Robert Ariail for September 10, 2011

  1. Avatar alberto
    albertonencioni  almost 13 years ago

    If USA don’t close Guantanamo and apologise for Abu Grahib, Falluja and other nonsense cruelties, NOBODY will forget.

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  2. Avatar alberto
    albertonencioni  almost 13 years ago

    …or, more simply, they used second or third choice, low quality materials and someone pocketed the difference. In Italy it is a common practice, expecially for public buildings. They built schools and student dorms that crumbled after earthquake shocks that did not scratch the paint off MIDDLE AGE buildings…

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  3. Img 1055 1
    halfabug  almost 13 years ago

    One was done, close your mind a little bit more.

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  4. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 13 years ago

    human:, on a lighter note: single one of your points have been DECISIVELY answered.For example: The buildings did NOT go at “near free fall” unless you count 40% to two-thirds free-falll as free-fall, which most of us don’t.

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  5. Lorax
    iamthelorax  almost 13 years ago

    It’s cute when true-believers of conspiracy theories insist the moon landing was a hoax. But when they insist on playing their games with this kind of murder? Penn Jillette described them best on his show BS.

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  6. Wakkocls
    triketurq  almost 13 years ago

    This cartoon is totally unoriginal. A cliche. I can’t believe some cartoonists get paid to draw stuff like this

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    bonnevilledriver  almost 13 years ago


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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Psychos never forget, sensible people remember better ways, like well, Gandhi.

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    garfieldfan2222  almost 13 years ago

    Alberto, you’re a moron! There should be no apologies! None! The scum are enemy combatants, not American citizens (something libtards get confused).

    As to the whole “why the towers fell thing”, I saw a documentary on that that made it all make sense. There was a fire-resistance coating that was put on all the inner support beams. However, when the planes hit, the force blew away the coating in that vicinity, and the heat caused the support beams to weaken and slip from the stress of the weight placed on them.

    The South Tower fell for obvious reasons. One side was blown away so that there were no corner supports. The weight of the tower above (remember that plane hit lower) was too much. Thus, you see the upper part of the tower bend to one side as it starts to fall, then balance, and fall pancake-style.

    The North Tower got hit dead-on. The secret in how and why it fell is in the giant antenna on top of the tower. If you watch closely, you will see the antenna begin to sink, then the rest of the tower follows.

    There is no conspiracy theory, so any lunatic that thinks there is should go get their head examined.

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