Lalo Alcaraz for September 17, 2009

  1. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    That obvious huh.

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  2. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 14 years ago

    Jimmy Carter as a southern white man of his age knows racism when he sees it and much of the insults thrown at Obama is 100% racism. The rabid racist fringe has been showing this and finally, someone who knows the signs has pointed this out.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Note in the cartoon they’re BOTH “lefties”? Racism, and reverse-racism is alive and well, all around the world, and the U.S. Human nature IS to hate or kill anything different, or over which they give themselves “dominion”- not understanding that dominion demands protection and care of that object, animal, or person.

    I predicted exactly what is happening before the Convention nominated Obama, and am, unfortunately, not at all surprised by the resurgence of xenophobia here at home, as it was already rampant against “Hispanics”, “Muslims”, “Iraqis”, and those who eat the wrong brand of margarine, in the humble opinion of bigots of all stripes.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    “racist” meme.

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    deadheadzan  over 14 years ago

    When white people carry signs calling the president Hitler and a Nazi and deliberately carry fire arms where he is speaking, and Beck and Limbaugh preach the salvation of the USA must be brought about violently then that is racist. You that say it’s not racism what do you have to say about this provocative behavior?

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    deadheadzan, most of that sounds like sensationalism; and I can almost say without a doubt that Limbaugh has not called for violence against the Obama Regime. And if he had - he would be wrong. Beck - I don’t listen to. I don’t believe everything radio commentators say. You are being exploited by your chosen Dems, Zan. They know that if they can make people think there is an “enemy” out there ready to deprive them of their freedom; they can continue and start with the next battle. And the Mainstream Media only wants to concentrate on the sensational that fits their template.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    church, speaking for myself, I find your comments disingenuous. For one, since you brought my name up,I’ve been very clear in other posts about where I found elements of racism and I do not claim racism in mere opposition to Obama.

    Believing that Wilson’s outburst on floor of Congress during a speech is different than saying Bush lied about reasons for going to war is not claiming racism on your part or others who think as you do.

    They can’t argue the facts . Sure hope you’re not referring to me cause I spent time finding links to watch/read what others said to Bush. Those were facts. And they keep being argued endlessly.

    You and I clearly disagree on the Reid/Wilson issue, but not for lack of facts, nor claims of racism.

    Did you see the post on L. Benson 9/14 about possibility of work from PR firms?

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    FWIW: Obama acted Presidential; GOP acted like sulking losers with no meritorious plans of their own to offer. Let’s move on, please.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    church, OK, I accept your explanation.

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  10. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 14 years ago

    I don’t recall people with guns showing up at any Bush functions. What concerns me is the blatent violence that is being called for such as “watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants” and then Obama being called a tyrant and “Hitler” and a nazi. I remember the political assasinations of JFK,RFK, and MLK. Where were you people when these assasinations took place? I do not want violence attempted on Obama. What do you think? Are some unhinged types thinking of an attempt? I certainly think they are being encouraged to think they would be patriotic by doing so.

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  11. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 14 years ago

    No fear, believe me, I am not trying to be led by sensationalism but have lived through the political violence mentioned in above post and my main concern is to prevent harm to Obama. If by pointing out patterns of violence that have occured, makes people stop and think, and maybe turn down the rhetoric, that will help somewhat.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    dhzan, two good posts above. I too remember that five-year period of assassinations of JFK, then MLK, then RFK. I remember thinking “what is wrong with my country?’ Then years later, Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk were assassinated. I understand Nancy Pelosi’s emotion while talking about it. I knew George Moscone when he was in the CA State Senate. I got to know his widow later when I worked on Democratic National Convention in San Francisco.

    Those that incite violence from their pulpits bear some responsibility for violent acts when they occur. This isn’t a partisan issue, this isn’t about being left or being right, this is about the very essence of our nation.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    We have protocol against Presidential Assassinations, Zan. In the end , that’s the best defense against someone making him a target (besides the Secret Service). Veep Biden will take his place and stick it even more to the opposition or the crazies’ idyllic hopes.

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  14. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 14 years ago

    bcs, I agree with you that if those that preach violence certainly bear some (I think a great deal) of responsibility if a violent act then does occur. It should not be partisan or left or right, it is about the fabric of our civilization. What kind of society do we want to live in? I certainly would like to live in a sane place where social responsibility is valued, where we try and at least tolerate others whose views may differ from our own.

