Lisa Benson for June 14, 2023

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    feverjr Premium Member about 1 year ago

    …the former guy paid for NDA’s with all his partners, so proud…

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    Judge Magney  about 1 year ago

    Just for clarity, this is almost certainly a reaction to a handful of dimwitted exhibitionists making a topless video of themselves at the White House Pride event rather than aǹ attack on the event itself. This isn’t a Branco cartoon.

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    amethyst52 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    That dumpty and stormy daniels clothes hanging on the rail?

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  4. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  about 1 year ago

    Remember when what happened behind closed doors was nobody’s business and a person’s perversions were not shoved in your face? How you weren’t asked to stroke some sexually insecure fools ego and try to help them feel better about their choices in sexuality?

    I miss those days too.

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    Odon Premium Member about 1 year ago

    They weren’t just peaceful visitors?

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Not as great at the 1/6 “tour”, right Lisa!

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    DC Swamp  about 1 year ago

    A trans woman, Rosa Montoya, exposed her fake breasts on the WH lawn. She and two others were banned from future WH events.

    Said WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House.”

    Maybe Dylan Mulvaney should sell Montoya a womens sports bra.

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    Ontman  about 1 year ago

    Lisa hates what she can’t understand.

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  9. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Poor Widdle Cupcake Conservatives got their lace-trimmed knickers in a twist over NOTHING again, while IGNORING the Orange Traitor’ lie-filled rant after his ARREST!!!

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    mourdac Premium Member about 1 year ago

    What a nothingburger issue but, hey, SQUIRREL!

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  11. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Lisa, trying to appease the anti-Pride movement.

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    suzalee  about 1 year ago

    Tasteless behavior, but I prefer it to storming the capitol while threatening to hang VP Pence and pooping on the floor.

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    My First Premium Member about 1 year ago

    We prefer the Jan 6th dust up to the summer of 2020. Dozens of people were killed or injured in the violent unrest, and thousands of businesses and properties, many minority-owned, were looted, torched, or otherwise vandalized. Only now are we beginning to realize the full cost of the destruction. Turns out that the total insured property losses incurred during the George Floyd riots will come in at $1 billion to $2 billion.

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    Geezer  about 1 year ago

    I sometimes wonder why some people take “Pride” in something that is not an accomplishment.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Is that Lisa’s pink bra ?

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    Henwood  about 1 year ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out the orange baboon or some other “conservative” group paid Montoya to cause a ruckus at the event in order to distract from the Miami clown show.

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member about 1 year ago


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  18. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  about 1 year ago

    Congratulations, Democrats, on throwing out the rule book on the treatment of the American flag and its placement relative to other flags. Don’t worry, there won’t be any repercussions. Sleep well.

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    No one has ever seen a naked body before.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Holy crap!

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    cbedda  about 1 year ago

    Life’s short. Make sure you spend as much time as possible on the internet arguing with strangers about politics. ‘words of wisdom’ I hope everyone who reads this has an awesome day of reflection.

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    piper_gilbert  about 1 year ago

    I thought TFG and Stormy did their thing at a Trump resort, not the White House. What’s their clothes doing hanging everywhere?

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    IndyW  about 1 year ago

    Yes, certain behavior was a disgrace, that one cannot and should not take no pride in, and certainly does not do good to support the purpose of the event.

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member about 1 year ago

    But a rapist philanderer tax cheat thief is fine as president? You’ve got some interesting definitions for what does and doesn’t constitute a disgrace.

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    librarylady59  about 1 year ago

    Breitbart’s headline: Watch — Transgender Activist Flashes Fake Breasts at Biden’s White House Pride Event

    1. Watch… Please watch and see their scars and fake boobs so you can be outraged.

    2. Would Breitbart have a fit if women who survived breast cancer showed their “fake breasts”? How about the many women who have “breast enlargements” just because many men have a big booby obsession.

    3. Conservatives doth protest too much, methinks.

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    Retrac Premium Member about 1 year ago

    For those commenters who don’t read or watch the news, it was Biden’s staff who denounced the behavior. Not appropriate for the White House, but apparently liberals feels it is appropriate anywhere else.

