Lisa Benson for March 01, 2022

  1. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 2 years ago

    To the woodshed. . .

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    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    A good cartoon from republigoon servant / slave Benson? Will wonders never cease? Good job.

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    kelloggs2066  over 2 years ago

    Gee, if only Biden had given the 80+ $Billion in weapons to Ukraine instead of the Taliban…

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  4. Snl mrbill doll
    claudio645  over 2 years ago

    and tomorrow she’ll be back repeating Russian talking points about President Biden and America. Thanks for the good and accurate cartoon. String a bunch of them together and maybe you’ll earn back some credibility.

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    Ammo is busy training in the hills Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Thank You Lisa, let’s all hope the sane people of Russian take matters into their own hands.

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  6. Frank
    Frankfreak  over 2 years ago

    corn flakes is lying again

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    schaefer jim  over 2 years ago

    What is corn flakes? Is it like snow flakes?

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    Drgnslr Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I’ve had lots of Russian people come into my business over the years. Some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet and very concerned about what is going on in their country, even years ago.

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  9. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 2 years ago

    Most people are like most people: we want to be able to do our jobs, feed our families, and be left alone. It’s the governments that are the problem; if governments actually represented the wants and needs of the people this world would be vastly different.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    “Joe Biden has turned calm into chaos, competence into incompetence, stability into anarchy, and security into catastrophe.

    “The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling; it’s an outrage and an atrocity that should never have been allowed to occur, it never would have occurred.

    “We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all.”“I gave Ukraine the Javelins that everyone is now talking about and millions of dollars of other military equipment—the Obama administration gave them blankets,” Trump said.

    “Reporters asked me if I thought President Putin was smart; I said, ‘Of course, he’s smart – to which I was greeted with, ‘ah, that’s such a terrible thing to say.’”

    Trump added he is saying Putin is merely outsmarting Biden, our “dumb” leaders, and other world leaders.

    “NATO nations and indeed the world, as he looks over what’s happening strategically with no repercussions or threats whatsoever,” Trump continued. "They’re not so smart. They’re looking the opposite of smart: ‘If you take over Ukraine, we’re going to sanction you.’

    “They say, ‘sanction? Well, that’s a pretty weak statement.’ Putin is saying, ‘oh, they’re going to sanction me; they sanctioned me for the last 25 years – you mean I can take over all the country, and they’re gonna sanction me. You mean they’re not going to blow us to pieces?’”

    “The problem is not that Putin is smart, which of course he is, but that our leaders are dumb — they so far allowed him to get away with this travesty and assault on humanity.

    “Putin is playing Biden like a drum, and it is not a pretty thing to watch, and it would have been so easy for me to stop this travesty from happening.” – DJT, CPAC

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Grenell, the former U.S. ambassador to Germany, hailed his “calling out the Germans for their hypocrisy,” and said Biden’s biggest mistake was freeing the Russians for the Nord Stream 2 “pipeline of influence.”

    “Joe Biden and Democratic senators dropped the sanctions on Russia’s pipeline, creating the precise moment Putin saw American weakness,” Grenell said.

    “Right now we have political appointees at the State Department who are inept,” he added. "There’s no other way to say it. We have witnessed an appalling waste of diplomatic capital these past four weeks as the Biden team hyped a bloody war, shifting U.S. troops around Europe, stoking paranoia in the West, destroying the Ukrainian economy and utterly failing to deter Vladimir Putin. "

    Grenell also blasted the mainstream media suggesting America First foreign policy “squandered our relationship with NATO” as “cynical lies” – and noted pressing Germany to put up made NATO stronger.

    Germany has proved to be kowtowing to a non-NATO member in Russia, Grenell warned.

    “Germany wants to have a foreign policy like Switzerland,” he said. "They want to sell cars to everyone and be an economic powerhouse with no geostrategic responsibilities, but that’s not acceptable.

    “Generations of Americans have sacrificed too much for Germany to drift away from the Western alliance.”- Ric Grenell, CPAC

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    dotbup  over 2 years ago

    repugs are refusing to go to the State of the Union because they say having to take a Covid test is tyranny and Marxism.

    Tell that to the people of Ukraine, you cowards.

    If you can watch the slaughter of innocents in Kyiv (some of these arseholes are cheering it), the massive protests in Russia (under threat) and around the globe, and equate that with your not wearing a mask

    - you’re not worthy of the freedoms handed to you.
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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Mother Russia when you are done with Vlad, would you please b*tch slap Vlad’s bad influence playmates, the Clintons.

