Nick Anderson for August 19, 2011

  1. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 12 years ago
    ZING!!! Poiiiiiiiiiinnnnng! Bullseye!!!__What he says…? Come out the other end of the Bull.
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  2. Missing large
    Magnaut  over 12 years ago

    Liberal BS……….no truth required

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  3. Missing large
    keechum  over 12 years ago

    I don’t care who is runing for office, but the cash flowing into the campaign is trash considering the national debt. What a waist, what a sin.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Perry is far from the only one taking huge “contributions” from “big oil” to tout their views on climate change, any one of them(most likely) exceeding all the “grant money” given out.

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  5. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 12 years ago

    ZING!!!!!!Magnaut, better catch up. Perry’s not even subtle about it.

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 12 years ago

    ^Wrong, wrong, wrong, harley. First of all, the warming is not even. Second of all, we also get droughts in areas we didn’t have them before. Third of all, you seem to think that if we can grow some wheat now, we can grow more later. Doesn’t work that way. Too hot, and some plants won’t survive. Just because we might get more weeds, for example, doesn’t mean we benefit. Fourth of all, one of the other effects include drastic changes in weather. Try growing in a monsoon. Or a hurricane.Not to mention the geopolitical implications if we can no longer grow enough food and suddenly Canada becomes the Grain Belt. Or, for that matter, Russia.And my God, you are being more aggressively ignorant than usual. Choosing to ignore facts in favor of a tightly-held belief is a religious cult, and that’s what you are doing.And I won’t even start on “s,” who clearly thinks SF movies have real scientists. Global warming is real. Anthropogenic global warming is real. We don’t even know how bad it is, but I do know this: EVERY SINGLE IPCC report has been more conservative in its predictions than what comes out of the data the next year. And they’re getting more dire all the time.

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  7.  the animation show
    fargopete  over 12 years ago

    Go get ’em Motive

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  8. Ahm8 perceptor
    perceptor3  over 12 years ago

    And progressives who only know how to insult, apparently. . .

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  9. Ahm8 perceptor
    perceptor3  over 12 years ago

    All right, ALL of you!

    Climate change. Is it happening? Of course! The climate of the Earth is in a state of CONSTANT change. Granted, those changes take place over long periods of time. But right now, we are still emerging from an ice age—of course the planet is warming up!

    Now, human involment. Are we contributing to climate change? Likely. We pump lots of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere every year. We also defoliate the planet and remove the plants that remove the carbon from the air. But how much do we actually affect things?

    I don’t think it’s possible to know. For one thing, we aren’t the only things influencing the planet’s climate. Volcanoes can spew millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere with a single eruption—and can also spread ash around the world, blocking sunlight (and heat). The sun goes through periodic cycles of sunspots and magnetic activity, that affect how much light and heat the planet receives (Google "Little Ice Age). Even the arrangements of our continents, and in turn the paths of ocean currents, can affect climate (Google “Snowball Earth”). We know the Earth has been both much cooler and much warmer in its distant past—with no mankind to help!

    Next, how well do we really understand what our climate is? We’ve only been keeping accurate meteorological records for a couple hundred years (not even that long in some places). We really don’t have enough data to understand cycles in weather and climate that might take place over the span of decades, or even centuries. Weather is a hobby of mine. . . I’ve noticed a lot of the “record breaking heat” we’ve been having lately is breaking records from almost a century ago, or the Dust Bowl. Where was climate change then?

    Also, a lot of the climate change doomsday scenarios include a lot of assumptions. Guesses. Estimations. Yes, there are facts mixed in, but a lot of it is our best guess. One study recently released discovered that the atmosphere is radiating much more of that trapped heat into space than was previously assumed. We simply don’t know everything about this planet. . .

    Now, there are a lot of politicians out there that find climate change a convenient tool to further their agendas. They use visions of a world destroyed to strike fear into the populace, and bring them power or wealth. That doesn’t negate the fact climate change exists. . . But it certainly hurts the cause when said politicians live in extravagant mansions and drive fleets of gas guzzlers!

    Climate change exists. We do need to change some of the ways we do things. But neither ignoring it nor turning it into a cult is going to help anyone. . .

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  10. Me one at home june 2009
    DavidMac  over 12 years ago

    Obama takes money from “Big Oil”, too. And takes money from foreign sources, laundered through George Soros’ corporate empire. Obama’s backers have bet heavily, invested a ton of money, on “green energy” and Obama is pushing “green energy” through EPA regulations. You liberals are foolish hypocrits.

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  11. Vh bluehat back
    vhammon  over 12 years ago

    We know that the human brain is inclined to screen out any information that does not fit existing understandings. The old story about the frog who, if dropped into hot water will promptly jump out, but will sit happily in steadily heating water until he’s boiled applies to humans, too. As Jared Diamond notes in Collapse;How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeedthere have been cultures on our planet that blindly grew into oblivion. There’s little evidence that our society is overall doing any better at changing our direction before going over the cliff. I’m afraid the fact that global climate change is finally beginning to get a significant amount of attention, may mean that it is too late.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Many of the problems affecting our oceans were clearly spelled out, based on “available data”, and have come true pretty much as predicted: By Rachel Carson in “The Sea Around Us”- in 1950. Other studies in ‘53 DID show climate cooling, due to soot and particulates, which, we’ve changed the input, but the system is still reacting poorly, to human caused changes. “Science” does input new data and provides corrections. “Deniers” call on a text over 2,000 years old, and remain dark and ignorant to truth- endangering us all, based on their current (and self-serving) INTERPRETATION of “faith”. Therein lies the true danger to us all.

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  13. 514 170x170 nopeel
    PAULHARVEY  over 12 years ago

    Cities are warmer because of the buildings and roads. They hold the heat and reradiate it. In Michigan the middle of the state is the warmest/coldest, because it it the furtherest from the Great Lakes, Battle Creek is pretty much in the middle, about the same from Lake Michigan and Lake St. Clair.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    The Antarctic shelfs are breaking up, at the same time, Wellington, New Zealand has gotten snow for the first time in decades- it’s not all “cold” or “hot”, but the CHANGE in climate patterns, weather, ocean pH, our wastes tossed into the environment, disappearing species (plant and animal) and MUCH much more, evidence piled on evidence, of our ignorance, apparently.

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  15. Psycho train tag
    SubwayEd  over 12 years ago

    The real solution to this quandary is amending the constitution (a long & hard process) overturning the Supreme Court decision, Citizens United v. FEC, declaring that corporations have the right to use money as a form of speech, and also by having our representatives change “Election Campaign Financing” laws (good luck getting that by the “tea baggers”).It’s all up to you.

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