loose cannon you mean

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    monya_43  almost 1 year ago

    Justice is going to take a beating. Hopefully, she will survive all the convoluted arguments and uncover the truth.

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  4. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 1 year ago

    Interesting question… why is TFG DEMANDING that ALL other GOP candidates pledge to Pardon him if they get to the White House…or else? Is it because he KNOWS that he’s GUILTY AS HEII, and he’s going down??

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    DangerMan  almost 1 year ago

    More proof that the AntiPublicans are more interested in ideology than competence.

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    tpcox928  almost 1 year ago

    She is going to have to choose between a lifetime job guarantee and servicing Lord Trump. Seriously, if she goes off the rail again I would like to tell me how this differs from Monica and Bill.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 1 year ago

    Satanic Trump has the luck of the devil.

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    dyerjames944  almost 1 year ago

    When Trump’s luck runs out, the devil wants his due. In this case, paybacks are hell!

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 1 year ago

    ‘Born with a very small brain’: Trump trashes former chief of staff who called him ‘scared’ of jail

    Taking time out from searching for another lawyer to join his legal team battling a 37-count federal indictment brought by special counsel Jack Smith, Donald Trump went on the attack against John Kelly, who served as his White House chief of staff.

    The former president is likely responding to an interview the retired general gave where he suggested his former boss is “scared s—tless” about his future and the possibility of jail time.

    In an interview with the Washington Post earlier this week, Kelly stated, "This is the way he compensates for that. He gives people the appearance he doesn’t care by doing this. For the first time in his life, it looks like he’s being held accountable. Up until this point in his life, it’s like, I’m not going to pay you; take me to court. He’s never been held accountable before.”

    That was on Tuesday — and on Friday morning the former president finally fired back in a Truth Social post with multiple references to Kelly in quotes.

    Responding to a supporter on Truth Social who had questions about Kelly, Trump wrote, “John Kelly pretended to be a ‘tough guy,’ but was actually weak and ineffective, born with a VERY small ‘brain.’”

    He then added, “He had a hard time functioning in a political world, and was truly an exhausted and beaten man when I fired him. In the end he was a ‘mummy’ who sat in his office and stared at the ceiling – he was ‘shot.’ I’ll never forget how his very nice wife told me that ‘John loves you, and respects you more than anyone, he will always say the BEST things about you.’ Oh well, so much for that!”

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 1 year ago

    ‘Trump looks like an idiot’ for blowing chances to avoid indictment: Morning Joe panel

    Panelists on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” mocked Donald Trump for forcing prosecutors to charge him in the Mar-a-Lago documents case.The former president was given the chance to return the classified materials he took from the White House and avoid criminal charges, but instead he held onto those documents and tried to hide them from authorities — and he was finally indicted last week after a months-long investigation.

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    sandflea  almost 1 year ago


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    Tootsie Premium Member almost 1 year ago

    She’s cannon fodder.

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    Ally2005  almost 1 year ago

    D rump expects true D rump loyality, a long list of special rulings “favors” from Cannon. Anything less and she’ll be branded as corrupt by the orange blob and his cult.

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    ferddo  almost 1 year ago

    She’s not his type, so time to jettison her…

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  15. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 1 year ago

    Aileen Cannon, the judge in Trump’s trial is really the only one who is on trial. Trump is guilty on so many charges ( read the indictment) and there is so much evidence that the only way he could be found innocent is if the trial is not fair. But, a dishonest judge might be able to find a way to let him off with a fine. If she does, she will never be respected as a judge again. Even her supporters will consider her a pushover hack.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 1 year ago

    I keep hearing about how the D.o.J. is “picking” on little Donnie J. and treating him badly just because he’s Trump…


    If you REALLY want to see how Trump should be treated, look no further than the case of Jack Teixeira who was also charged with stealing government records – which is the actual crime that Donnie John is guilty of.

    You will note that Jack is not released on his own recognizance, nor is he free to travel ANYWHERE he wishes, as Trump is currently allowed to…Jack Teixeira is not free to roam nor is he allowed to venture beyond the four walls of his jail cell, as Trump really should be if the “law” were “even-handed” – it’s not, but not in the way Trump’s supporters are whining about.

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  17. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 1 year ago

    Par for the course with Der Cheeto Pinochet.

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    tpcox928  12 months ago

    It will be interesting to see if she is willing to throw away a lifetime job for genuflecting at the feet of Lord Trump.

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