    NY Times: Hillary Clinton Approved Russian Uranium Deal After $2 Million Donation to Clinton FoundationReport suggests former secretary of state signed off on Russia purchasing Canadian uranium company after the company donated millions to the Clinton’s non-profit

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Brilliant Lisa, excellent ‘toon. I really got a chuckle from this one. You may have hit closer to the truth than you realize. Someone or group has got to thinking of just what a disaster this is turning into for Russia and Putin. If this invasion had gone off without a hitch, Putin would be sitting in a very good position. But it didn’t, it’s going on the seventh day with no real objectives obtained. The airport just north of Kiev should have been taken on the first day and Kiev on the second. Now there’s Forty mile long convoy stalled on the way to Kiev. Credible reports are coming in that Russian soldiers have poked holes in their fuel tanks and supplies are running low with little food and water remaining.

    I have watched over a dozen interviews and interrogation of captured Russian soldiers from various units. The common theme is that they were all on what they were told was a training exercise. Then late at night they were told to move out and when they ran into Ukrainian resistance they were told to fight or die. They didn’t know they were going into combat! Seriously? Putin sent troops into battle with out a proper briefing and mission objectives? Thats insane! I don’t care if the senior officers and NCOs knew what was going on, you just don’t do that. It tells me that Putin doesn’t have a proper understanding of the Russian people and how they’ve changed since the collapse of the USSR. He’s still thinking with the old Soviet mentality that is not going to work with most of his military especially the conscripts which as I understand makes up about 40% of his troops. Sure, he might have gotten away with this back in the heyday of the USSR, but today? I think Putin has made a grave miscalculation with emphasis on ‘grave’. This stalemate can’t go on much longer. If those troops, especially the conscripts, run out of food and water, watch desertions start to take place with soldiers surrendering to Ukrainian forces.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Impressed that you drew this.

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  16. P1000380
    A# 466  over 2 years ago

    In a perfect — or at least better — world, both Putin and his toadies’ ill gotten gains, amounting tens, if not hundreds, billions, would be used to rebuild Ukraine. It would be even better if they were condemned to work on that rebuilding, even if it was only in the benign activities such as those Jimmy Carter does for Habitat for Humanity, for a minimal stipends and for the rest of their days. Might as well get them to do SOME good while they’re still here. (Extra credit for the world if Trump and his toadies, including the nepotists, are included.)

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    It took a Russian invasion of Ukraine for the left to care about guns for personal protection and borders. – @Gavyam57

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Al Franken:

    And by the way, when you say kids will look up and see Donald Trump’s picture as president, they’ll see Donald Trump, then they’ll see [Joe] Biden, and then they’ll see Donald Trump again, and he’ll still be president when these kids are in school. Because, that’s it. It’s over. It’ll be a dictatorship. It’ll be an authoritarian regime. We won’t have a democratic election. It’ll be like Hungary and it’ll all be fraud.

    Relax Al, DJT is no longer a dim, it will be ok, you might even enjoy the masses being represented.

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    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    Tell that to Trump, et al.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    The West’s Green Delusions Empowered PutinWhile we banned plastic straws, Russia drilled and doubled nuclear energy production.How is it possible that European countries, Germany especially, allowed themselves to become so dependent on an authoritarian country over the 30 years since the end of the Cold War? Here’s how: These countries are in the grips of a delusional ideology that makes them incapable of understanding the hard realities of energy production. Green ideology insists we don’t need nuclear and that we don’t need fracking. It insists that it’s just a matter of will and money to switch to all-renewables—and fast. It insists that we need “degrowth” of the economy, and that we face looming human “extinction.” (I would know. I myself was once a true believer.)John Kerry, the United States’ climate envoy, perfectly captured the myopia of this view when he said, in the days before the war, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine “could have a profound negative impact on the climate, obviously. You have a war, and obviously you’re going to have massive emissions consequences to the war. But equally importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus.”But it was the West’s focus on healing the planet with “soft energy” renewables, and moving away from natural gas and nuclear, that allowed Putin to gain a stranglehold over Europe’s energy supply. As the West fell into a hypnotic trance about healing its relationship with nature, averting climate apocalypse and worshiping a teenager named Greta, Vladimir Putin made his moves.While he expanded nuclear energy at home so Russia could export its precious oil and gas to Europe, Western governments spent their time and energy obsessing over “carbon footprints,” a term created by an advertising firm working for British Petroleum. They banned plastic straws because of a 9-year-old Canadian child’s science homework. They paid for hours of “climate anxiety” therapy. - Michael Shellenberger

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  21. Frank
    Frankfreak  over 2 years ago

    “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

    ― Mark Twain

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member over 2 years ago

    So I have dead serious question that I would like an answer from both left, right and in between from anyone who has knowledge on the subject.

