Henry Payne for August 31, 2012

  1. Makotrans
    Ketira  almost 12 years ago

    I’m not a Mormon, so I wouldn’t know if that religion allowed tattoos. I do know a Mormon, but I’m not sure if he’s awake right now as he’s at WorldCon right now.

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  2. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago

    The guy has a whole lot more skeletons in his closet that he’s not talking about, either.Like not releasing his tax returns, which would reveal he hasn’t tithed anywhere near 10% of his earnings to the Mormon church, exposing himself as a liar in this department, too.Barbara Boxer says she had opened a chance to speak out on this at Tell Mitt Romney-Release Your Tax Returns.

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  3. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  almost 12 years ago

    I thought Mitt wore the funny Mormon underpants.

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  4. Me as santa
    lcdrlar  almost 12 years ago

    And Obama sealed ALL his records about his education and work history, so no one could see his lies and anti-american affiliations.

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  5. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    With all the money he’s got stashed in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Switzerland,IRA’s and God only knows where else, he needed to take a salary for running the Olympics?Which, by the way, taxpayers footed the bill for, for that extravaganza in the middle of nowhere to the tune of $1 Billion dollars.And the convention center in Tampa was built by taxpayers there footing 62% of the bill for its construction.But we are told by reeps that government is the enemy.

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  6. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    As to “job creation”-During his time as governor of Massachusetts, Massachusetts was ranked 47th out of 50 states in job creation. Great “job creating” skills,huh?More like “reverse job creation” for U.S. workers while at Bain. Big Bucks told them to not worry about it. He got his money, everyone else can go to hell.Wall Street loved his reverse job creation. Great for profits, so why worry about anyone or anything else? They’ve got theirs.Workers in China, Singapore, India, etc. loved reverse U.S. job creation.

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  7. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago

    Please forgive me, guys.All my carping and complaining about those with the Big Bucks stems from my being a pauper and being green with “envy” of those with the Big Bucks.Actually, believe there’s no greater disgrace than to die rich with so much need in the world.

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  8. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    Daddy Big Bucks released 23 years worth of tax returns to McCain’s campaign cohorts, and McCain rejected Big Bucks for Palin.McCain knew what was in those returns.The 1 year of tax returns Big Bucks has released neatly omitted a REQUIRED form disclosing foreign holdings.Personally kind of resent paying 30% in taxes while Big Bucks and megaconglomerates weasel their way out of every nickel they can in NOT paying taxes.Great “patriots”. these.Guys in service are told that part of the reason they’re in uniform is to protect our right to vote.reeps in state legislatures enact all manner of voter suppression measures to rig the election.Again, great “patriots”, these.This crew gets elected, and the U.S. can give up all hope of ever joining the ranks of the civilised countries of this world!

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  9. Missing large
    Cat43ullus  almost 12 years ago

    Heffalumps are lining up to kiss Willtt’s tat.

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  10. Missing large
    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    You can have that tattoo removed, Mittens, right after your concession speech in Nov.

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  11. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    That’s it in a nutshell, Mick. The tax laws DO need fixing, to make them reasonable for ALL. This is all about fairness and real compassion for those who don’t have the Big Bucks.Unfortunately beyond the ability of ordinary 99%ers to accomplish. As with everything else in this crippled country, the game is rigged, and the big money gang calls the shots, and will seek to keep the game rigged by crushing everyone with the weight of their Big Bucks,We peons don’t have access to Koch Brother-level campaign “donations” (read-legalised BRIBERY), sufficient to combat the unfairness.We also have Supremes who decree that money is free speech and corporations are people, for God’s sake.Will believe corporations are people when Texas executes one!We peons also lack sufficient loopholes to exploit , ability to afford tax lawyers, access to lobbyists plus the ability to buy politicians. reeps profess to be God-fearing men, but apparently never read that stuff about camels, the eyes of needles and rich men in the hereafter. Hey, rules are for other people, not ME. NIMBY.Whole lotta other stuff they disregard with respect to the Bible, too, when it comes to greed and money.A lot of people may be getting rich under the current idiotic tax laws (maybe legal, but sure as hell not ethical).But what the hell, it’s expecting a hell of a lot to think reeps should have functioning consciences.But of course, that’s just my “envy” showing, again.

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  12. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, they really did a job on Carter, didn’t they.

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  13. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    Please remember your words as you’re standing in line at one of the few remaining soup kitchens that may remain with a reep win.They’ll find a way to destroy the last soup kitchens serving the lowly 99%..Can’t have such Socialist in this great country here in the backwaters of the world.

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  14. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    Your username is incomplete. Should be:

    Ima Blind Follower Of reep B.S. (Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart).

    Please enter full username in 2013.You won’t even be able to get a McJob then.

    ……..“wanting to serve”……. the Banana Republic of the (former) u.s. is more like it.And you won’t have any bananas to eat, either.Those will be property of the 1%, too.Surely, you jest. All he wants to serve is himself and his 1% partners in crime.And Honest Abe weeps in shame at what his party has become.And our Creator shudders at the thought of what His Creation has done to one another.

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  15. Makotrans
    Ketira  almost 12 years ago

    Thank you. The only other Mormon I know is a webcomic artist, and as I said, he’s at WorldCon right now as he’s a Hugo nominee. You may have heard of him: Howard Tayler…?

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  16. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Too bad Payne didn’t draw the ChickenHawk with the yellow streak down the back.

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  17. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    Krazy Ig’s not so crazy.He’s just telling it like it is.sheldon adelson, koch’s, and too many others to mention have already paid homage to their hero’s tat, and will be looking forward to oodles of more bucks flowing their way.They’re hard at work buying other politicians all over the map, and using their “free speech” rights, granted them courtesy of Citizens United to rig elections , disenfranchising millions who might vote the wrong way.How very “patriotic”. What beautiful excuses for human beings they are.Thanks, Supremes.You’re all heart.

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