Nick and Zuzu by Nick Galifianakis for August 26, 2022

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    GreasyOldTam  almost 2 years ago

    I can make pie….

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    socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Looks familiar.

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  3. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Must be the walking woman disagrees with the old lady’s politics.

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    goboboyd  almost 2 years ago

    Evil, with a sugar coating.

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    Thehag  almost 2 years ago

    Carolyn Hax: Yes, you should stop being friends with a bigot. August 25, 2022Dear Carolyn: A couple of years ago we relocated and started hanging out with some of our new neighbors. We embraced one couple in particular and spend a good deal of time with them. It was after we developed this friendship that issues arose: “Linda” is a bigot. She talks down about Black people, Mexicans, Asians, you name it. She wasn’t like this initially, but her derogatory references have been increasing lately. I guess as she’s gotten more comfortable around us. ….I find my side of our friendship fraying as I become more and more bothered by the references to migrants, immigrants and people of color, but I usually don’t respond. The look on my face when she drove up my driveway one day to warn me that “a carload of [unprintable racial slurs] are coming around the bend” gave me away, however. Because we became friends before she exhibited this kind of behavior, I don’t want to terminate our relationship. For now, I act like a duck and try to let her comments roll like water off my back, but I don’t know I can keep it up. Any suggestions?— Going Quackers The only answer to Linda’s remark about the “carload” of [human beings!] was to point to the street and ask her to remove herself from your property. Permanently.Instead you chose to be an accessory after the fact to her hatred because she seemed sooo! nice! when she was lying to you about who she really was inside. She was feeling you out before she said anything, yes. You did read that correctly…That she showed her true self to you means Linda thinks your true self is like hers. Or at minimum thinks you’re not going to hold her accountable for beliefs that dehumanize, oppress and kill people.. Shooting her a super-duper.She is going to keep thinking this about you until you show the moral courage to prioritize others’ humanity over your Yahtzee night. And perhaps donate copiously to anti-racist causes. And shower for a month.

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