Michael Ramirez for August 24, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    The earthquake actually resulted from Cantor just THINKING to himself, “Maybe we SHOULD raise some taxes.”

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    Magnaut  almost 13 years ago

    but the KING is in martha’s vineyard

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    stoic567  almost 13 years ago

    What did Barack Obama do with all that money?

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  4. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    The cartoon’s metaphor is wrong. If we don’t help people out of the Great Republican Recession, then our entire econom y will continue as the house of cards it was during the Bush-Dick years.

    How do you think that we got into this mess?

    In re yesterday’s discussion:

    Torture is against the U.S. Constitution. Read the 8th Amendment.

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  5. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    No, Wraith, you are wrong. Torture is a cruel & unusual punishment, and the Eighth Amendment describes what is forbidden to exist in the U.S. or to be practiced by any American. It does not state that ONLY U.S. CITIZENS are to be free from cruel & unusual punishments.

    Along with your description of our recently past economy, add the low taxes of Bush-Dick that encouraged the wealthy to keep and not to employ, and Republican neglect of regulation, which encouraged the housing bubble.

    Let’s keep all those who got us in this mess OUT of office and install legislators who, like our Chief Executive, want responsible spending & earning.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Responsible spending an earning? Seriously? What are you on? This current CIC is the most irresponsible president in the history of our country, spending more in 2 years than Bush (the person whom you say is the worst president) did in 8. Our current Commander in Chief has no executive experience, and rules on distorted ideology instead of what’s good for the entire country. He’s leading us down an European-style implosion where the federal government rules our lives cradle to grave. We can already see where that leads us: Distinctly high and chronic unemployment, low productivity, and massive debt:GDP ratios. Your beloved messiah couldn’t lead his way out of a paper bag, much less the most powerful country on the face of this planet. I also know why Perry said over half our military doesn’t have faith in the POTUS: Because he is a strategic neophyte and has no concept of what it takes to not only lead but to win wars. He hasn’t served a day in his life, so how can he possibly know what it means to sacrifice for our families?! Obama has been bred from the start of his political career by the Daly Machine to hold this office and transition America into a Marxist, socialistic country so that government can have more control over your life. Period.I won’t pretend that Bush wasn’t faultless in this problem, but the housing problem started BEFORE him, when the concept of owning a home was transitioned from a priviledge to a right, by Hill Billary. As for torture? You are wrong… the US Constitution applies to US Citizens. That’s why it’s the “United States Constitution.” It’s not the “World Constitution.” Our Constitution governs our populace, not the populace of some back-woods desert country that has women’s rights set back 300 years from today’s society. Otherwise, we would be waging war on EVERYONE who has human rights’ violations, everywhere. It’s called a concept of sovereignty, something you clearly don’t understand, especially given the left’s propensity to support amnesty to people who are here against our sovereign law. When you are dealing with international forces (if you want to call foreign combative people that), at best they fall under the governance of the Geneva Conventions, which they do not because they are un-uniformed troops seeking to affect sociopolitical change by radical ideological attacks on innocent civilians.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Crook, it’s interesting on your point of Bush’s debt details, yet didn’t point out the specifics of Obama’s. Typical denialistic mentality. Also, politifact is not reliable (as it’s heavily left-leaning), and I remember someone else griping on here about using blogs. However, I do not state the information on a blog as not true. Yes, Bush added only 3 million jobs. How many has BHO added? Or… perhaps… lost? How many trillions has BHO pissed away in his attempt to reshape our fundamental fabric? You want to say that it was “to get us out of all the messes that your president created.” However, let’s look at the “spending” he did for our benefit to “fix” Bush’s problems.

    First measure passed by his gloriousness was the stimulous package. Where did most of the money go? Oh, right. Public sector jobs — which are a direct drain on private sector jobs. Each public sector job “saved” cost the taxpayer how much? Per the GAO (Government Accountability Office), it’s $194,213. So… how did that help the 22 million unemployed people? Not at all, as I see it.Second measure that was passed was Obamacare. How exactly did that help unemployment? How exactly did that help the weak housing market that you are claiming was caused by Bush? All that this massive overhaul did was inhibit hiring, because there are now literally hundreds of new regulations because of it, and businesses are afraid to hire someone that (because of Obamacare) could end up being a liability instead of an asset. Oh… right. And it’s unconstitutional, AND it was opposed by 54% of Americans when it was passed. That’s some “best interest” action right there. I guess he knows better than everyone else in the country.Last was the financial regulation that was supposed to protect us from the housing bubble from occuring again. So… what’s happened since then? Fannie and Freddie, two of the major enablers of the problem, are being propped up by taxpayer money, and there was no mention of those two agencies in the overhaul. So they gave asprin to a patient who has a brain tumor! The problem is still there. And I haven’t even gotten on the topic of the budget… y’know, the thing that’s required of congress but wasn’t done for the last two years? Was Bush perfect? Absolutely not. Not even close. But when you are complaining about the problems Bush “created,” but neglect to include the fact that Obama’s actions for the past 3 years have made things worse, you invalidate your argument.And for the record, I don’t watch TV. I hate listening to talking bobbleheads on both sides. I do my own research, something you should do, Crook.As for the Constitution.. I’m done arguing with you on that topic. I’m guessing you’ve never sworn an oath in your entire life, and can’t possibly grasp the meaning of the contents of that document. Maybe you should grab a dictionary, first, and establish what the definition of “”http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/punish">punish" is. Interrogation is not punishment. Maybe you should learn to read.
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