Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 13, 2015

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    Squizzums  over 9 years ago

    Snoopy came to kick butt and chew bubblegum and he’s fresh out of bubblegum.

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    MJKesquire  over 9 years ago

    Finally, a manager who is not wishy-washy!

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    stcrowe  over 9 years ago

    The way this team plays, it won’t be long before the manager wears out that foot.

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    Linux0s  over 9 years ago

    Now that’s what you call effective communication.

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  5. Rat
    pamlicorat  over 9 years ago

    I would like to see a game between Peanuts & BC.

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  6. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  over 9 years ago


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  7. Garfield
    linsonl  over 9 years ago

    Reminds me of someone I once worked for.

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    summerdog86  over 9 years ago

    Paws on punishment….is that even allowed?

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  9. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member over 9 years ago

    the casey stengel of the peanuts world

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    jim_pem  over 9 years ago

    I notice he doesn’t even have to bark out orders. He just dogs the team until they play right.

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  11. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 9 years ago

    You’ve got to have a reckless streak in you to kick somebody who is walking around with a club…..(My all-time favorite episode of “Tumbleweeds” was one where the Chief was talking to his tribe: “When I signal you, I want you all to swing your war clubs in a mighty arc. Unless, of course, I flash the bunt sign!”)

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Well, you could be at the fights; only to see a hockey game break out…

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    Number Three  over 9 years ago

    Is that Shermy in the last panel?


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    1148559  over 9 years ago


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  15. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 9 years ago

    Snoopy is a Marine manger..“Takes names and boots butt”

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    Number Three  over 9 years ago

    @Snoopy_FanSorry to hear that! I love snow but I can’t stand the ice, I slipped on it in 2012 when I was on my way to college. Luckily, I was just outside my house when it happened. My Mum was with me. It really shook me up, I ended up with a few bruises but that’s it. You might think I’m being dramatic but it was horrible. -It turns out that it wasn’t really hot at the weekend after all. You like flowers? That’s really sweet. Shall I give you some for your birthday? Hahahahaha.-A lot has happened this week. FANOLIO who comments at Andy Capp had a pacemaker fitted on 5th March. Naturally, I was a little worried about him because of his age (He’s in his 80’s) but it went very well! He stayed in hospital overnight and now he is back to commenting at Andy Capp. -My baby cousin Jamie wasn’t very well on Saturday. His temperature was at 38 and then rose to 39 after his Mum gave him something for it. They took him to the Walk-In Centre where they diagnosed him with a throat infection. Apparently, A virus had been going round. The people at the Walk-In Centre give him some medicine and his temperature went back to 37 which is normal. Jamie is much better now. You have no idea how relieved I felt because all sorts were going through my head. It’s always panic stations with babies. I’m not even a mother but I felt so scared.-And last of all, I applied for a job as a ‘Medical Receptionist’ on Monday. I was wondering if it was a good idea to apply for a job seeing that I’m starting a Work Placement. Speaking of that, I went for my informal interview on Wednesday and it went very well. I should hear back on Monday.-So much has been happening! I hope you have been doing well. With everything that’s been happening at the weekend and this week, I’ve still been thinking about you. I hope your week has been absolutely wonderful and that your weekend is even better. I always appreciate your comments.-You take care and keep safe and warm.


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    Snoopy_Fan  over 9 years ago

    I think it would be more effective if the Manager (aka Snoopy) took Linus’ blanket away until he started getting some hits…

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  18. Phoenix
    dawnsfire  over 9 years ago

    We actually get to see another member of the team! How rare is that?

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