Michael Ramirez for October 30, 2012

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    wolfhoundblues1  over 11 years ago

    nailed it

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    PlainBill  over 11 years ago

    Another fantasy from Mikey’s handlers. The real press hasn’t reported a coverup because there wasn’t one. There have been plenty of reports of Obama confirming the whole situation was not handled in the best way possible.

    The Neocon trolls would have us believe two obvious falsehoods – 1. That the President personally directs every action at every US consulate and 2. That all career State Dept employees and all reporters at the three networks with real news coverage blindly follow all directives from the President.

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    hanmari  over 11 years ago

    I remember when Bush was in office and the press would report the running totals of deaths from the Afghan war. Stopped doing that after Obama was elected. I remember when the press would jump gleefully on any story that even hinted at corruption in the Bush administration. We’ve got machinations, cronyism, and unconstitutional shenanigans pouring out of the Obama administration, and aside from Fox News, most media establishments don’t bother reporting on them: green energy awards to failing companies owned by top bundlers, stimulus money laundered through political buddies, secret meetings with representatives of terrorist groups in the White House, Mr. Obama signing waivers that violate federal laws for groups of people when he wants their votes, Mr. Obama waging war against non-green energy through his deputies in the EPA, Mr. Obama waging war against religion through his appointees in HHS, Mr. Obama raising taxes on the sly while claiming to cut them, Mr. Obama starting a war in Libya, Mr. Obama supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and ignoring Iran, and most recently, Mr. Obama ordering the military to stand down and let American officials and soldiers be murdered. Not only should we vote the bum out, we should jail him for his crimes.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Ramirez is an idiot, and a jerk.

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    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    1. The lame stream media IS lame, because almost all are OWNED by conservatives. Even if they do hire some “liberal” staff, most are overtly conservative in their reporting, and editorial control of stories. Yes, MSNBC is openly liberal, but NBC is right of center. ABC is extremely conservative, as is CNN and CBS.

    My other “sensitivity” is how often our people got killed in Viet Nam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, because those “love boat journalists” like Geraldo shot their mouths off. We got INTO Iraq because “journalists” and their bosses did NOT properly show just how big "W"’s lies were. William Rivers Pitt and Scott Ritter laid out IN A BOOK prior to the invasion just how big the LIES were! They were far outweighed by the “right wing press” keeping the lies going, even with regard to downplaying the demonstrations around the world, and the fact that Bush actually IGNORED the U.N. mandate, AND he violated the law Congress passed that required him to come back to them BEFORE proceeding with actual “hostilities”.

    No, the press in the U.S. is NOT overwhelmingly liberal, but quite the opposite. And, as I lost friends due to “reporters” either getting in the way, or lying, or just “blowing it”, I DO have “a problem”.

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    What a stupid cartoon. Is this based on any fact at all?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I was watching Black Hawk Down and I couldn’t understand why we didn’t just send in a couple hundred thousand troops to rescue our guys in Somalia. Nothing ever goes wrong when we escalate our military involvement in a situation that we don’t really comprehend. Vietnam, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan all prove my point.No cost is too great to save our troops, as long as it goes to my pals who are defense contractors. I don’t know why the vets think they can just lay around and not work once they get home, though. We need to stop coddling them.

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    chasches  over 11 years ago

    Republican shills just can’t shut up about the Libya consulate attack, even nearly two months later. A Good Cartoon.

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  9. Tmsho icon60
    josefw  over 11 years ago

    Or, NOT report…

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