Nick Anderson for June 07, 2013

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    pcolli  about 11 years ago

    The “Land of the Free”?

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    Jason Allen  about 11 years ago

    “Yes, and your Hero, President Obama tells us he has to spy on us for our safety.. Yes, Obama is like Nixon”You mean he’s like G W Bush. Obama approved the Bush Administration’s existing warrentless wiretapping scheme. I personally think it’s a misuse of power and unconstitutional, but I’ve thought that since it began during the Bush Administration.

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    I Play One On TV  about 11 years ago

    I said it when all this stuff started in 2001 (although the local newspaper refused to print this at the time): If you want to live in a country that is more intrusive and repressive, there are many from which to choose. Leave this one alone. Freedom comes with risks. And who’s to say that the risks involved are reduced by these actions? We may be able to protect better from outside threats while leaving ourselves more vulnerable to inside threats.

    Taking away our freedoms to protect our freedoms is as ludicrous now as it was then. Contact your representatives and tell them we’ve had enough.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    George Orwell was only off by 29 years. In his book, 1984, the protagonist’s nation is at war against ‘them’, an enemy without nationality or borders who provides every reason needed for the gov’t to use every tool in order to watch every citizen, but always with the explanation that the gov’t want’s to protect YOU from “THEM”. In the middle of the Bush administration, it was librarians who were angry that the gov’t was going to be allowed to look through the records to see what books various individuals might access. Their protections of us have only increased since then.Now, as Iran, China, Egypt and other nations use social media to identify and arrest people they deem troublesome in their countries, we learn our nation is monitoring us in much the same way, though, not yet for the same reason.I agree with I Play One when he says we should contact our legislators and tell them it is time to restore privacy under the law to end these secret courts and unwarranted searches/fishing expeditions.And despite the desire for people to blame one party or the other, the fact is, WHOEVER is leading the gov’t is always going to be tempted to use these tools. They may even have noble and honorable reasons for doing so, but these powers, like guns, are only as ‘protective’ as the person in whose hands its held. And just as unpredictable. The gun that defends, can become the gun that demands.Respectfully,C.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 11 years ago 2nd article at the url above is “PRISM”: ‘They quite Literally Can Watch Your Ideas Form As You Type’ by Ben Shapiro 6/6/13.-The Utah Data Center, $2 Billion est. cost, to open Sept.2013,built to store NSA data from America’s citizens phone calls and emails and internet postings, “heavily fortified”.-This is Big Brother Government breaking all constitutional protections Americans expected to keep, having defeated enemies in 2 World Wars that would have ended our Freedoms. Democrat Sen. Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, “acknowledged Thursday that the NSA had obtained secret court orders FOR SEVEN YEARS…to collect records of calls placed or received on Verizon phones.”-And they will have to prove to me that NSA isn’t collecting from every source of US communications. I haven’t a shred of “trust” left for this federal government.

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    rockngolfer  about 11 years ago

    See Danziger for my comment.

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  7. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 11 years ago

    “…“Yes, and your Hero, President Obama tells us he has to spy on us for our safety.. Yes, Obama is like Nixon”

    You mean he’s like G W Bush. Obama approved the Bush Administration’s existing warrentless wiretapping scheme. I personally think it’s a misuse of power and unconstitutional, but I’ve thought that since it began during the Bush Administration.…"Jase 99 nailed it.

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    pcolli  about 11 years ago

    This sort of thing has been going on in one form or another since WW2.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  about 11 years ago
    David said, about 4 hours ago

    @disgustedtaxpayer “Don’t use Brietbart as a source if you want to be listened to.”-David, you expose your bias and lack of understanding of political events. Breitbart publishes articles from other sources and articles quoting other sources. Breitbart is not a “news service”…..I dare you to find an article they published that is not found and verified in the spectrum of news reporting.-I don’t post to "get people to listen to ‘disgustedtaxpayer’;I post urls to give readers an opportunity to read relevant reporting.*@ruff…you miss the point. Many programs begun before Obama was sworn in, have been used and abused and expanded and warped by Obama’s regime. His campaign crowds bragged about getting their “free” “Obamaphones” and Obama has abused lesser programs with Fast/Furious; the drones; the expanding of secret spying on Americans (Bush spied since 9/11/01 on FOREIGN calls by people in the USA (terrorists).

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    WaitingMan  about 11 years ago

    The “Obamaphone” program was started by that notorious socialist, Ronald Reagan, who said no American should be without means of making contact with emergency services when instituting the free phone program. Somehow, I don’t think that would fly in today’s lunatic fringe Republican Party.

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