Michael Ramirez for October 10, 2023

  1. Missing large
    buer  8 months ago

    You can add Russia to these roots. But it’s not because these monsters are shia that sunni are any better.

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    baroden Premium Member 8 months ago

    What’s going on with Hamas is exactly the danger of religion driving policy and action. When your religion says a specific group can’t exist or live their lives the way they choose, it’s about hatred. Religion driving policy is wrong regardless of the religion. Hate is hate whether you claim your god supports it or not.

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  3. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  8 months ago

    If anyone at this point says Iran isn’t involved need to give up their common sense card!

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    DarthJW Premium Member 8 months ago

    Do not ignore our Administration that freed up 6 Billion that Iran promised would only be used to buy butterflies and unicorns.

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    JamieLee Premium Member 8 months ago

    Yep, undeniably true. But I can’t ‘like’ this comic.

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  6. Yin yang
    Havel  8 months ago

    Man, the saber rattlers are out in force. Why wait until actual proof? Let’s just start another war, eh? Then, complain about the high price of gas in the next breath, right?

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  7. Bbb
    NeoconMan  8 months ago

    And now show the American roots beneath Israel.

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  8. Img 1050a2
    Grandma Lea  8 months ago

    What was a semi-peaceful region (most indigenous people there hated the British rule) which came apart when the European Hebrews invaded the Mandate of Palestine in the mid-1940s and drove the Palestinians literally into the deserts surrounding the lands the British (did not own but) gave to the Israeli terrorist it has gone downhill since then. Thus what Baruch Spinoza (Hebrew philosopher) said “All beings naturally seek their own advantage—to preserve their own being and increase their power” was once again proven true.

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    packfadden  8 months ago

    Everything the British did had the Biden effect.

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    On the 1947 map of the region there is no Israel. Jews tear down other peoples houses and call it the frontier.

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    Zebrastripes  8 months ago

    Iran has been bankrolling the terrorist group, Hamas for decades, Hezbollah, another extreme terrorist group. Their roots of terrorism are very deep

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  12. Sulky chatin
    cwg  8 months ago

    “the Arab must maintain his guiltless appearance at all costs. Facts and circumstances can combine in many different ways to reflect unfavorably upon any man, but the Arab cannot afford to allow accrued facts or logic to impute any flaw or guilt to him personally. In self-defense he must interpret the assembled facts subjectively, deny them outright, or reject as illogical any construction that leads to intimations of personal shortcomings. To the American this defense is non-objective, a distortion of truth, and therefore paradoxically destructive of integrity, unless he can take the Arab point of view and recognize personal face as having a higher value than fact or logic in the society. There are, it is true, many situations in American and Western society in which this kind of defensive thinking tends to arise; but Westerners are expected to be able to recognize and admit the logical flaws when they are pointed out to them. Severe cases of inability to achieve objectivity are interpreted in American society as manifesting pathological symptoms of neurosis or psychopathic personality. Not so in the Near East. In the dynamics of the Arab social system dignity or face is not compromised for the sake of the lesser values found in fact and logic.”

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    My First Premium Member 8 months ago

    I think everyone can see the feckless leader Biden, and what his true colors are. Calls “a lid” at noon. Won’t face the press and answer real questions (not fluff questions from dem’s media). Say a prayer and hang on till we get Bite Me out of the WH.

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  14. Freeradical
    Free Radical  8 months ago

    Instead of “IRAN” the roots should be labeled “RELIGION”

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  15. Animals being weird
    wildthing  8 months ago

    “Everyone wants to attack Iraq, the real men want to attack Iran”

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    pamela welch Premium Member 8 months ago

    Great artwork, Michael

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    Al Fresco  8 months ago

    The roots of EVIL.

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  18. 10153654 10201860076559635 7174929319384925209 n
    My First Premium Member 8 months ago

    Here’s a bunch of reasons to NOT vote for Biden…The average payment on a new house is at a record $2,750.00. The average home is now renting for a record $1,900.00 a month. The average new car payment is now at a record $733.00 a month. The average used car payment is now at a record $530.00 a month. The average gallon of gas is now nearing $4.00 gallon again. The average household credit card balance is now at a record $7,300.00The average household will have $0 of excess savings by the end of the quarter. If you see a democrat, you can thank them for this. Independents see this and will vote accordingly.

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    turkeycreekacres Premium Member 8 months ago

    - Iran’s nuclear ambitions coupled with its hatred of Israel is a deadly combination. Iran has declared that it has enough nuclear material to make a bomb. Israel has said that it would not allow them to take that step.The middle east continues to expose itself as a total mess and of course we are right in the middle of it playing both sides. How do we think Israel feels when they know we helped Iran continue with their Nuclear enrichment – that we give up 85 billion dollars of valuable weapons and a military base in Afganistan and that we smuggled billions of dollars to Iran under the table through the Obama administration and are still doing it under Biden. How about the uranium sales through Canada to Russia? The whoe thing is sickening.

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