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Catering to the .01% to make sure everyone else who disagrees with the medical mutilation & social engineering of children are ridiculed, ostracized, and persecuted is all the dims have left:

    CNN’s latest polling asked Americans whether things in the country were going well or badly – and then, to explain in their own words, why they felt that way.

    Among the 69% who said things were going either pretty or very badly, dim views of the nation’s economic conditions were a top driver. The smaller share who were more positive often cited their own, rosier takes on the economy.

    Other factors that influenced Americans’ outlooks, whether positive or negative, included their views of the current occupant of the White House, opinions on social issues, conclusions drawn from their daily lives or a combination of disparate concerns.

    Jill Biden is on a massive three-day fundraising bender, during which she will be heading to affluent neighborhoods in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles to solicit money for her unpopular and confused husband. Ironically, each of these liberal-run cities she will be visiting is a dystopian hellhole plagued by drugs, crime, homelessness, and despair. This serves as a perfect backdrop for Biden’s failed administration.

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    The White House has condemned a trans activist who went topless at Joe Biden’s Pride Month event after a video of the South Lawn stunt went viral.

    Rose Montoya, a trans model, appeared in the “inappropriate and disrespectful” video with others and will not be invited to any future events, according to a White House statement.

    “This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House. It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events,” the statement read.

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Dims, trying their breast to embarrass America and succeeding..

    more boobs at the White House, besides Joek Bribem:

    Rose was an invited guest for Saturday’s Pride celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue … where she shook hands with Biden and later pulled down her white dress to expose her boobs on the South lawn, with the Truman Balcony and a Pride flag in the background.

    In the video, Rose is cupping her boobs … and she’s flanked by a couple of shirtless men.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Lisa resurrected Murray Langston for Pride Month? I’m sure he’s happy you thought about him.

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  31. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  about 1 year ago

    Some people just don’t want others to be themselves. Not too surprising: many people work hard to appear to be someone they’re not (see cosmetics, plastic surgery, body shapers, hair coloring, hair restorers….).

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    lawguy05  about 1 year ago

    It sure is!

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    ncorgbl  about 1 year ago

    The “disgrace” is in refusing to acknowledge the facts and history of all of humanity, and then being a bigot anyway.

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  34. Freeradical
    Free Radical  about 1 year ago

    Dare I say the obvious? Intolerant people are sick, and need help, not applause.

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    From: The Left Has Pushed The Envelope – Victor David Hanson

    In almost every American city and town, biological males, with enormous advantages in size and musculoskeletal mass, routinely win women’s sporting competitions. They are systematically destroying decades of progress that sought to ensure parity between men and women’s sports.

    Corporate America has joined this cultural revolution hysteria. Companies are apparently now hellbent on destroying their brands, profits and net worth.

    Under pressure from the LGBTQ activists, the Los Angeles Dodgers reinvited the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” to celebrate Pride night at Dodger Stadium. A group notoriety hinges on its sexualized & often pornographic mockery of Catholic faith. This supposedly courageous group would never dare extend its street-theater blasphemy to other religious groups such as Muslims or Hindus.

    The article lists the many absurd, terrifying, surreal, shocking, Maoist results from this full-fledged cultural revolution against traditional America to the delight of our enemies like the CCP.

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Even big mouthed, lefties see what is happening…

    Actress Bette Midler called on all women to fight gender-neutralizing terms that would “erase” them and their bodily rights.

    “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name!” Midler tweeted Monday.

    “They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators’, and even ‘people with v@ginas’!” she continued. “Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!”

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    MollyCat  about 1 year ago

    Still hate-posting Lisa?

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  38. Freeradical
    Free Radical  about 1 year ago

    Real FREEDOM includes Freedom of Expression

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Twitter owner Elon Musk has taken issue with Joe Biden and his obsession with gender dysphoric children, which was evident at the White House PRIDE celebration.

    Musk’s main concern is the government is now treating children like they are their property.

    “These are our kids,” Biden’s video says, showing images of the White House draped in Pride colors.

    “These are our neighbors. Not somebody else’s kids; they’re all our kids.”

