Lisa Benson for August 19, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Iraq, Afghanistan anyone?

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  2. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 13 years ago


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  3.  the animation show
    fargopete  almost 13 years ago

    Imagine the money and resources we would have to fight this, if we only weren’t suckered by war profiteers into Iraq. They couldn’t wait to get into a scuffle, it will ‘boost the economy’ for them only.

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  4. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  almost 13 years ago

    Syria is what it is because of its culture. It is what it is because so much of the Middle East is seeped in a culture that does not value human life in any way whatsoever, and an attitude that deals with any hint of opposition with bruit force.

    Obama & Co. are doing and saying whatever they feel is necessary in light of the situation in Syria, but in reality, they themselves envy governments that have and weld the power that Bashar Al-assad has (hence, their love for “leaders” like Hugo Chavez and even Mao Zedong). Obama has said himself in so many words that he wants to by-pass all legislative process and simply declare laws from the executive seat unilaterally. What do you CALL a politician who desires such dictatorial power?

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    STASH Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Obama is already side stepping laws, one after another.He is a master at issuing executive orders.The latest is on immigration. Another that will hurt the economy is the new regulations on energy. In Detroit for example, because of Obama’s executive order on engery, DTE states that they will have to shut down plants that produces over 25% of electricity in metroDetroit by 1/1/13. They also said to expect rolling black outs.

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    Jason Allen  almost 13 years ago

    “They were shown the exact same intelligence information the president was given. The lies were their own.” Except the President knew the “intelligence” was made up.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    And this cartoon is pure bull. If Obama did anything about Syria, lisa would be the first to do a cartoon against it.

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    svenskabru2u  almost 13 years ago

    You win a Molsen and a doughnut, which is more than your opinion is worth, eh? Thank God I know a ton of intelligent Canadians. You and DrC make Doug and Bob Mackenzie look brilliant. Seriously, reading your posts is like watching The Great White North on SCTV all over again.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Except for the fact that Obama is constantly apologizing for us being great. I will never be proud of Obama. Well, lemme add a caveat: I will be proud of Obama if he renounces all the idiocy he’s done while in office. So… yeah. Never.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    You obviously have never engaged in any form of armed conflict. Until you do, shut the gaping hole in your face.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    He’s also trying to make peace with nations who have been known to not give a flying rat’s @ss about our opinion. He BOWS to the Saudis? He wants to TALK to Iran? He wants to have a meeting with North Korea? Seriously?

    Dr. Canuck, I know you’re from the apartment upstairs, but I think we (as Americans) have earned the right to be boastful (and all the other things you’ve mentioned). We are 236 years old, and look at what we’ve done in that time. We’ve saved the world from 2 world wars — not of our choosing. We’ve saved South Korea from being overrun, impoverished, and doomed to the same fate as N Korea. We’ve brought freedom to millions of people who wouldn’t have had the opportunity without us. We’ve provided medical aid to countries who have no medicine to speak of. We have been (up until lately) the most powerful economy on the planet, and have had the most technological advancement of any nation in our short history (We put a man on the moon for god’s sake). We have promoted freedom across the globe, and have furthered more freedom within our own borders than any other nation. All in our short national life. .Yes, we’ve made mistakes. LOTS of them. But we’ve also done amazing things as a nation. So when we look at our history, and say “We’re BAMF’s”? Yeah. We are…. with good reason.

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    svenskabru2u  almost 13 years ago

    You and your Canadian spelling can kiss my backside, right in the centre. Spelling doughnut without the ‘gh’ is something only Dunkn’ does, which could be a treasonous offense in the land of Tim Hortons, eh? As for Molson, well, I drink Labatt’s. Blue. Here’s to face off this October.

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