Phil Hands for March 09, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  3 months ago

    Yep. The problem with having term limits and elections every biennium is that nobody can figure out what is going to happen NEXT.

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    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    Is that VP Kamala Harris behind Biden? She(?) looks like a guy in in this toon.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 3 months ago

    It will be gone if the QOP has its way.

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    The Nodding Head  3 months ago

    The State of Insanity is MAGA strong, though.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    State of union now

    State of onion under trump

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    aristoclesplato9  3 months ago

    Biden is clueless. He complained about the rich not paying taxes yet it was his infrastructure bill that allows the rich to do so. Big investors in green projects now get much fatter tax credits. And in many cases, those credits exceed their tax liability.

    So the law now allows them to sell those credits to other rich folks and allow them to pay less or no taxes. Got a spare million in tax credits? Sell them to one with a million dollar tax liability.

    And the rich continue to laugh all the way to the bank thanks to Biden.

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    DC Swamp  3 months ago

    It was painful to watch that diatribe, old grandpa Munster screaming at the country for over an hour.

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    Grandma Lea  3 months ago

    OK who laced you guy’s weed with meth and cocaine

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Well, there is a way to change those policies. Thank you for the idea.

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    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    November will be an IQ Test for America. If Trump is elected, all the legislation Biden enacted would be rescinded, because that’s what he did before. Infrastructure building gone. Lower drug prices gone. Help for our toxic exposed veterans, gone. Workers rights gone.Inflation Reduction Act lowering premiums for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, gone. Laws against junk fees including hidden fees, gone. Trump has vowed to destroy the Affordable Care Act with no replacement in sight. Biden fights hard for the middle class. Trump fights hard for the top 1%. Choose wisely in November.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Obviously, the MAGA crazies make it clear they only believe their lord and master’s words, especially enjoying when he trashes our country and its people, while coddling and admiring the murderous dictators of the world and embracing our nation’s enemies.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Look out, MAGAs. Big Brother is watching.

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    GiantShetlandPony  3 months ago

    Hey, if you want your housing values to drop and 401k’s to go backwards, yeah, vote for an Orange Criminal.

    No allegedly here, he has been found guilty of fraud, not just recently, but repeatedly. His fake university and charity, amongst so many other things. Mulitiple bankruptcies of companies. No one has ever failed more than Orange Traitor. The only thing he’s ever been good at is the projection of success. He was even the least successful President in history. That is if you measure the worth of a President in the state he leaves the country and it’s citizens, and not how he used it for his own personal benefit.

    Keep this violent criminal out of office. Proven in the E Jean Carroll case and the story his own family tells of his violence knocking out Jr because of what he was wearing, out of office and beating up his wife Ivanka, because he blamed her for the pain of a botched hair transplant. Granted, that gave her a comfortable life after the divorce, as he forked up a lot of cash to keep her from having him arrested for the assault.

    I just can’t understand the draw. I don’t get when people say he has charisma, as I’ve always found him repulsive.

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