    “You are the government,” Musk responded. “They are NOT your kids.”

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  40. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member about 1 year ago
    ^ Captain Cut-and-paste is back with more nonsense…^
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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Drag queens, graphic photos, descriptions of sexual acts, displays of sexual graphic acts, medical mutilation, indoctrinating children; is this really the side of history the libs want to be known for?

    A drag queen purportedly hired as a “digital ambassador” for the U.S. Navy to increase recruitment numbers was accused on Monday of violating several military rules, including promoting partisan politics and expressing open contempt for his command.

    “[H]e has repeatedly engaged in partisan activity, behaved in ways that discredit the military, publicly criticized his command, and misused his uniform for personal gain,” Meckler wrote in the letter. “Based on the Department’s past actions with respect to politically or culturally conservative service members, an investigation is appropriate here.”

    According to the legal group, Kelley has tweeted several times about his support for Democrats, graphic photos, and descriptions of sexual acts. Many of Kelley’s Instagram and Twitter posts also appeared to include images or videos of the sailor in uniform, with others depicting him in drag.

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    terryminor848  about 1 year ago

    A great deal of transgender people are born that way and their parents choose how they identify.

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    colinmac2  about 1 year ago

    Jeez, the racists, homophobes, and bigots of all stripes really come out to play here. Seriously, things aren’t this blatant in YouTube comments. Comforting that there’s a lot of pushback, but disappointing that there’s this much unmotivated hatred and anger even here.

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    da_villa  about 1 year ago

    Absolutely a disgrace! People have died for our American flag! It represents Freedom, Liberty, Individualism, Democracy, and the right of self determination! The Rainbow flag represents nothing more than conformity and obedience to a radical ideology!

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Too many transgender activists are sadistic bullies..

    If you’ve ever wondered why so many scientists have remained silent as gender ideology overtakes the universe, here’s another example to contemplate.

    A new study was recently released on the subject of rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or ROGD. ROGD refers to the epidemic of predominantly young women and teenage girls who transition to male or a so-called “third” gender, often suddenly and without any previous history of gender problems. Twenty-six states have banned therapeutic approaches that are not gender affirmation, and an increasing number, including California and Minnesota, have become sanctuary states for minors seeking transition services. Unsatisfied at stopping there, transgender activists have taken to warping research findings to promote their agenda, censoring all others, and embarking on witch hunts, harassing dissenting scientists for decades of their careers.

    As reported by the College Fix, activists are now demanding that the aforementioned ROGD study be retracted and that the editor responsible for publishing it be removed from the academic journal. Over 100 clinicians and academics have signed an open letter denouncing the paper’s publication.


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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Both the study’s senior author, Dr. Michael Bailey, and the editor in question, Dr. Kenneth Zucker, are accredited scholars and leading experts on gender dysphoria. (Full disclosure: Both are former colleagues of mine.) The study provided much-needed data about what is driving ROGD; parental responses regarded 1,655 adolescent and young adult children, which is an enormous sample.

    Findings suggested that increased rates of transition may be explained by preexisting mental health problems, including autism, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, and schizophrenia, as well as stressful life events such as moving, parental divorce, and severe sexual or physical abuse. Both children’s mental health and parent-child relationships reportedly deteriorated after the social transition. Parents also said they believed clinicians pressured families to support a child’s transition.

    The study discussed ROGD in boys, a lesser-understood presentation. Girls tended to transition socially earlier than boys. Boys were more likely to receive hormonal intervention while skipping a social transition. In my opinion, this is because autogynephilia (sexual arousal at the thought of having a woman’s body) is likely driving teenage boys’ desire to transition, and male puberty has a later onset than puberty in girls.

    As a result, adolescent males’ motivation, being taboo in nature, leads transition to be less socially rewarding and more secretive than what’s been observed in girls. These are the forbidden discussions that need to be had to help these young people.-Debra Soh, Washington Examiner

    Dr. Debra Soh is a sex neuroscientist, the host of The Dr. Debra Soh Podcast, and the author of The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society.

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    the dim duh-versity agenda

    Video: Chief Diversity Officer Left Dumbfounded When GOP Rep Asks ‘Am I White?’

