Tom Toles for April 19, 2009

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    NoFearPup  about 15 years ago

    Libs never have any solutions…Policing the financial system would mean they couldn’t make their back room deals…so they jump to socializing the market. They win either way.

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    Simon_Jester  about 15 years ago

    Are you the same NOFEARPUP who was complaining about taking people out of context on another thread?

    It’s hard to tell, since there’s so many of you.

    But here you are, making claims about liberals based on WHAT exactly?

    Let’s hear it.

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    NoFearPup  about 15 years ago

    Tom Toles = “liberal”

    Do you mean the regulation Bush and McCain and Bush’s Regulator tried to put on Fannie Mae and FreddieMac? De-regulation is apparently okay if Libs like Maxine waters, Barney Frank and my local guy William Clay think it’s okay. This whole thing was really a financial “Katrina” perpetrated by lax Democrat_ rule… So the Libs are complicit too, but they main target is the CEO - who I admit should go - but they were only playing within the rules the presiding government set out for them.

    So trash Capitalism but ignore un-wise government intervention when it goes against your basic belief government is “Good”.

    Simon_Jester quit making the argument about “me”, that is childish and when followed logically disallows anyone from commenting about anything. So put down your energy drinks and your porn discs and grow up…

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    ralphman  about 15 years ago

    fire all of them.

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    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Wow, Puppy finds it so easy to rewrite history.

    Guess Puppy hasn’t made it all the way through her bible yet. Boy, will she be shocked when she finds out what happens to all liars.

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    Simon_Jester  about 15 years ago

    Ahhh yes….

    I hear righties talking about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd quite a lot these days.

    But you know what I NEVER hear them say in regards to those two?

    I never hear them say, “We told you so.”

    Because they didn’t tell us so. Back in 2005, when Frank is alleged to have done that dirty deed, did we hear even ONE rightwing pundit trying to sound an alarm? Was Rush…was ANY conservative saying, “This can’t be allowed to happen or it will cause a meltdown in the housing market?”

    Nope, it was only after the fact…AFTER the housing market crashed that the righties discovered Frank and Dodd. What I remember hearing from the right back in 2005 was a lot of gloating about how their party owned the legislative process. ( The Republicans had expanded their hold on Congress in the 2004 elections, if you recall. )

    That, and a lot of crowing about how well the economy was doing, and thank you President Bush.

    And what that tells me is this:

    The neocons don’t really care about dealing with the economic ills that face our nation. All they care about is finding a Dem on whom to blame everything.

    That’s why they’re out of power and reduced to holding ‘tea parties’, because the American people have had enough of such behavior in the face of a crisis.

    And given how much worse the neocons’ behavior of late has getting, I don’t hold out much hope for them in the near future.

    Oh and Sockpuppy? Word to the wise: It’s not the smoothest move on the dance floor to accuse someone else of being childish…and then in practically the same breath, start name-calling like a second-grader.

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    davids1243  about 15 years ago

    It’s funny that the Repubs try to blame two democrats for the mess when the Republs were the ones in charge! The repubs let TWO democrats take control when the repubs controlled the senate, congress and the Whitehouse? I wouldn’t be braggin’ about that. I guess they really are ineffective.

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    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    Yes, there were some Repubs that were calling for regulation of Fannie and Freddie that some Dems were against. But that’s NOT the whole story. Once again, they tell half-truths which are, in fact, whole lies.

    The “regulation” that some Repubs were calling for was to set up an private agency, independent of the government, to do the regulation. There were Dems like Dodd and Frank that were opposed to this idea, yes. But that doesn’t mean, like the lies Repubs peddle in today, that they were opposed to regulating Fannie and Freddie.

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    AdmNaismith  about 15 years ago

    Thew trend is clear. The Great Depression was caused by the same conditions we are experiencing now. The exact same conditions.

    The financial sector was heavily regulated through the 30s and a social safety net was implemented. The GOP has spent the last 70 undoing all of that work- to what end? Another Great Depression. Thanks GOP, for all the misery.

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    deadheadzan  about 15 years ago

    Very true and Bush tried to screw up Social Security before he left office, also.

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    NoFearPup  about 15 years ago

    Oh, please! You party hacksters know how things get done (or don’t get done) in Washington. How about the Dem Congress and Obama dragging their feet now… They can’t miss any opportunity to remind us how what they are about to do is still going to wreck the economy and raise unemployment. Yet, somewhere , behind some door somewhere - higher up Dems are saying, “We cant pass this load of (stuff); if we pass this (stuff) we’ve screwed up our one chance of keeping power…Can you rein in the crazies, Obama - Please?”

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