Lisa Benson for October 25, 2011

  1. Missing large
    vicrauch  over 12 years ago

    @clark, Skip is from the planet Earth. This is where there are too many humans with inflated egos thinking they are so powerful that they can actually change the earth’s climate. You know, the overall warming and cooling that goofball evolutionist think humans do. It is interesting that some people actually think, and some even believe, that something as beautiful and well designed as a rose “just happened!” And then these evolutionists turn to people that know God created everything and call us stupid? They think it is intelligent to believe that matter was either always here, or “just happened” but it is not intelligent to believe that God has always been. Very interesting.

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  2. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  over 12 years ago

    It is not Socialist for people to want to curtail the greed of big businesses and those that run those businesses. Otherwise we will all be working for the Company, living in Company housing and buying at the Company store. Did I say “working”???

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  3. Stitch icon
    hanmari  over 12 years ago

    Climate change happens. Ice ages come and go. Should we get scared and burn modern civilization to the ground and live in caves? I’m not willing to destroy the advancements of the modern age and go back to agrarianism just because a bunch of nut jobs think the world is coming to end because the temperature outside isn’t the same as it was twenty years ago.

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  4. Drstrangelove slim pickens riding the bomb
    Kirk Sinclair  over 12 years ago

    @hanmari – “a bunch of nutjobs” – like the overwhelming majority of the world’s scientists who are convinced that man made climate change is real?:I love how ignorant people, who know nothing of the science think they know more than thousands of educated people who’ve studied it deeply.:I live in California, and thank God everyday that it’s not as backwards as the rest of the country. We actually have done something about the local climate over the last few decades. Because of our strict air pollution laws, enacted against stiff opposition from the auto industry, our air is vastly cleaner than it used to be, decades ago. So don’t give me this crap that we cannot change things for the better. California is living proof that this is not so.:Try to learn from people who know more than you do, instead of being so hopelessly ignorant.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Controlling carbon makes sense, period. As to “intelligence”, of various sorts. At the time we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we still hadn’t identified sub-components of the proton, just theory yet to be developed. Now we’re playing with those components at the subatomic level to find answers to the greatest expanses of the universe, and how we “got here”. Yup, it takes far less brain power to just accept millennia old mythology, that’s been consistently debunked by observations that didn’t even require that much “science”. There’s nothing per se wrong with “faith”, if folks don’t go to the extreme of demanding literal interpretations of literature, instead of learning the lessons taught. Even the Brothers Grimm taught moral lessons, with less brutality.

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  6. Prr
    Loco80  over 12 years ago

    Ronald Reagan’s California actually lived up tp your claims. That was 30+ years ago, old timer! Since then, you have really slipped into the toilet. California is a huge leach, sucking America to death! EVERY state can claim better. However, California does grow the best marijuana, which YOU can obviously attest to.

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