    Mast made a point that should be self-evident to everyone who believes in American ideals. One’s race does not enhance or diminish one’s capacity to do their job. It is your character and abilities, not your race, that determines if you are qualified.

    This is especially true when it comes to federal offices like the State Department. These are very significant institutions, and the people who work there have very critical jobs. Therefore, the government needs to ensure that the right people are being hired to do the job.

    If we place diversity above ability when hiring for these important jobs, then we are headed for disaster.

    In addition, Mast’s line of questioning to the ambassador about the effect of race on the job proves just how meaningless her position as a diversity and inclusion chief is.

    Abercrombie-Winstanley agreed with Mast’s argument when she said that the race of an individual does not affect their ability to do the job, just as their height or hairstyle does not affect it either.

    If that is the case, then why is there a need for someone like Abercrombie-Winstanley? If she believes that merit comes before race, why does she continue to be an advocate for the “diversity” agenda?

    Diversity hiring is a meaningless and discriminatory employment practice that is only going to lead to disaster if it is not ended. - Washington Journal

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    The dims trans reality, imploding on itself…

    How did we get to the ridiculous point where only trans women can be called women?

    Most people, I suspect, would regard this question as reasonably straightforward, and reply: “A woman attracted to women.” But that definition, it seems, is out of date. The correct answer is as follows:

    “A non-man attracted to non-men.”

    At least, that’s what it says in a new “LGBTQ glossary” published by Johns Hopkins, a leading American university.

    In any case, think of all the famous songs that would have to be rewritten. I’m Every Non-Man. You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Non-Man. Man, I Feel Like a Non-Man. Non-Boy, You’ll Be a Non-Man Soon.

    You may be wondering whether it defines gay men, in turn, as “non-women”. Funnily enough, no. A gay man is simply “a man” attracted to “other men”. In summary, then: a man is a man. And a woman is a non-man. A curious linguistic development.

    How it failed to foresee the row the glossary would cause, I’ve no idea. No doubt those who compiled it were merely trying to be “inclusive”. Indeed, the glossary explained that the “updated definition” of “lesbian” was designed to include “non-binary people”. Unfortunately, however, in their efforts to accommodate the non-binary, they’ve accidentally contrived to alienate the binary. Which is quite a lot more people.

    The other curious thing about the glossary is that, in a separate entry, it uses the term “trans woman”, rather than “trans non-man”.

    Logically, this means that trans women are women, but women aren’t. – Michael Deacon, The Telegraph

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    The Press Is Out of Touch With the American People…

    Sixty-nine percent of all Americans and a plurality of Democrats believe that athletes should only be allowed to compete against peers who share their biological sex, despite relentless promotion of identity-based competition and ceaseless castigation of sex-based competition by the press. Across the United States, efforts to enforce the majority opinion are characterized not as common sense measures — or even the manifestation of a reasonable argument — but extreme and even hateful.

    Overwhelmingly, Americans believe that fairness demands that biological sex rather than gender identity should be the guidepost for competition. And overwhelmingly, the media casts attempts to enforce such a standard as ignorant and cruel.

    On few other issues is the cloistered groupthink of the media so obvious. Scientific studies have shown that transgender athletes retain physical advantages even after years of cross-sex hormone treatments. Those who undergo male puberty enjoy differences in size, skeletal structure, and muscle function that cannot be undone.Moreover, plain-to-see anthropological evidence makes these advantages obvious. Despite being small in number, transgender athletes have risen to the top in women’s swimming, weightlifting, and track and field.

    In the face of this evidence, the press has little but invective to hurl at those who take notice. But far from persuading or “educating” their opponents, its coverage is only driving Americans further away from its consensus position. The media’s unfounded pedantry and unfair framing have rightly been taken not as evidence of confidence in their arguments, but as an admission of their weakness.- Isaac Shorr, Mediaite

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    The majority has spoken: we are done with the lefty, lib indoctrinating, time to get back to educating.

    Johns Hopkins University removed an online glossary of LGBTQ terms and identities this week after its definition of the word “lesbian” used the term “non-men” to refer to women and some nonbinary people and fueled an online uproar.

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