    Can Russia be removed from the U.N.s security council thereby canceling their veto power?

    I ask because in the original U.N. charter it was the USSR which designated a permanent member of the Security Council. Now I understand that in the wake of the dissolution of the USSR, Russia was allowed to take that place, but there had to have some kind of vote in the U.N. whether from the General Assembly or the Security Council. I’ll do some research and analysis, but I would welcome any input and opinions on this.

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  23. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    That would be fine. And of course it resonates with the Q-diots who are still stuck on “Let’s go Brandon”

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  24. Img 2087
    Ivan the Terrible   over 2 years ago

    All this MSM piling on Vlad has made me highly suspicious.

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  25. Galaxina
    Galaxina  over 2 years ago

    If only it were so!

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  26. Galaxina
    Galaxina  over 2 years ago

    BTW, Lisa, we do like your cartoons!!! Keep it up!!

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    One of the most duplicitous aspects of the long-running Russia collusion hoax was the Democratic argument — abetted by the mainstream media — about which party was tougher when it came to Russia.

    It was Biden’s Democratic predecessor, Obama, who used a 2012 presidential debate to mock then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney over Romney’s labeling of Russia as the country’s largest geopolitical foe. (CNN’s Chris Cillizza finally agreed — on Tuesday.)

    It was the Obama-Biden administration that slapped Putin’s hand in 2014 when he invaded and annexed the Ukrainian territory of Crimea — imposing economic sanctions that did nothing to change the facts on the ground. (The eighth anniversary will be rolling around March 18 — less than a month from now. Putin knows what he can get away with when Joe Biden is in the Oval Office.)And it was Biden’s decision to humiliate himself and his country by leaving Afghanistan in defeat that telegraphed to the Putins of the world that they had nothing to fear from the United States.

    The president was also willing to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline – at the cost of thousands of jobs – to appease the radical wing of his already-radical party, effectively destroying the United States’ bid for energy independence, while approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that increases Western Europe’s reliance on Russian natural gas for energy.

    And it was Biden’s party — those get-tough-on-the-Russkies Democrats — who, as Fox News reported, filibustered a bill in the Senate last month sponsored by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz that would have sanctioned European officials and business leaders involved in the project.

    The hypocrisy is almost breathtaking sometimes.- Joe Saunders, The Western Journal

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Biden Admin will ruin the US way before “Russian bots” does. ..many people in the nation’s black American communities are quickly coming to terms with the reality that Biden, and his Department of Justice have set the stage for not merely the return of the cold war with Russia, but for the return and amplification of racial unrest here at home. On January 17th, a date for respect and national observance to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., quite a number of black Americans in Dallas, Texas, gave reflection to one particular quote from the slain civil rights leader.“Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere. We are called in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” The political, social, and unconstitutionally illegal treatment of Washington, DC’s, white, January 6, federal detainees could have far reaching racial effects on civility in America, and is exactly what Dr. King’s utterances were directed to curtail. Every instance of inhumane, torturous, and unjust treatment which has been meticulously documented and allowed to be inflicted daily upon the three dozen or so white men that are currently being held at the DC Jail’s, C2B housing unit, is a future threat to the nation’s black American community itself.For nearly one year that I spent confined with these men, we had open and honest conversations regarding race relations in the United States. And while Joe Biden, his Attorney General, and most democrat supported news outlets have referred to these men as “white supremacists”, the actions of these men towards myself and the six other minorities that shared the jail space, will forever stand as evidence to refute the claims made by the Beltway’s current elite. – Troy Smocks for the Gateway Pundit

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Here’s Donald Trump a couple of years ago pointing out that Europe, especially Germany, was going to be held hostage by Russian oil and that it represented a massive threat to NATO. He was right. Watch this:

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    skipugh Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    She shoots she scores

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