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  15. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 14 years ago

    I don’t buy the Oswald was a Marxist theory. I think he was paid off by right wing extremists such as the John Birch Society. This also goes for RFK. Naturally the right wing would be careful to try and cover their tracks. Also The killing of MLK involved a racist conspiracy. I believe this because I watched these events that happened during my lifetime. Regarding that antiabortion protester, I read that the guy that shot him was not part of a pro choice group but he had a grudge against one person he shot and was ticked off by the one fellow that held up pictures of dead fetuses. Whenever short tempered people have access to fire arms there are shooting victims. People in the rally last Saturday had signs reading “We didn’t come armed THIS TIME!” That is a form of aggresion and intimidation that lefties don’t use.

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    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    I think it was due to ties with organized crime but that is another story.

    IMO the accusations levied at Obama - at least many of them - are not racist in and of themselves. However, Carter imo has a point - some of the people making the accusations are probably racists themselves, and are making those accusations because of their hatred of Obama.

    To paraphrase the old joke, you don’t have to be racist to hate Obama and shout that BS, but it helps.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    church, I’m disappointed in your response. I believe you have missed the fundamental point. This is what I wrote:

    Those that incite violence from their pulpits bear some responsibility for violent acts when they occur. This isn’t a partisan issue, this isn’t about being left or being right, this is about the very essence of our nation.

    From that, you’ve added the very labels I believe are not the issue (Democrat, left-wing, marxist, communist, anti-Zionist, gay).

    The issue is violence and assassination. They are all equally dead because violence was used for political purposes.

    I don’t agree with your assessment of JFK, MLK, RFK, Moscone and Milk assassinations, but will not go into details, because that is not and was not my point.

    You take my statement critical of inciting violence from the pulpit and YOU turn it into trying to stifle dissent. You say none were caused by right-wing uprisings, but you made the claim, not me.

    You say two abortion protesters were killed, but neglect to mention the doctor who performed abortions was killed in church. You seem to be cherry picking facts that support your thesis of refutations of claims I never made.

    I don’t care whether you like Pelosi or not, but what a low-class cheap shot you leveled at her to claim “fake tears.” How the h#ll would you know that, church? What an ugly statement to make! Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

    Assassinations and political violence are ugly, no matter what the convoluted reasons. You can parse them into groups and reasons, but not me. I condemn them all.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    Are the Dems trying to incite riots again?

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    church wrote: ”As far as Pelosi’s “emotion” (as you put it), she was trying to equate the violence in SF following an unjust verdict that had nothing to do with politics with peaceful political dissent. This was done ONLY to quell any dissent. Very disingenuous.”

    You don’t even know her, why would you assume such crass motives? She said she recalled another time heated and hateful rhetoric ended in violence. She lived through those times, including the assassination of two people she knew well. It was emotional for her, and those times were ugly.

    church: ”The very essence of our nation is free speech. Please give me an instance of inciting violence.”

    I would never advocate curtailing free speech, never in a million years. I believe that our leaders have an obligation to be responsible with their speech. It’s part of being a leader. Some wear the mantle well, some discard that mantle altogether for short-term political gain.

    I fully believe the statement of mine that you quoted in your post. I don’t have to prove it, it’s a belief. Just as you can’t prove Pelosi used “fake” tears to attempt to quell dissent.

    and the fact that you felt the need to assign labels IN CAPITAL LETTERS to the words Democratic, Democrat, and Gay community kind of proves the point I made in my last post to you.

    ”Assassinations and political violence are ugly, no matter what the convoluted reasons. You can parse them into groups and reasons, but not me. I condemn them all.”

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    oldlego: you are a disgusting man!

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    ^ you may be revealing yourself as another woman hater on this site

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    ^ if you were joking, just say so. Written words don’t always convey sarcasm well. You consider the “botoxed face” was a joke?

    And sarcasm, well-done, is welcome. Yours wasn’t.

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  23. Missing large
    pilotx  over 14 years ago

    Hey Scott, the GOP does not even have ONE Black nationally elected official. Before you go dreaming about a Black Republican president you need to get ONE representative first. Do that and then let me know that there is no racism on the right. But of course in 2009 there is no racism I just imagine those comments on website that have stories about Obama, his wife or his children or any Black person. We all fly confederate flags and fight for their inclusion on state grounds (as Joe Wilson did). Sure nothing to see here people move along.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    ^^ “Pelosi botox jokes have been popular for a number of years.” Only amongst a small number of small people.

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